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Treatments for anxiety?


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My daughter has been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder (specifically "adjustment disorder" in case that matters). She is seeing a counselor, and her doctor prescribed regular exercise and good sleep habits. He said if these things don't work we can talk about an SSRI, but he wants her to try these recommendations first, and I agree.


She's had a rough few months, and doesn't seem to be getting much better. She was sedentary before this happened, and she has added exercise to her daily routine. But it isn't a lot and it isn't very intense, so we have talked about some specific plans for ramping up to more vigorous activity. I'm optimistic that will help (I've read Spark by John Ratey, so I am convinced!) but I am wondering if there is anything else I can do for her.


I'm not normally a big believer in herbs and alternative medicine and such, because they've never worked for me. But I'm willing to try, and even if it only helps by placebo effect, that's still something.


If you or someone you know has been helped by any of these things or something else we haven't considered, I would be profoundly grateful for your advice. It's breaking my heart to see her suffering like this.

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You could try motherwort tincture. I get it locally, so I can't tell you exactly where to buy it, but Mountain Rose Herbs is very reputable. 


Also, for me, outside exercise is 1000x better for anxiety than indoor. So, if feasible, I'd suggest running, walking, or biking outside as often as possible. Something about moving over the earth is healing, IME. 



Oh, also, I am coming to believe that probiotics/prebiotics/etc can impact mental health. Go ahead and get your kid on some good probiotics and fermented foods, just in case it might help. Sure won't hurt. 


FWIW, I'm an "anxious person" and have dealt with anxiety issues for decades. Different phases in life result require different ways to deal with the anxiety. PERSONALLY, I'm glad not to be on SSRIs/etc long term. And, so far as I can tell, anxiety is a life time issue for me (and most of the other people I know who deal with it). You have to find ways to manage it. So, choose healthy ways (exercise, probiotics, sunshine, therapy, etc . . .) Of course, if there is a life threatening or other crisis, then sometimes you may need to use drugs. No hesitation, there, if there is a crisis . . . But, if things are relatively calm and manageable, keep sticking with healthy habits and learning self-soothing techniques, etc. 


Other things to try could be yoga, meditation, pet-therapy (formally or informally -- horses and dogs specifically), etc, etc. 


Learning to manage her anxiety will just be one more critical life skill, IMHO and IME. 


Oh, also, never hesitate to try a new therapist if you aren't getting good progress. It often takes a few tries to find a good match. 


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The exercise you get and what you put in your mouth are HUGE factors. Those help me quite a bit.

Here are some other suggestions that have helped other people and some that have helped me specifically:

*chamomile tea, specifically, but drinking most any true tea the way it is meant to be done, requires stopping to make the tea,

waiting for it steep, then taking the time to sit and savor it. All of that helps put the body in a relaxed mode. Tea cannot be rushed!


*at bedtime, a tea with valerian root as one of the main ingredients. Not the tastiest but it definitely helps with sleep. Which reminds me,

I need to go get some!


*St. John's Wort. And keep in mind that with ANY herbal supplement, it takes TIME - a cumulative effect, if you will. You will not feel a difference

in one to two dosages. Give it 2-3 weeks to really see a difference. Also, a cautionary note (from my Herbalism instructor): do not take St John's Wort

if you live in a really sunny climate (like I do in Phoenix) as it can make you more prone to sunburn. A better alternative is Ashwaganda.


*Rubbing a drop or two of Frankincense or Lavender essential oils, mixed in a carrier oil, on the bottoms of your feet at bedtime. 


*Or something with a soothing sound. I used something similar to this 



when my kids were little. Yes, it's meant for babies but it put me to sleep, too!


Just some suggestions of things that might help.

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I believe in presenting the healthiest self before figure out the need for prescription medication for mental health. I try really hard to keep my exercise up. I sleep better when I do. And eating well is important. 


But exercise, sleep, and diet won't make all your anxiety go away if you have a big problem with anxiety.


And if you have big problems, getting on track with the other stuff can be overwhelming. 


If you want to get her exercise up, maybe consider signing up for something physical (martial arts, zumba) 2 -3 times a week. Perhaps it would help if you did it with her. and added a daily walk (30-60 minutes to your routine).


I'd try these things and also accept that she may need to try a prescription, get stable on that, and then ramp up the activity. It's likely to be easier to ramp up activity if you do it together. 




