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Broken fridge question


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My fridge, which is only ten years old, stopped working. It has a refrigerant leak. I had a repair company come out that is very reputable. They weren't sure if it could be repaired but they tried and they put new refrigerant in and it still leaked out again and now it's not working again. They feel I just need to replace it. They are not trying to sell me one they do not sell refrigerators. They only repair them.


Is there any point for me to try another company to see if they can repair this? Or would I just be throwing good money after bad?

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My fridge, which is only ten years old, stopped working. It has a refrigerant leak. I had a repair company come out that is very reputable. They weren't sure if it could be repaired but they tried and they put new refrigerant in and it still leaked out again and now it's not working again. They feel I just need to replace it. They are not trying to sell me one they do not sell refrigerators. They only repair them.


Is there any point for me to try another company to see if they can repair this? Or would I just be throwing good money after bad?


I would NOT spend money with another repair company. That IMO would be "throwing good money after bad".   Put that money towards a new refrigerator.


Our experience is that our Refrigerators (low end Whirlpools) last far longer than ten years.  


I suspect you are running up your electric bill with a refrigerator that has big problems too. 


When I moved from Texas to Colombia, the moving company built a wooden box to put the refrigerator inside of, to protect the refrigerator.  I suspect the wooden box was a little too small. The Freezer door was damaged.  I bought a new very low end Refrigerator here. That was 22 1/2 years ago.    That 22 1/2 year old Whirlpool refrigerator still works fine, and it is pressed into service occasionally, when we must have 2 refrigerators running. Our primary refrigerator now is one that is slightly smaller, also a low end Whirlpool, that I won in a Raffle in the superstore.   Our electric bill went down, with the brand new refrigerator.   I think I won that refrigerator after construction of our house was completed and we had moved in so that was during 2004,


Neither of our Refrigerators are Energy Efficient and that would be a nice feature, if the price differential is minimal


Retire your  bad refrigerator ASAP and you will save electricity and you will protect your food.

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We had a busted 'fridge, nine years old, and our local reputable repair man told us the cost to repair it (a few hundred) would be better put towards a new fridge.  :-(  I'd shop NOW for a new fridge, while you eat up what is in your current working fridge (the new one, once delivered, takes about 24 hours to get cold enough to safely store food, correct?).   Buy the next one before this one breaks again and you are desperate.

Edited by JFSinIL
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I would go ahead and replace it. We replaced our old fridge about 3 years ago because we needed a larger one, but unfortunately this new one (an LG French door with bottom freezer) has given nothing but trouble. I'm glad we bought, and then extended, the warranty on it as we've had the repairperson out here several times. We're already saving for its replacement, and we'll do a better job reading reviews before buying again.

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