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Ugh just a tiny vent


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My 2 year old still "nurses" but my milk is really gone. Any way, when I had milk, she never ate breakfast she just nursed. Now she she wakes up hungry and thirsty as she used to nurse all night long now she doesn't get milk all night. I can't get her to eat for hours. Problem is she is really hungry, thirsty, grouchy and crying to nurse all morning. I offer a cup of milk, smoothies, every kind of breakfast, even snacks just to get her to snap out of it. After she tries a bite of food she will then fill up and be happy. Mornings are exhausting. Oh and Happy Thanksgiving. We aren't eating until dinner time and I did most of my cooking yesterday, sooo I'd say I'm probably the only one on the forums today. I still needed to vent. Toddlers are a handful. Not to mention she refuses to wear clothes. On a bright note she has potty trained herself and never needs diapers at home.

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But then how do you break the ice cream for breakfast habit?


ETA didn't mean that to sound snarky. Food stuff is hard. One of mine would have happily starved without being allowed specific quirky food choices, and being at the bottom of the growth chart, bending to the kid's preferences was necessary for a time. Exhausting is right, and that's without the OP's added physical demand of nursing.

Edited by Seasider
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I'm confused. She still latches but you have no milk? I'd tell her no more milk there and stop having her attempt to nurse. Maybe I'm misunderstanding. If she knows there is no nursing, she may start to accept the food/drink sooner?


Yay on the potty training!! Mine is not super cooperative and turning 3 soon.

Well I'm pregnant and out of milk. She nurses for comfort (which sucks but I'm willing to be her pacifier, kind of hoping for tandem nursing)I don't want to tell her no. She just still has it in her mind being on the boob will satisfy her need for food and drink. I know when she is hungry because she asks to nurse not to eat or drink. It's like she just doesn't understand it doesnt fill her up anymore. She readily eats in the day, but she is just fussy in the morning and unwilling to eat.

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But then how do you break the ice cream for breakfast habit?


ETA didn't mean that to sound snarky. Food stuff is hard. One of mine would have happily starved without being allowed specific quirky food choices, and being at the bottom of the growth chart, bending to the kid's preferences was necessary for a time. Exhausting is right, and that's without the OP's added physical demand of nursing.

I was thinking this too. Lucky for me she is only fussy about breakfast.

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If you won't have milk anytime soon then I would think stopping/starting providing milk at the breast would be too complicated/confusing. If she doesn't understand I would tell her no milk. I guess you can let her use you as a pacifier and still inform her there's no milk there. Have you told her?

I've told her. I guess this is more of a ugh this is a rough stage vent. I'm sure she will come around. She and my first child both spent the entire morning nursing. It was like their morning coffee. They both just have a terrible time waking up in the morning. They are grumpy and unreasonable. she has no trouble accepting food when she is awake and happy.

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You know how you can "dream feed" a younger baby who is refusing to nurse? I've had some success handing a sippy cup with watered down juice to a toddler who is just barely awake. A cheerful, "Time for a drink and then nursies!" might help the cooperation level. Just bumping up her blood sugar a touch first might be all you need to get her to be reasonable.

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When I weaned my oldest she was around two.  In the morning her dad would get her up and give her a sippy cup with milk and she could eat dry cherrios.  She would sit on his lap and snuggle while they did this.  She knew she couldn't nurse with him so she'd go ahead and drink the milk and eat the cheerios.  It was like she just needed a little cuddle when first getting up for comfort.  After a couple of weeks of this she never asked to nurse in the mornings.  He would also put her to bed at night so she wouldn't ask to nurse.

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You know how you can "dream feed" a younger baby who is refusing to nurse? I've had some success handing a sippy cup with watered down juice to a toddler who is just barely awake. A cheerful, "Time for a drink and then nursies!" might help the cooperation level. Just bumping up her blood sugar a touch first might be all you need to get her to be reasonable.


yup, same. It's just to get the blood sugar up. 

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When I weaned my oldest she was around two. In the morning her dad would get her up and give her a sippy cup with milk and she could eat dry cherrios. She would sit on his lap and snuggle while they did this. She knew she couldn't nurse with him so she'd go ahead and drink the milk and eat the cheerios. It was like she just needed a little cuddle when first getting up for comfort. After a couple of weeks of this she never asked to nurse in the mornings. He would also put her to bed at night so she wouldn't ask to nurse.

This would be great, but she is going through a reject daddy phase.

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You know how you can "dream feed" a younger baby who is refusing to nurse? I've had some success handing a sippy cup with watered down juice to a toddler who is just barely awake. A cheerful, "Time for a drink and then nursies!" might help the cooperation level. Just bumping up her blood sugar a touch first might be all you need to get her to be reasonable.

It worked like a charm this morning!!!! When she cried for me this morning, I came in with a sippy of milk. Ar first she refused and then asked for a different cup. When I switched, she chugged down a ton of milk and is now having breakfast!!!

Edited by Elizabeth86
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