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Just for fun - what food do you hate that it seems like everybody else loves?


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For those who had squirrel: how does it taste? Similar to rabbit? (Which is delicious)

I grew up with squirrel. It was my favorite as a child. You have to have a hunter in the family AND a cook who knows how to prepare it. We always had it with dumplings just like you'd eat chicken and dumplings. Fluffy dumplings, because they're superior.


Squirrel tastes a lot like dark meat chicken but looks more like rabbit. It's not as dry as rabbit. You have to use bigger squirrells. Those tiny things you see in the city wouldn't work.


As I type this I'm crossing the border into WV for a visit home. My Mamaw is 93 and her squirrell-prep days are behind her. I've never cooked it. My kids have never tasted it. It may be one of those dishes that gets lost until a TV chef makes it popular or hipsters realize it's sustainable.

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Many of the items y'all listed are not favorites, but I don't have strong feelings about avoiding them.  Like, I never drink beer or coffee, but I can understand that others like these things.  Same with any type of pork, or lima beans, or whatnot.


On the other hand, why does Gooey Butter Cake exist?  

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Wait... wait... I'm trying to make sense of this... NOT like Dr Pepper?!?... this doesn't compute in my head... oh, wait, I get it now. You were joking! That's a good one! You almost got me on that!

I'm adding Dr. Pepper to my list, too. So sweet it hurts my teeth. It is not refreshing. :leaving:

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Hubby ate squirrel growing up (VA/NC).




It might not be normal now to eat these items, but not long ago in our nation's past it was quite common.

My dad grew up in the midwest in the 50's and 60's with four older sisters and a divorced mother who supported them by taking in sewing, and they got by largely because of the garden and him hunting squirrel and rabbit. My grandma ate squirrel regularly her whole life, if someone would bring her some (can't find it at the grocery store). 😉

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Add me to the other posters who mentioned despising ketchup.  I hate the smell of it.  Of course my girls both like it and as young children would try to coax me to try it.  They sounded just like a parent trying to encourage a lilttle one to try one bite.  It was sweet, but it never worked.  It was all I could do to help open their packets without gagging.  There were times that I bribed them with ice cream or desert if they would just eat their fries plain, because I couldn't stand smelling it that day. 



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