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Using the big potty?


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We literally only use the toddler potty for the first day of training, then it lives in the back of my van for emergencies. We use the big potty, a stool, and a little toilet seat insert.

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Depends on the size of the kid. Jay and Tori are itty bitty, as was Jeffrey. We train early, so a baby potty is kind of necessary. They moved to the big toilet whenever they were ready. I'd rather empty the little potty than deal with toilet gymnastics. 


How old is the child in question? 

how big?  Is the big toilet still too large? Would a little seat help?
If old enough, I'd just have a talk. 

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Depends on the size of the kid. Jay and Tori are itty bitty, as was Jeffrey. We train early, so a baby potty is kind of necessary. They moved to the big toilet whenever they were ready. I'd rather empty the little potty than deal with toilet gymnastics.


How old is the child in question?

how big? Is the big toilet still too large? Would a little seat help?

If old enough, I'd just have a talk.

Def big enough to be using the big potty. He just never wanted to and I never pushed it.

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So the idea that the toddler is using the little potty and he is still using the toddler potty isn't a detterent? My kids normally want to be doing big kid stuff and not what their younger/baby siblings are doing.

Edited by EmseB
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I'd rather empty the little potty than deal with toilet gymnastics.

That's kinda funny because the whole reason we use the big potty from the get go is because, for me, the whole point of getting them out of diapers is not having to deal with the mess. A tiny potty would totally ruin that for me!

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At age 10mos / 13 mos they started using a seat that goes on top of the toilet, when we were out & about.  They still used the little potties at home until about age 2, then we went for the insert on top of the toilet.  They had tiny butts, so the insert was a helpful transition.

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Def big enough to be using the big potty. He just never wanted to and I never pushed it.

Tell your DH to suck it up and use the big toilet and leave the really little one for the really little guys.





For realz though, the sitting backwards thing helped with one of mine. Put a special "bathroom only" book or toy on the back of the toilet? Something easy to fish out and throw out if it falls in, lol. That goes against every single one of my germ-phobia rules, but it might help.

Edited by BarbecueMom
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Well, if the older child insists on using the toddler potty, he then gets to be responsible for emptying the toddler potty, wiping it out with a cleaning wipe, and basically not making any more work for mom.


I think the kid will soon realize that it's far less work to flush away the mess in the big potty.

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How old is the one that you want to move to the big potty?  Because if he's 4+, I might insist that he clean the little potty under my careful supervision every time, not necessarily as punishment, but in a general "this is part of the process" way. That would deter my 4.5 yo.  Wiping a behind and flushing is a lot easier than dumping/cleaning a little potty!


But like others, I only use the potty seat for a few days.  Much easier just to pop them on the big pot and go from there.

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That's what I'm saying, though. Tell your DS it's for her because she's a baby/little and he can't use it anymore.



I see. I thought you were saying she will just follow their lead and I was screwing her up by letting her on the little porty. She does try to pee standing up. I suck in the potty department.

Edited by Elizabeth86
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Do the older kid's feet touch the floor on the big potty? It might help him(?) if you get a stool or squatty potty for him to rest his feet on.


My almost 2 yo can sit on the big potty with a squatty potty for a foot rest and doesnt need a baby seat, she just holds on and shifts her weight forward so she doesnt fall in. If your's can do that, maybe you could get rid of the baby potty?

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