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The Melting Pot Teachers Lounge 6-20-2017


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Good morning and welcome to the Lounge!


Today's theme stems from the fact that not only do I live in what I call "the melting pot of the Melting Pot" (meaning we live in Phoenix, AZ (lots of nationalities represented here) in the United States (known as the Melting Pot -diverse mix of people from all over the world) but this week we are literally the melting pot in temperature - forecasted high of 120*F today.  :crying: 


Have you ever been to a restaurant called The Melting Pot? Here: no but there is one nearby with that name that's like a fondue place.


Anyone else's temps make them feel like they're melting? Here: see above!


Who has an extra room available, where there are cooler temps, so I can come visit you for the summer? Here: no extra room but you don't want to visit here right now, anyway. Really.


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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I would love to go to the melting pot, but have not. I dont see it as little kid friendly and the kids are always with us.


It is super mild here, you'd live it.


Sorry no extra room. Our 1,070 sq ft house is filled up with a family of 5 and all our stuff. We need a bigger house. Wah.

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The Melting Pot: No.  I know they can do gluten free, but dairy is also an issue for me and honestly if I'm going to pay that much I'm going to a Brazilian Steakhouse instead.


Melting: Somewhat.  It's pretty hot, but not too bad with the breeze.  We're cooling down now.  And by cooling down I mean mid-90s,


Extra Room: We have extra room, but not much cooler lol

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Good morning!


I've never been to that restaurant, and now that I have to avoid dairy, I assume I never will go. 


It can be hot here in middle GA but with high humidity. Today it's pouring rain and only in the 70s. July and especially August will most likely be in the 90s and up to 100. 


So, you can't escape the heat here. We don't have an extra bedroom until dd goes back to college in August, but it's available about 8 months out of the year when she's gone. 

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My dh and I have been to The Melting Pot more times than I can count. It's one of my favorite restaurants.


Am I melting? Why, yes. Yes I am. As I mentioned in an earlier thread, we had a tourist death a couple days ago that was heat related. The Rio Grande Village (on the river, in BBNP) topped out at 115° the other day.


I have no extra rooms, sorry. My college kids live in the truck camper in the driveway when they are home (well, actually, two in the truck camper and one on the living room couch) because there's no room for them in the house. But at least it has air conditioning and is well insulated.

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We've been to the Melting Pot a few times.  I really like it but it is on the expensive side for what you get.  We can't bring the kids because they have absolutely nothing that ds will eat, so I've gone mostly with oldest dd or with Mom's Club or other women.    Dh isn't really a fan.


It's going to be in the 80s here this week.   We've had a few weeks with days in the 90s but generally don't get worse than that.  It's the humidity that's the real problem.


Sorry, no extra room.  Only 750 square feet but we do have central air.

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Yes, I have been to The Melting Pot. It's a fun experience, though I don't think I'd go again except to take the kids.  


Not melting here - just regular summer heat. High 80's today with less humidity than normal. Tomorrow back to the 90's. We don't get the crazy high temps that Arizona or Texas do. Just sticky oppressive humidity. It feels hot because of the humidity, so most people drink plenty. Though a boy (a good swimmer, 10 yo) in the swim meet this morning was dehydrated and the lifeguard had to go in for him when he started sinking halfway through his IM. 


No spare room here, but two comfy sofas. 



Edited by ScoutTN
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Low 90s here. So the front yard was mowed this early morning, I did hardly anything in the garden, and we played board games and watched movies in between taking things out of baby girl's mouth as she crawled around the house and pulled up to stuff.


Never ate at the Melting Pot. The premise just doesn't appeal to me and most of the food isn't stuff I should be eating but totally will eat if it's placed in front of me.


I have two queen beds in two separate rooms at the ready for company. I'll just dump those kids on the sleeper sofas downstairs. We aren't fancy but there's always room at our place. We will even try to keep the critters off you. The whole house is freezing. Because between my hot flashes, the actual temps and the horrid allergies, seems like neither of the a/c units ever go off.

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I've never been to The Melting Pot. I do remember my parents having fondue dinner parties when I was a kid (when it was ll the rage ... burnt orange was the IN color for fondue pots back then.)


We had unseasonably hot weather (for us) last week. This week seem to alternate between warm and humid and cool and humid due to the rash of thunderstorms. The only things melting here is my computer hard drive ... as in melting down ... and me with hot flashes. Ds23 is working on getting it operational enough for me to encrypt a few files ND back everything up so I can take it to the Geek Squad.


No spare rooms here. You wouldn't want to come here anyway. Too much awkward tension with K. I had half a mind to move out today after a few ugly things were said. Instead, I stuffed my face with chocolate. I feel sick.


Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

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I just timed during the first 2 hours of a swim meet standing in the sun at 96.  I'm definitely melting.  Jamie stayed at the pool when we finished our slot because Fritz still has to swim breastroke during the second half.  I took Adrian home with me and before we left the pool I used the app on my phone to lower the temperature in our house before we got there.

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I've never been to The Melting Pot but there's one about an hour away. We should go sometime. 


It's currently 69 degrees and the average high right now is 76. So I'm pretty comfortable. 


We just finished redoing a guest room and have staged it with a lovely antique bedroom set made in a town near us. It was pretty cool to fall in love with the set and then find out it had been locally made. So sure...come spend the summer here!  The library and best ice cream shop are within walking distance.   

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I have been to the Melting Pot numerous times, DH and I love it. It is not kid friendly. It is not cheap. Only once have we taken the kids, the youngest was 13 then.


Temps here are cooler than Redding, which is the second sunniest city in the USA, after Yuma, AZ. Still warm for us, though.


There are no extra rooms for rent anywhere in our tiny vacation community. Since Redding is currently hotter than he**, everyone who can afford it is here, playing in the water, lol.

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I've never been to The Melting Pot but there's one about an hour away. We should go sometime. 


It's currently 69 degrees and the average high right now is 76. So I'm pretty comfortable. 


We just finished redoing a guest room and have staged it with a lovely antique bedroom set made in a town near us. It was pretty cool to fall in love with the set and then find out it had been locally made. So sure...come spend the summer here!  The library and best ice cream shop are within walking distance.   

Where are you located? I'm packing my bags!

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