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NaNoWriMo 2017 Support and Chat thread


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I didn't see any threads addressing NaNoWriMo, so thought I'd start one.  ;)


Who's participating in National Novel Writers Month with me this year? 

What are your personal goals?

How long have you been a part of NaNoWriMo?



My personal goal is to actually write 50,000 words of an action/adventure cozi-style story by end of Nov. 30.

I've given myself a daily goal of 1667 (which is what it breaks down to on a daily basis), although I might have to bump that

up a bit as I plan on taking a couple of days off.


I've been putzing along in NaNoWriMo since about 2013 but THIS year is when I'm seriously committed.


How about YOU?

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I'm not doing it because I already have two significant in-progress writing projects, but I do plan to put in 50,000 words this month between my two projects. So, I'll join in this thread.


I only wrote 934 words yesterday. I'm almost at 2000 today and plan to make 1667 my minimum, too. 


Is anyone using an app to track word count? Specifically, an app that doesn't require you write in it? I tried to find an app that would keep a running total of my daily word counts, but I didn't come up with anything, so I'm just writing it on a paper calendar. I'd rather track it on my phone.

Edited by Sarah CB
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Glad to see you both. Hope we have more come in!


I'm a longhander. I write in longhand first, then do revisions as I type my story into a word-type program. 
So no app for me.


What genre are you working on?

Fiction or non-fiction?

Young Adult, New Adult, General, etc?


I'm writing an action/adventure fiction piece aimed at adults.

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I've been doing it for two years, is it? I do the camps, too, and that makes it hard for me to keep track. It's in my signature.

I'm trying for 50K this year. Last year I finished one and started another for a 100K month and that almost killed me, so not this year. I am editing the eighth draft of that first novel in preparation for seeking agents this winter.

I write adult rural fantasy. It's the dark, gritty kind that has parts you don't read out loud, even to your writers' group. :blush:

I track my progress with a pencil and a calendar. Old school.

I compose on the computer, but whenever I get stuck, out comes the legal pad, and that nearly always gets me going again.

My average word count on a day is 2K, with a stretch of 3K. I've got a few days off this month, and weekends are tough, when I typically can only put in a 1K day on Saturday, if I'm lucky.

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I was hoping to take part in it for the first time this year but so far it isn't looking good. The kids are on vacation this week, the house is a mess, and I am at the computer writing all day anyway (I work freelance as a translator so my working hours vary quite a bit). Still hoping things will slow down a bit so I can get started...

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I thought this would be the year to jump back in, but it's not looking good. A couple of things have just popped up that need my immediate attention.


I'm disappointed.


ETA well since this is supposed to be an encouraging thread, I went on over and logged into my account to create a new novel for this year. I have a lot of notes towards a rough draft so just maybe I'll squeak out 50K before the bell tolls. I better stay off the forums to do it!

Edited by Seasider
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This is my first year.  I wrote 2071 words yesterday.  Today I've only managed 768 so far.  I would like to stick with about 2000 a day so that I can take some days off around the holiday.  


Women's fiction-not sure if I would call it cozy.  We'll have to see at the end of the month.   ;)

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I'm in but a NaNo rebel. I'm working on a historical fiction mystery with a strong romance subplot. As of November 1st I was 25k words into it and plan to do 50k on it in November. 


I've done NaNo in the past but then DS was born and haven't attempted it again until now. I write everyday as is but usually only 500-1k words. 




Let's do it.


I'm not doing it because I already have two significant in-progress writing projects, but I do plan to put in 50,000 words this month between my two projects. So, I'll join in this thread.


I only wrote 934 words yesterday. I'm almost at 2000 today and plan to make 1667 my minimum, too. 


Is anyone using an app to track word count? Specifically, an app that doesn't require you write in it? I tried to find an app that would keep a running total of my daily word counts, but I didn't come up with anything, so I'm just writing it on a paper calendar. I'd rather track it on my phone.



I'm keeping a list of my words everyday in the notes section of Scrivener. What writing program do you use?

