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survived dinner


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So I just made food, put it on the counter and said help yourself.  He did. Didn't hear any complaints.  So that was a relief.  Took him shopping and he picked out the same rice he turned his nose up the last time and 2 apples.  That was it.  I didn't say anything.  Whatever.  I'm just gonna make dinner and say help yourself and if he doesn't like it...well then bite me.  During the day he can figure out his own food.  I am starting to wonder if he is having trouble with his memory though because of the rice thing.  I mean he kinda went on and on about it last time, but then goes and picks out the same rice?  And he said I know you don't make rice so I can take it with me.  Ok...sounds good.


He commented about several foods (I made or have in the house) that he supposedly cannot have.  I ignored it.  He commented on cookies I bought him that they contained things he can't have, but he ate them anyway.  I ignored him.  Too bad he doesn't have a mute button.  :001_rolleyes:


Sorry for going on and on about it yesterday.  Just had to get it off my chest before you all met me via the news...



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This is what I call going potato. The potato just looks out of its eyes and says nothing.


They say something harsh and I potato. They go on a rant and I potato. Sometimes I slip up (got gotten into a politics discussion with some excellent bait this morning) but ... in general. Potato. 

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This is what I call going potato. The potato just looks out of its eyes and says nothing.


They say something harsh and I potato. They go on a rant and I potato. Sometimes I slip up (got gotten into a politics discussion with some excellent bait this morning) but ... in general. Potato. 


I love this!  :001_wub:  :cheers2:

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This is what I call going potato. The potato just looks out of its eyes and says nothing.


They say something harsh and I potato. They go on a rant and I potato. Sometimes I slip up (got gotten into a politics discussion with some excellent bait this morning) but ... in general. Potato.

Forget "pass the bean dip," I'm going potato. I am much better at going potato anyway!
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This is what I call going potato. The potato just looks out of its eyes and says nothing.


They say something harsh and I potato. They go on a rant and I potato. Sometimes I slip up (got gotten into a politics discussion with some excellent bait this morning) but ... in general. Potato. 

Dang, this is perfect.  I'm going potato, too.  Totally.  

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