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The Is it Nap Time Yet? Teachers Lounge 12-21-2017


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As today is officially the Winter Solstice, maybe I now have an excuse to settle into a long winter's nap? Please? due to my own lack of self-discipline, I stayed up WAY too late watching a show on Netflix. I was hoping to sleep in but no . . . my bladder had to wake up! Thankfully, however, we are now officially on Christmas break, so no schoolwork (of the kids') to worry about right now.


Happy Thursday and welcome to the Lounge!


Are you on break yet? Here: yes! While I wanted to get more done with the kids this week school-wise, it dawned on my yesterday, that I have too much to do before Christmas to pile that on, too. So here we are, on break already! 


What holiday prep do you need to finish? Here: our living room needs a serious overhaul (read: a lot of junk needs to be removed), so I'll mainly work on that. Plus, try to figure out how to do a decent Christmas meal on a ridiculously tight budget.


What's your weather forecast for the week? Here: it's been chillier than normal and tonight the low is supposed to be around 38*F. To some of you that's normal, some not so cold. We live in Phoenix, AZ. For here, that's COLD. And I love it!


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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As today is officially the Winter Solstice, maybe I now have an excuse to settle into a long winter's nap? Please? due to my own lack of self-discipline, I stayed up WAY too late watching a show on Netflix. I was hoping to sleep in but no . . . my bladder had to wake up! Thankfully, however, we are now officially on Christmas break, so no schoolwork (of the kids') to worry about right now.


Happy Thursday and welcome to the Lounge!


Are you on break yet? Here: yes! While I wanted to get more done with the kids this week school-wise, it dawned on my yesterday, that I have too much to do before Christmas to pile that on, too. So here we are, on break already! 


What holiday prep do you need to finish? Here: our living room needs a serious overhaul (read: a lot of junk needs to be removed), so I'll mainly work on that. Plus, try to figure out how to do a decent Christmas meal on a ridiculously tight budget.


What's your weather forecast for the week? Here: it's been chillier than normal and tonight the low is supposed to be around 38*F. To some of you that's normal, some not so cold. We live in Phoenix, AZ. For here, that's COLD. And I love it!


Talk to me! :bigear:

We are on break, and have been since Monday. I faced grim frowns when I informed the boys that we were still going to art today. 

Holiday prep-all of it. Decorations, presents, etc. I might make something to eat on Saturday, but I don't know.

Wet. That's good. We need the rain.

That's all I've got. I'm still plugging away at improving my synopsis, proofreading the manuscript (again) and working on the sequel whilst waiting for rejections and composing more query letters.

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Definitely on break.  In fact, we are doing "weekend computer" schedules so have completely thrown in the towel.  Partially because dh has been home a lot.  He has asthmatic bronchitis and just found out he has Lymes.   :crying:    He went to the doctor for a cold that wouldn't quit and having trouble breathing while coughing, mentioned a tick bite from a few weeks ago (I don't think this is what he got lyme from, it was too big to be a deer tick) so doctor did the test.   He's been having joint problems all year and the orthopedic he went to diagnosed arthritis (dh is 61 and has old sports injuries so that seemed reasonable).  He also says now he's been feeling tired and brain foggy a lot, which he thought was just age.  He also had Shingles earlier in the year.  Poor guy has had a rough year.  We're in NJ so doctors are pretty aware of Lyme.  Doc put him on 30 days of antibiotics and I've been reading all the old Lyme posts on here to give him some other recommendations.


Only holiday prep left is cleaning.  Two baskets of laundry sitting in the living room, still haven't put out the nativity (I may not bother at this point), need to do general cleaning/vacuuming/etc.  of the whole house.  Need to water the plants.  But I'm also doing a freelance project that I want to get done before the weekend.


Warmer than normal for this week, then super cold next week.  Possible "winter weather" Sunday into Monday, or possible just rain.

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Yes Yes yes, I need a nap. I am still feeling drained from my gestational diabetes test combined with what I am assuming was a stomach virus.


Ds and I started school today, but we haven't gotten far. Dd is whiny this morning. She wants to watch sesame street, but only with me holding her. sigh. so we are all watching sesame street and not being productive. I was planning on doing school tomorrow too, but I might just be done today. I have a lot of cleaning that needs to get done.


As far as Christmas we have to wrap gifts and that's about it.


The weather I have no idea. I now it's warmer than usual, but not pleasant really. I have no idea, Ive been staying in a few days. Who know?

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Elizabeth, Sesame Street IS productive. Or, at least it was when my daughter was 6yo, we had just started homeschooling, and I had a newborn. I'm pretty sure most of that first semester of homeschooling was underwritten by Sesame Street! LOL


It's all good. You relax as you need to! 


Dorothy, sorry to hear that about your dh! I know a couple of people who struggle with the effects of Lyme Disease.

It can be brutal. I'll be praying for all of you!


Critterfixer, you inspire me! Oh, and guess what?? Hubby bought me Scrivener the other day!  :hurray: I'm not even going to delve into it, though, until Christmas so it can truly feel like a present.



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Elizabeth, Sesame Street IS productive. Or, at least it was when my daughter was 6yo, we had just started homeschooling, and I had a newborn. I'm pretty sure most of that first semester of homeschooling was underwritten by Sesame Street! LOL


It's all good. You relax as you need to!


