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Well, over on CleoQc's thread about Quebec elections coming up, two posters in BC confessed to forgetting to vote in their municipal election today. tsk, tsk...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Is that why this poor thread only gets 3 stars? Or did someone rate it lower to make Canadian politics seem more interesting?


I can't believe I forgot to vote - the worst will be when the kids clue in. How's that for an example of being a responsible citizen? Ah well, I did vote in our federal election.

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It's okay! We didn't forget. It was just the advanced voting we missed. We're going to vote in our municipal election, right Sarah?


Lori - who didn't actually miss voting in the municipal election after all.


I finally figured that out, too and I feel very dumb.


And yes, we're voting! The question is, who do we vote for? I am dismally uninformed when it comes to municipal politics. Time to get researching.

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The lack of passion in Canadian elections. What contributes to this?


I think it depends on the election. I remember the '93 election being very passionate for instance ( I was a tory then, ouch). This recent one was such a limp, lame beast and should never have been called in the first place.

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My favorite reading list is www.whatisstephenharperreading.ca, a list posted by Yann Martel. The story of how he started sending a book every 2 weeks to PM Stephen Harper is just priceless. Every week he posts a copy of the letter he included with the book in which he sort of reviews the book and relates it to what's on his mind. We are eagerly waiting the posting of a reply from Mr. Harper, but it's been about 18 months now.

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Is that why this poor thread only gets 3 stars? Or did someone rate it lower to make Canadian politics seem more interesting?


I can't believe I forgot to vote - the worst will be when the kids clue in. How's that for an example of being a responsible citizen? Ah well, I did vote in our federal election.


It's okay! We didn't forget. It was just the advanced voting we missed. We're going to vote in our municipal election, right Sarah?


Lori - who didn't actually miss voting in the municipal election after all.


Oops, I'm sorry!!! I was just trying to be funny. Until today when I read that you didn't miss it. Now *I'm* the one feeling ridiculous.................sorry! :) Off to edit that post.

Edited by Colleen in NS
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I think it depends on the election. I remember the '93 election being very passionate for instance ( I was a tory then, ouch). This recent one was such a limp, lame beast and should never have been called in the first place.


Oh goodness, the '93 election I was only in 10th grade I have no clue how that one was. I voted in this recent one, and it was the first time in my life I have voted, pretty pathetic, 31 and only ever voted once. I don't think I could ever get passionate about politics, they are so boring. When stephen Harper first became PM I didn't even know it for close to 6 months lol

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I think it depends on the election. I remember the '93 election being very passionate for instance ( I was a tory then, ouch). This recent one was such a limp, lame beast and should never have been called in the first place.
*cough* Meech Lake *cough*
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*cough* Meech Lake *cough*



You had to go and dig into the nasty politics, now didn't you? :001_rolleyes: People are going to think we're starting trouble.


On that note, though... our MP race was rather heated. This was one of the few ridings that didn't have dismal turnout. The incumbent was not running and the Lib put on a good race, but in the end, the old party took their seat back anyway.

Edited by Audrey
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Nah, we'd just end up sitting around apologizing to each other over a cup of Tims coffee and complaining about the cold. :tongue_smilie:
Oh no, no. I think we'd be having a Timbit fight! :)


Dibs on the jelly filled - they make the best SPLAT. :D


Is anyone old enough to have lived through the Quebec referendum of May 1980?


Alive yes, but I was only three years old so my memory is a bit hazy. ;)

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hey, SWB said Canadians Politics are ALL RIGHT ! :lol:

Is anyone old enough to have lived through the Quebec referendum of May 1980?

Those were tough years... And nasty nasty nasty...


Quebec in 1970 when the army was called in. Wow....I'm seriously dating myself now:tongue_smilie: I was already in highschool at that point.

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Is anyone old enough to have lived through the Quebec referendum of May 1980?

Those were tough years... And nasty nasty nasty...

I'm old enough - I would have been in grade 10 - but waaay out here in BC we can sometimes feel a bit disconnected with what's happening in the center of the Country. I don't remember much about it... I suppose I was more into boys than politics at that age :tongue_smilie:


It's encouraging to know that we won't be deleted for talking about Canadian politics. Very thoughtful of SWB to make a specific exception for our little thread! She was here in Kelowna, you know. I met her. I hope she enjoyed our little convention as much as our little convention enjoyed her.



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hey, SWB said Canadians Politics are ALL RIGHT ! :lol:

Is anyone old enough to have lived through the Quebec referendum of May 1980?

Those were tough years... And nasty nasty nasty...