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My time varies greatly. I work full time from home so sometimes there are days when I just can't do it. Usually I try to do about 30 minutes. Right now I've been writing on an off for about two hours and have a little over 2k words.

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Glad to see you both. Hope we have more come in!


I'm a longhander. I write in longhand first, then do revisions as I type my story into a word-type program. 

So no app for me.


What genre are you working on?

Fiction or non-fiction?

Young Adult, New Adult, General, etc?


I'm writing an action/adventure fiction piece aimed at adults.


I write fiction. General, adult fiction, I guess.


Do you find word count hard to keep track of or do you do a rough estimate? I think I'd find that hard with writing longhand. 

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I've been doing it for two years, is it? I do the camps, too, and that makes it hard for me to keep track. It's in my signature.

I'm trying for 50K this year. Last year I finished one and started another for a 100K month and that almost killed me, so not this year. I am editing the eighth draft of that first novel in preparation for seeking agents this winter.

I write adult rural fantasy. It's the dark, gritty kind that has parts you don't read out loud, even to your writers' group. :blush:

I track my progress with a pencil and a calendar. Old school.

I compose on the computer, but whenever I get stuck, out comes the legal pad, and that nearly always gets me going again.

My average word count on a day is 2K, with a stretch of 3K. I've got a few days off this month, and weekends are tough, when I typically can only put in a 1K day on Saturday, if I'm lucky.


Wow. That's impressive. I can't imagine a 100K month. 


I find the same thing with getting stuck - I do a lot of free writing in a notebook, but actual composition on the computer. If I get stuck, I always go back to my notebook. 


I'm hoping my weekends will be just as productive as my weekdays, but I guess we'll see.

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I thought this would be the year to jump back in, but it's not looking good. A couple of things have just popped up that need my immediate attention.


I'm disappointed.


ETA well since this is supposed to be an encouraging thread, I went on over and logged into my account to create a new novel for this year. I have a lot of notes towards a rough draft so just maybe I'll squeak out 50K before the bell tolls. I better stay off the forums to do it!


That's great! I should stay off the Forums, too ;) 

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I'm keeping a list of my words everyday in the notes section of Scrivener. What writing program do you use?


I was using Scrivener, but I think I need to do another tutorial or something. I found myself getting too choppy with Scrivener - too scene driven, I guess. I moved out of it and am just using Pages on my Mac now. I love the idea of Scrivener.

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Wow. That's impressive. I can't imagine a 100K month. 


I find the same thing with getting stuck - I do a lot of free writing in a notebook, but actual composition on the computer. If I get stuck, I always go back to my notebook. 


I'm hoping my weekends will be just as productive as my weekdays, but I guess we'll see.

Never again! I wanted to finish one manuscript and get a head start on the first draft of the other. I did it, but it wasn't that great for me as a writer.

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For those of you who write daily, how long do you usually spend on it?


I’ve decided to try it this year for the first time. We’ll see how it goes!

I am a slowcoach. I try to put in an hour in the morning, an hour or two in the afternoon and an hour or so in the evening. I can get 800 to 1000 in an hour. So three hours a day usually nets me 3000. Not always. 

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I'm in! I've written about 5,000 words so far, but haven't written anything yet today. (I will just as soon as I get off the forums  :laugh:) I've won twice before (in 2005 and 2015), and thought I would do it but backed out at the last minute another time or two. 


I write fantasy, and this year my goal (besides hitting 50,000) is to write something fun and light-hearted. I want to make myself smile, and fill my imagination with ridiculous things that amuse me. (My surfer-dude mage just pulled out his magical emery board, so  so far, so good!)


I downloaded Scrivener in 2015, but I do most of my typing on a laptop, and the buttons are all so tiny on Scrivener on my laptop that it just doesn't work for me. So MS Word it is! 


Okay, really going to write now. Honest.

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I'm doing Nano. I got off to a good start on Wednesday, but then didn't write at all on Fri-Sun, so this week I'm playing catch up!


