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My job interview

Night Elf

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So this morning I interviewed for a cashier position at a drug store. I think it went well. They did not come right out and offer me the job but they said they had to send something to HR and that HR would email me within 48 hours with what to do next. After I do those things, I have to call the store manager who calls HR again. I have no idea what all this back and forth is about though.


They were very vague about salary. I interviewed with two managers. The guy asked me what I expected to make and I didn't feel comfortable giving an amount so I just said I was open to what the position called for, but hoped to increase my earnings as soon as the company feels it's appropriate to do. Then at the end of the interview, I specifically asked what the starting salary was and the lady said minimum wage to $9.35, which is the cap for the cashier position. Now I haven't worked in retail since I was a teen. All my experience is clerical, so I understand if they start me off at minimum wage but I sure don't want to stay at that salary a long time.


There is room to grow in the store, including moving to the actual pharmacy area. They train me and pay for me to take the certification test. I think that's pretty cool. It's something I'll consider since it is a higher salary. I can also become a shift supervisor after a few months. They seemed to be impressed that I was hoping to advance and was hoping to stay in the job long term.


So I guess I just need to wait for HR's email to see what I'm supposed to do next. I talked with the cashier there and she said it took about a month from applying to actually working because the process is slow. The managers told me I should be working next week but I won't be disappointed if that doesn't happen since I know they move slowly in the hiring process.


But based on what they said, surely I got the job, right? Maybe they'll make an official offer where they tell me the actual salary. I'd like to know that before I start working. Isn't it unusual for a job to stay vague about the salary up front?

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Yeah!!! How exciting, it all sounds very positive!


Do they have more than one position open? I'm wondering if the pay thing is a situation where they have, say, a Cashier Level I and a Cashier Level II open. Maybe if there's a high school kid applying, they'll put them Level I, and they want to see if they can wiggle you into the Level II spot because it pays a little more and you're looking like you're worth the investment. Or the vague salary thing means nothing except they don't know until HR tells them. Or it *is* minimum wage and they don't want to scare you off.


But hooray, and good for you!

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They have one cashier opening and one shift supervisor opening which is full time. I have no idea if they are interviewing other applicants.


Interesting thing, the female manager who manages another store a few miles down the road asked if I would be willing to do one or two shifts in her store occasionally. I agreed because it's so close. Why not? She seemed pleased with that. She also said that her store had a cap on the number of hours she could give to employees but the store I was applying to had more flexibility. I think she asked if I could work because I'm available on short notice like if one of her employees called in sick or something. I won't often have a reason not to go in and help. 

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My husband has been negotiating pay with HR of the company he interviewed with for over a week so I am not surprised about managers and HR being vague about pay.


For all the jobs I interviewed for, the boss that interviewed me told me what would be the minimum pay I would get and it usually ends up being higher after the boss negotiate with HR. The HRs that I had dealt with are on-site whether or not they are outsourced staff so my bosses could walk over to their cubicle and negotiate. For the jobs my husband interviewed for, the HR loves negotiating so it becomes a long drawn out process. His bosses have a say on minimum pay but not so much on bonuses and higher than minimum pay. Also the HR is outsourced and not on site. Everything is by phone calls and emails. Between HR and heath insurance companies, my husband is getting plenty of practice in phone negotiations.


My husband is a research engineer so the pay is more varied. The offer package is going higher every time my husband supplied proof that he would have less bonus and benefits if he jump ship. The HR told him that they match competitiors benefits as best they can as long as they get some form of proof. So transport benefits isn’t as great but they do have door to door company bus so it isn’t as bad either. Health insurance isn’t as great either because they don’t have a HSA plan. So we have been recalculating daily as the offer is changed daily. Job wise, it would be less taxing and less overtime but my husband do get extra bonuses to compensate for no overtime pay. So we are really on the fence.


I do think you have secure the job, just be prepared for long drawn paperwork or phone calls.

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Sounds like a great job and great fit for you!!


Sounds like the interviews went great. I bet you'll get it!!!


If you don't get it, though, don't be discouraged. Sometimes you get a handful of excellent applicants and it's really hard to choose one. Employers generally always keep interviewing until they've interviewed at least a couple really great candidates. . . So, if you *don't* get it, please take it as a good sign that they were clearly very interested in you. You'll get the *next* job if this one doesn't pan out.


Well done!! Keep us posted!

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I hope all goes well for you. The pharmacy training sounds like a good opportunity. Will there be openings soon?


I don't think they currently have an opening because he told me he was currently hiring for cashier and shift supervisor. When I probed a bit more about transferring or getting a promotion, I asked if it was possible I'd be transferred to another store that had an opening and both managers looked at each other a little baffled and told me they didn't think that was likely. So I don't know if they create positions when someone in the store wants to move up or what. She did tell me I needed to be there at least a couple of months before I could cross over to the pharmacy. They usually only promote within the company because there is already so much to learn and they want someone familiar with the whole store. So who knows. She did tell me it's an automatic 8% raise to go from the front end to the back end.


The funny thing is that when I first started college in 1988, I was a pharmacy major. Once school started and I got a good look at all the classes I'd have to take, I got scared and changed my major. I've always thought working in a pharmacy would be interesting so I'm seriously considering the job. But first things first, I've got to master being a cashier. I know that sounds like a no brainer type job but I'm nervous about it. He asked if I picked up things quickly and I told him yes, I always have in the past. What I didn't say was I don't know about now.

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Quote from OP: the lady said minimum wage to $9.35, which is the cap for the cashier position


That makes it sound like the position only pays minimum wage, with no variation.  Cap usually refers to the top of what the position pays. So, if you stay a cashier, you will stay at minimum wage. 


I do hope you get the job it does sound promising.


The way it works in my company..


We interview and makes notes.  We send the notes and include whether we want to hire the person (or not) to HR. HR checks references, verifies work history, and does background check. 


Then I get the go ahead to offer the position to the employee and a wage is offered at this point.  If the person wants to negotiate, this is the time that is done. HR may come back with one wage rate.  If I am willing to pay someone a higher rate, but HR has to agree to my reasons. A higher rate must be justified in increased productivity. Our dept budget is based on a dollar figure, so the higher pay rate means I have less hours to offer employees.  An experienced/productive employee can get more done in the same shift, so I don't mind paying more for the right person. But.>> I still need to have coverage for certain hours so I have to make sure I can afford all the labor I need. 


If the employee wants the job, the employee comes to the store and does drug test etc. and a different back ground check is ran (I work in pharmacy so we do a more in depth federal check).


Once all that clears, I can officially offer the job and start their training. 


This can be done in a few days or a few weeks. It depends on a few factors and how easily I can get ahold of the various people along the way. 

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Quote from OP: the lady said minimum wage to $9.35, which is the cap for the cashier position


That makes it sound like the position only pays minimum wage, with no variation.  Cap usually refers to the top of what the position pays. So, if you stay a cashier, you will stay at minimum wage. 


But minimum wage is $7.25. The cap is $2 more than that. If they start me at minimum, I'll probably get raises at some point. It's just they're not going to pay me anymore than the cap so once I reach that, that's where I'll stay as long as I keep that position.

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