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Moving away, Coming of age in middle age.


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So, I told my parents that I am moving, first to the city (hour away) while I'm selling my house, then to an yet-to-be-determined location, with some travel in there.


It went a bit worse than I had hoped, but I'm not surprised by the reaction. 


Overall I feel relief and a sense of closure, actually. It's a weird experience when people lie about you to your face. Also hurtful when past actions are twisted to be seen in the worst possible light. (Homeschooling is a farce, and I only do it so I don't have to get up in the morning to take kids to the bus stop, or because I'm afraid my kids will find out "what real parents are like" if they go to school, DH has isolated me from them, etc, etc). But I think I've been through the worst of it already and so all this isn't phasing me as they intend it to. 


It's a mixed bag of emotions, still, because I do love them, and I know they just are ruled by their own fear and inability to accept anything "other." But I'm "other" now, and so it is what it is. 


Anyway, idk why I'm posting.  Just a vent/sigh of relief, I guess. It's over and done. They said this is just the "first discussion of many", but I've done what I need to. 


Please don't quote, just in case, thanks.


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We're always their little girl, aren't we? It's so hard to disappoint parents, even when we know we *have* to do it in order to be true to ourselves.


so - are you telling me I had many advantages for having a carp mother and holding her in utter contempt from time I was an adolescent?  and even when I became an adult and was "more reasonable"- I could see how lousy of a mother she was so while I loved her, I never respected her as a mother?  (so - I didn't care if she disapproved of my choices.)

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