Anyone want to share a synopsis?

The current synopsis is too long--but here's my high concept and logline. I'm sitting around 10K right now.


Those who would forget the past are doomed to remember it. As my protagonist struggles to find his place in the community, the remembering of things past threatens not only his future, but the future of all others like him. He is forced to choose between what is best for him, and what is right for his beloved South, even if it means reigniting civil war.



Edited by Critterfixer
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I am very far behind! It was an extra busy week. I'm hoping to get some more time this week.


Happy writing!

I'm at 21K, but hope to get a little bit ahead tomorrow. With Thanksgiving week coming up and stuff going on around that time, the more I can write early on, the better.

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Jumping in here... I'm doing NaNo this year as a rebel, working on a redraft of a book I wrote years ago. It's cross-genre fantasy. Kind of John LeCarre meets Guy Kay meets Robin Hobb meets Diana Gabaldon, except not that steamy. [emoji5] A couple of years ago I pulled the old draft out of my closet and ripped it up, changed up the characters, and wrote about 20K on a new draft. Then I had a special needs baby and put it aside until this past July.


I've mostly spent this month looping back through part 2 and adding/revising stuff as I finally figured out what the plot needed. I try to do 1K every day and have been getting a bit more than that. But I have 7 kids at home and my youngest has Down Syndrome so it takes me quite a few short sessions to get to that total. And I write after the kids are in bed.


I've been happily using Scrivener but I agree that its weak point is looking at the overall flow.



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How's everyone doing? I'm falling behind. I'm at 13,763 right now. I actually found it easier when I was working on two separate writing projects. If I got stuck with one, I could hop over to the other. But, I've finished one of the projects so now I only have one thing I'm working on. 

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Last week was a bit of a slog, but I'm hanging in there. I'm about 2k behind, but remain hopeful. 


Last night I did my first word sprint, and it was amazing! I thought I'd hate it, but it went great, took the pressure off to write something good (which I thought I'd already done, but apparently not), and I wrote over 500 words in ten minutes. 


I also discovered Dabble a few days in, switched over to that (from a Word document) and I'm loving it. 

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How's everyone doing? I'm falling behind. I'm at 13,763 right now. I actually found it easier when I was working on two separate writing projects. If I got stuck with one, I could hop over to the other. But, I've finished one of the projects so now I only have one thing I'm working on. 

One reason I like the NaNo camps better than November is that I don't feel bad if I get stuck and go spend some hours editing another manuscript to help with my total. 

I've been wallowing in the same place for about three chapters (finally getting out) and boy, did I want to go edit or work on a short story or something!

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I'm at 23,024 and hoping to hit over 25,000 today.  Need to be ready for the holidays and shopping next week so trying to stay ahead on the word count.  


ETA: I did it!  Updated my word count to  25,113 last night. 

Edited by Nemom
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Since I went back to school, I had to switch to the summer camps. November is at the time of the semester winding down and doing research adn writing final papers, so adding in novel writing just doesn't happen. The camps are fun but I miss the fun and ferocity of November! I still follow the forums and all the writing pals I've made over all my years of Nano :)


As for Scrivener, I like the style, though I also write in chapters, not scenes in separate docs. I just stick a little divider line in between scenes for reference. I like the style of Scrivener (I use the windows version) but I keep looking for something similar but less complicated/pared down but similar. There's so much in Scrivener I don't ever get to it all and keep having to look up how to do stuff. It's not all that intuitive, for me. I use it, though, for writing academic papers - mostly for the laying out the research notes I'll use and making the outline but for papers I write in Word. Scrivener is kinda clunky for footnotes and such.


I've been playing with Dabbler too, and like it but find it still a little sparse on tools. I love the layout though and am looking forward to see where it goes.


Great work on all the words so far!

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I write fiction. General, adult fiction, I guess.


Do you find word count hard to keep track of or do you do a rough estimate? I think I'd find that hard with writing longhand. 


