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So nervous about today

Night Elf

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Dd19 is taking driving lessons today through Wednesday. It's two hours each day. She gets easily overwhelmed and cries easily. I suggested she be honest with her instructor at the beginning of the lesson that she does get overwhelmed because it may affect the routine that the instructor will take her through. For example, the instructor told me she takes new people onto a highway on their first day. This highway is known as the Atlanta Autobahn. This is going to get my dd upset but the instructor suggested I not warn dd ahead of time so I haven't talked to dd about what to expect except she starts in a fairgrounds parking lot and then gets on the road. I'm going to be a basket of nerves until I pick dd up from today's lesson. I've been trying to be super encouraging and telling her driving really isn't bad once you get used to it. The few times she's driven with me in the car she stays tense the whole time and her body is actually sore when we get home. That's after 20-30 minutes of driving. I sure hope she doesn't stay tense for 2 hours today!


Learning to drive finally is her idea, not mine. She wants to stay at school this summer and sublet a friend's apartment but it's a 20 minute drive away from the school/downtown area and the bus doesn't go to that residential neighborhood. And apparently DH already talked to her telling her he can't make a commitment to get her a car so now dd is wondering if getting a license is even necessary. I suggested she finish the driving lessons and then decide.

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It is normal to be tense when starting driving instruction. A professional driving instructor will have worked with all kinds of students, and she would not be the first student who is nervous. Trust the instructor to handle it. Often the teens do better with an instructor who is not their parent.

And if she stays tense for two hours, that is OK, to. Then she will do better in the next lesson etc.


After my first day of teaching, every muscle in my body ached, because I was so tense and stressed. And then it got better.

Trust your DD that she can handle this.

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I told her we'd go shopping for new boots if she felt up to it. 


Since I made the appointments for her while she was away at school, I was the one who talked to the driving instructor. She seemed no-nonsense, authoritative, yet nice. She told me what they were going to do each day and really it's to get the student ready to take the test. Dd won't be taking the test this December because I didn't know she wanted to learn to drive so we made the appointment late. You also have to make an appointment to take the driving test at the DDS and I'm positive they were full up since all students have off this month. She goes back to school on Jan. 2nd because school starts on the 4th. I'd like her to take her driving test during Spring break. I'm going to pay for a refresher course with an instructor the same week she takes the test. She should be good to go.


The instructor told me she would help alleviate dd's fears. I'd like to know how she's going to do that, but I trust her because she's a professional.

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Update: She survived her first outing. She teared up twice but didn't actually cry. When she was merging onto the highway, the instructor had to pull the wheel back to the right because dd was turning it to the left as she was looking for an opening to merge into. The instructor had to use her brakes a few times. So out of 10, dd got a 7.5 today. The instructor told her she did a good job and she should be proud of herself. Good!

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Good for her! I was terrified the first time I drove too, well beyond nervous. I don't think I went above 10mph and my entire body was shaking with fear. After a few minutes driving on quiet, residential streets, the instructor finally let me stop. He said the next time would be easier, and then mercifully he moved onto another student. But he was right, the second time was much easier, and the third even more so, etc. I was NOT ready for the freeway that first time. (I'm not sure I was even ready for the road -- a parking lot might have been a better start.) So I'd say your dd is doing great.

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Im so glad she did good today!!!


Im curious about how much driving experience she has if she is going to take the test at spring break. Our state requires a bare minimum of 40+ hours and part of that is required to be at night/after dark.


My kids had 100+ hours and most of thier friends had 60-80 hours and several topped 200 who lived a ways out of town. That is with driving several days per week for many short trips, so lots of backing out, parking in various lots/conditions, school zones, freeways, cities etc.


Does someone else drive with her too?

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Im so glad she did good today!!!


Im curious about how much driving experience she has if she is going to take the test at spring break. Our state requires a bare minimum of 40+ hours and part of that is required to be at night/after dark.


My kids had 100+ hours and most of thier friends had 60-80 hours and several topped 200 who lived a ways out of town. That is with driving several days per week for many short trips, so lots of backing out, parking in various lots/conditions, school zones, freeways, cities etc.


Does someone else drive with her too?


I have the ask the DDS about the supervised driving. She's 19 so she isn't subject to the teen laws. If she needs supervised driving, it will have to be her friends at school. One of her friends is 21 and has offered to teach her to drive with his car. The license requires 40 hours of driving including 6 at night. That's all. But I don't know if all adults getting first licenses need that. She does have some driving with us but not yet 40 hours. 

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I have the ask the DDS about the supervised driving. She's 19 so she isn't subject to the teen laws. If she needs supervised driving, it will have to be her friends at school. One of her friends is 21 and has offered to teach her to drive with his car. The license requires 40 hours of driving including 6 at night. That's all. But I don't know if all adults getting first licenses need that. She does have some driving with us but not yet 40 hours. 


The DDS site is confusing. It seems the supervised driving needs to be done when going for a Class D drivers license but she isn't a teen so she's going to be applying for a Class C license. The DDS has a live chat available so I'll ask tomorrow if she needs to do that to get her license. DH doesn't think she needs to.

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I have the ask the DDS about the supervised driving. She's 19 so she isn't subject to the teen laws. If she needs supervised driving, it will have to be her friends at school. One of her friends is 21 and has offered to teach her to drive with his car. The license requires 40 hours of driving including 6 at night. That's all. But I don't know if all adults getting first licenses need that. She does have some driving with us but not yet 40 hours.

Its not just about legal requirements. It is about having the skill and adequate practice to be a safe driver.

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Its not just about legal requirements. It is about having the skill and adequate practice to be a safe driver.


I understand that but I didn't know if a log had to be kept. For the record it doesn't. When a minor goes to get a Class D provisional license, the parent or guardian has to sign a statement saying the minor did do the required 40 hours. An adult doesn't need a parent or guardian to get a license.


I also just remembered that dd got her Instructional Permit the day before she turned 18 and the man told her to wait at least 7 days before coming back to get her real license. So I don't think they expect adults to do the practice driving.


FWIW, dd will probably get hours driving because of her friend but I don't know if it would be 40. The driving school she's taking instruction prepares her for the test. They even set the cones up with the way the DDS has them so the same course can be practiced before the test. The instructor told dd the test was super easy and she was sure she'd pass it. She also told me to keep dd driving. I told her that was hard for us to do with her being away at school but she impressed upon dd that driving skills can fade if not practiced which is why I think dd will get a lot of practice in with her friend.

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