Yup. I was 13, but a rather political 13.
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You had to go and dig into the nasty politics, now didn't you? :001_rolleyes: People are going to think we're starting trouble.
One of the things I simultaneously love and hate about Canadian politics that that there's a commission for everything... often years' long. Sometimes I think Canadians tow the line and watch what they say just to prevent a another commission from being formed. ;)
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One of the things I simultaneously love and hate about Canadian politics that that there's a commission for everything... often years' long. Sometimes I think Canadians tow the line and watch what they say just to prevent a another commission from being formed. ;)



Ugh.... the commissions.


On a related note, does anyone else think we're awfully quick to call inquiries? Not that they don't have their purpose, but there are times when it seems like there's a big rash of them.

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Quebec in 1970 when the army was called in. Wow....I'm seriously dating myself now:tongue_smilie: I was already in highschool at that point.


I was a bit younger, but I still remember the fear. Not many Canadians alive who can remember 'fear' while living on this land. Fear due to politics that is, there are many kinds of fear. But the tanks in the street? Yup. Seen that.


And the Oka crisis? And the Mercier bridge? 1990? When a soldier got killed, I thought that was the end of it. Even when the bridge was freed, I wouldn't drive across for months, for fear of explosives. That was only months after the Polytechnique shootings, so I was not very stable mentally myself.


Sure, Canadian politics can be exciting!

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I moved to Canada in 1993, and my intro. to Quebec politics came during the ONE year I lived in Hull - 1995-96 - the 49% vs. 51% referendum?? Dh was glued to the news during that time. He's really into Cdn. politics, esp. Quebec.


I and a bunch of friends went to bar that night. I remember wobbling out of the bar with them after it as over, singing Oh Canada. :D

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SO how are those living in Quebec looking forward to your provincial election? I really don't envy you that one. With a federal election and the crazy long election from down south I'm done with elections.


I don't remember the referendum in 1980, but then I wasn't on the continent and even so I'd have only been 8. I do remember Oka but being way out here in the west some of that stuff does seem a little far away.


Anyone watching Airfarce this fall? It's their last 5 episodes and some of them are pretty funny. I usually don't have much use for CBC programming but they do comedy well.

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it's not just politics--careful. I can't figure out what I said. . . truly. Does anyone know the location of those spoof boards? Maybe I can figure it out there.


Maybe you've been declawed? Neutered? Kitties in treacherous times should carefully track their nine lives.

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*throws entire box of timbits* :boxing_smiley:


(and that ain't no measly little 10 pack either.)




I was just in Ottawa this morning (great sale at my favorite toy store!) and saw this t-shirt -


"My Favorite Hockey Teams"


1. The Ottawa Senators


2. Any team that beats the Toronto Maple Leafs


:lol: :lol: :lol:


I think I will have to go back and buy it for my dh for Christmas!

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The lack of passion in Canadian elections. What contributes to this?


I think part of the lack of passion is that there is little real debate as to the fundamental problem issues. Realistically no party is going to be providing real discourse on ways to benefit our society on tv. It's all about the sound bytes. I hate the global news commercial where they tell you that they will help you understand the news. No thank you! I just want the information and I'll do the interpreting and understanding.


There is also the problem of alienating voters and with 4 national political parties (5 in Quebec) there are only so many votes to go around.


Of course there are only so many socially acceptable things to be passionate about in Canada. :D Hockey is one of them but I do admit that I'm a dropout there. I watched the Oilers in the glory days of the 80's but that's a long time ago. :blush:


Another problem with passion is that we don't do upfront patriotism well. Do any of you know any famous Canadian speeches? Documents etc. that would be worthwhile memorizing in the grammar years? I'm thinking ones that flow well and have interesting content worth thinking about. I think we could all tell you one famous American speech and a document without having to think. I know we have the charter of rights, BNA act, and I'm sure a whole lot of others but I've never read them. I guess what I'm rambling on about is that while the US has a history of focusing too much on their own history Canada has a tendency to do too little. hmmm Or maybe it's that I don't remember anything that I took in school. tee hee

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Well, we can't seem to have a heated debate about politics - maybe we should discuss hockey teams instead. :D


In that case, I would like to extend an open invitation to one of ds' hockey games. Minor hockey seems to be the mecca for passion, politics, team rivalries and Tim Hortons.


PS - Timbits, coffee and team scarves are dutifully supplied by the social committee!

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I can't believe no one's tooting the Canucks' horn. Y'all don't no nothing about what REAL hockey is!


There -don't I sound Canadian? Southern Canadian, maybe?

Canucks? Is there still a team over there?



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