Dorothy, sorry to hear that about your dh! I know a couple of people who struggle with the effects of Lyme Disease.

It can be brutal. I'll be praying for all of you!


Critterfixer, you inspire me! Oh, and guess what?? Hubby bought me Scrivener the other day! :hurray: I'm not even going to delve into it, though, until Christmas so it can truly feel like a present.

Thanks for the encouragement. I just feel impatient sitting here staring at a screen when laundry needs folding and ds was super focused and blowing through his work, but here I sit with the princess that will NOT watch tv alone

:lol: There should be 3 or 4 of me.

Edited by Elizabeth86
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Dorothy, I'm so sorry!  :(  This has to be hard on your dh.


We are on break here.  The big child came home from college, and except for outside lessons (skating and music), we have quit doing school entirely.  Even the music lesson I canceled next week - told his teacher it wouldn't even be worth it so close after Christmas day. 

Dh is still not as well as he would like to be so both of us are enjoying having another set of adult hands around to give me a hand with the heavy stuff.  Between me and the teen, we got the garage and storage room cleaned in no time at all today.  There's a threat of snow followed by ice coming up, and it will be safer for dh to have his vehicle in the garage than outside.  Better safe than sorry, no?

Other than that I've spent the day cleaning bathrooms, doing the never ending laundry, and getting all of January's lessons together so I don't have to think about what to do next.



Can I add a horrible, selfish Christmas complaint here?  Yes? Good. :laugh:  Every year, ever since the big child was small, we have had a book basket with the same holiday readings in it.  Every night I would sit and read from chapter books and picture books, up until the 19th, when I started A Christmas Carol and followed it with A Visit From St. Nicolas on Christmas Eve.  Every year.  The teen loved it.  In fact, this year he crept upstairs on the 19th when I started the Carol and sat there to listen.  I spent years being trained to tell stories.  It is a quite decent reading, I'll tell you that.

The small child.....Oh!  The small child!  He has no interest.  Even my book-hating nephew was captivated by The Best Christmas Pageant Ever when I read it.  The small child of this house politely told me I didn't need to continue because he read the book earlier that afternoon.  :glare:   Fine.  We got to A Christmas Carol in our annual reads and last night he took the second copy off our shelf.  I thought he was going to read along.  Halfway through, I hear his book close.  "I finished the chapter.  It was good."  And that was that.


What do you do with a child who doesn't want to be read to??  I'm so sad.  I don't know how to change the tradition or if I even want to.  Maybe in another year he'll sit for it?  Though, doubtful.  He has a near-photographic memory when it comes to information.  I just.... :crying:  I love these stories and wanted him to love them- with me.


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We are on break. Holiday prep consists of cleaning and decluttering to make room for the new stuff. We also have to wrap some presents still. I've been cleaning for the last hour while listening to Christmas music and am really enjoying it. Gotta pet sit now, run a few errands and get the kids to Kung Fu. More cleaning will commence after dinner.


The weather here is crazy in De. Hugh of 42 today. Saturday the high is 60. By Christmas the high is 38. It simply can't make up it's mind and I'm ok with that.

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   We are on break.  We did have a vision therapy appointment today for older DD.  Me and younger DD ran into the store and grabbed the last few groceries so we can hopefully not shop until everyone goes back to school/work.  All our christmas prep is done except a couple of last minute presents to wrap and baking the Jesus birthday cake but the girls will do that.

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Just realized an event I'm attending in about in hour is in the neighboring town and I'll

have to find the location, one I don't think I've been to, in the dark. Scottsdale, AZ is infamous for 

keeping the streetlight traffic really low. While that's fine if you want to step outside and look at the stars,

it is not at all helpful when trying to find a new location at night. Blah.  I'll survive. Just my mini-vent.

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Just realized an event I'm attending in about in hour is in the neighboring town and I'll

have to find the location, one I don't think I've been to, in the dark. Scottsdale, AZ is infamous for

keeping the streetlight traffic really low. While that's fine if you want to step outside and look at the stars,

it is not at all helpful when trying to find a new location at night. Blah. I'll survive. Just my mini-vent.

Ha, I was in Scottsdale in April and driving back to our Airbnb house when I noticed how dark it was. It was an annoying drive

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Good evening! I'm just getting on now because it's been a busy day and few days. Today is dh's birthday, but we celebrated with a couple of days in Atlanta this week. We did the Big City Hunt, the CNN tour, and the aquarium. 


Dorothy, that is an awful year! I pray he improves in health overall. 


We had our own Christmas today and left town coming to TN. We are spending the night with my dad and going on to Ohio tomorrow to have Christmas with dh's family. 


We are on break, and there's no more prep. 


We might see snow in Ohio this weekend! 


I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!!! 

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I actually am having a wee afternoon lay down. I'm struggling with feeling exhausted a lot lately and right now being holidays I'm not fighting it. Ds is banging the piano and DH is whippersnipping so sleep won't happen but rest is good.

I have to weed eat (whippersnip, weed whack) down the side of the drive before christmas. We got out key to the pool across the road the other day and spent a couple of hours there today. Other than cleaning that is all. Schools don't go back until Feb 7th but I have told the boys the start summer maths/writing on January 8th.

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