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in my experience, ssri's don't work for anxiety.   cause is a big deal - and that should guide the treatment.

yoga was the most beneficial form of exercise. I do it at home with dvd's so I can have a consistent practice - at my convenience.


eta: we also have a genetic predisposition to anxiety.  I do yoga and take 5htp. 

dudeling uses 2 capsules of douglas labs aswaghanda (higher concentration of withaniloids), combined with 1 capsule of pure encapsulations bacopa - 2x per day.  dd used all sorts of ssri's to help with her anxiety - none of them helped - but she responded well to dudeling's cocktail.

with tween hormones in overdrive - we're looking at other things.  he wont' cooperate for exercise or diet.


Edited by gardenmom5
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helped here, though finding a counselor who wasn't super strict in her approach and could listen to ds made a big difference.


Food, sleep, exercise, etc. are elements for us, but there's zero correlation in terms of good and bad days with anything we've tried. I'm sure special diets work for some, but they're not the answer for everyone.

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I've lived my entire life with anxiety -- social, failure to adjust, generalized -- it just was a part of me. Years ago I tried a med but it made me sleepy. I tried techniques for thinking my way out of anxiety.


Nothing really worked.


Last summer I was told by a doctor for a back problems to start doing Pilates/barre/yoga classes. I found a place close to me, really like it and go three to four times a week. Once in awhile five.


I've gotten a lot stronger. Last month I had a social thing I had to do that would take place over an entire weekend. I'd be sharing my hotel room with an older lady and seeing people from morning till night for three days.


It wasn't until I got home that I realized: no anxiety. Completely not there. I was stunned. All I can think is that it has to do with regular workouts for ten months. I definitely knew that I was sleeping better and felt less bothered by things in general immediately after working out.


But I wasn't prepared for my social anxiety to be -- not decreased -- gone. I don't even like flying on planes and the plane didn't bother me in the least. Even the crowded situation in the plane. Nothing bothered me. Bizarre.


Another thing that helped me with sleep difficulties years ago -- and they give it to both newborns and people w/ Alzheimers to deal w/ "sundowners" syndrome in the later afternoons -- lemon balm tea. You buy it in a dried form at health food stores. I don't think you want a pre-packaged tea. Buy it in a dried form and make a tea out of it. It's for evening only because it will make you sleepy. But in a good way. I never drove on it.


Hope this helps!



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Thank you all so very much. I'm fighting back tears as I'm typing this because it just feels so nice to talk with people who have been there. Thank you for all of the help and encouragement.


I'm certainly not opposed to her going on an SSRI if that's what needs to be done, and I appreciate those of you who mentioned how much it helped. I wanted to try the other interventions first, but what I want MOST is for her to be well. However that needs to happen.


So many other great suggestions here too, and believe me I'm making notes on all of them. The counselor that she's seeing is one that was recommended by a nurse practitioner who saw my daughter, and said that her own daughter has both anxiety and OCD, and she had been helped by this counselor very much. So I have to admit I just went with the recommendation without doing any research. I haven't attended any of the sessions with my dd, because she didn't invite me to and I didn't want to push. She has talked about the sessions a little bit, and it's things like journaling, breathing exercises, visualizations. Is that CBT? I'm so ignorant of these things! I will start getting myself better educated.


Sadie I really appreciate what you said about getting her back to the doctor if things get worse. I will definitely do so. Right now, she's had a bit of a setback. But overall the trend was toward improvement.


My husband is an outdoor exercise enthusiast, and that is in no small part due to the fact that he's learned that's the only way he can manage his depression. He offered to take off of work next week and take her hiking and running and biking every day. :-) I am so in love with that man right now!

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Catnip, lemon balm, linden, milky oat tops, wood betony -- all non sedative nervine herbs to be drunk in infusion form. There are sedative nervines too. Hops, valerian, etc.


Inositol, theanine, 5htp-- suppliments to check out. 5htp "acts" like an ssri, so you can't take both at the same time.


Magnesium, all b vitamins (inositol is a b too, actually), d, c, and k-- all really important to be on top of with anxiety. Thanks stress of feeling anxious can deplete our bodies, which can make us feel anxious. Not a fun ride.

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Magnesium, all b vitamins (inositol is a b too, actually), d, c, and k-- all really important to be on top of with anxiety. Thanks stress of feeling anxious can deplete our bodies, which can make us feel anxious. Not a fun ride.


:iagree:  I 'd have her doctor test her B12 levels.  

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I went through some awful anxiety a few years ago-looking back mostly hormonal. My dr explained to me that in its simplest form, anxiety symptoms were the result of extra adrenaline in my system from the constant fight or flight state I was in. This is why exercise can help. I exercised every day until I worked up a sweat and I was tired. I had to use up the extra adrenaline. It did work for me but I'm sure my hormonal levels eventually evened out as well.

Good luck to your daughter!

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