Finally figured out I average abotu 6 words per line in my notebook. During word sprints, I divide the page into six columns and just write. That way, at the end of a spring, I can just count the lines and multiply by 6 and get a close-to-accurate word count. In the notebook I'm using presently, if I write six words per line, I get 144 words per page.


I'm still trying to find a balance between the craze of NaNoWriMo and family life. Haven't quite figured that out yet.

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Finally figured out I average abotu 6 words per line in my notebook. During word sprints, I divide the page into six columns and just write. That way, at the end of a spring, I can just count the lines and multiply by 6 and get a close-to-accurate word count. In the notebook I'm using presently, if I write six words per line, I get 144 words per page.


I'm still trying to find a balance between the craze of NaNoWriMo and family life. Haven't quite figured that out yet.

I have so much admiration for anyone trying to do this writing longhand.  

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I'm past the halfway mark too. I'm a nano rebel though and I'm working on a WIP that I started in October. I just hit 55k overall which is too many words for a book in the mystery/romance genre. Oops. Lots of editing to be done!

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I'm past the halfway mark too. I'm a nano rebel though and I'm working on a WIP that I started in October. I just hit 55k overall which is too many words for a book in the mystery/romance genre. Oops. Lots of editing to be done!

There is that. I go way over count most of the time. But it's a first draft, and it takes me a while to get the story the way I like it. I prefer to have more than less at this point.

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I'm right around 22,000 words as of last night. Will be working on my WIP more today. I'm not sure I'll get to 50,000 by month's

end - but I'm not sure I won't, either! As long as I plug along each day! Plus, when I meet with my fellow writer peeps, sometimes  

we wind up chatting more than writing BUT they give me good ideas or help me think through why a certain character is doing something

or stationed somewhere. They also help me think through the behavior of my antagonist, which is my least favorite thing to do with a story.

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I'm right around 22,000 words as of last night. Will be working on my WIP more today. I'm not sure I'll get to 50,000 by month's

end - but I'm not sure I won't, either! As long as I plug along each day! Plus, when I meet with my fellow writer peeps, sometimes  

we wind up chatting more than writing BUT they give me good ideas or help me think through why a certain character is doing something

or stationed somewhere. They also help me think through the behavior of my antagonist, which is my least favorite thing to do with a story.


Great job!  Keep plugging along and you will get there.  You are a winner if you don't make it to the full 50,000!

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I'd hoped to hit 30K today, but I'm shy 20 words and I really planned on doing some painting tonight. I'll get it tomorrow.


How about we share what we do when we get blocked and can't figure out what to write next? I'll go first.


If the weather is decent, I try to run out to the river and sit for a while with a notebook. Sometimes I'll write. Sometimes I'll just sit and soak in the atmosphere. I usually find it easy to start again if I can have some water time.


If the weather is not decent, I'll draw or paint for a while. Sometimes I'll draw a character, or a scene from the book, or I might just draw something else entirely. That seems to help, too.

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I also discovered Dabble a few days in, switched over to that (from a Word document) and I'm loving it. 


This looks interesting. I signed up for the trial but am not sure how I feel about it being subscription based. I hate that trend. I periodically look at Scrivener and then decide it's much more than I want/need and I don't want to spend what could be writing time learning how to use the program. It seems unnecessarily complicated. Dabble OTOH, seems like you can jump right in without the huge learning curve. I could be wrong and will find out during the trial (I did a Scrivener trial about a year ago and that's when I decided I probably don't want it).


As for my word count, I'm so far behind it's almost laughable. And that's all I have to say about that. :D

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Sharing what we do when we get stuck - great idea!


Sometimes I'll go for a walk, or a drive. Sometimes I may work on a different kind of crafting: scrapbooking, drawing, anything creative. 

Helps my mind get the focus of the writing and let's my subconcious work on the issue. Sometimes I chat with other writer peeps who provide

good outsider-perspective insight. Sometimes I watch Netflix just to get my brain to turn OFF for a bit!  ;)

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