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Kinda disgusted and sad 😢


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So... I have 2 half brothers from my dad's first marriage. The younger of the 2 is 6 years older than me, and both grew up with their mom in Scotland. He lived with us for a school year when he was 15.


I probably saw him one other time when I was around 25ish. He lived in the US from the age of 18 into his 30's. He has Bipolar, and was/is an alcoholic. For several years after he moved back to Scotland nobody knew where he was. It was frightening since he refused to take meds, and often drank so much he blacked out.


Well, recently I noticed he was posting on FB. I was super excited to know he was ok, and we knew where he was. He is FB friends with a lot of the family. I was going to friend him, and then noticed his profile pic implied that America should be white, and another that implied that all Muslim countries were misbehaving.



Edited by SquirrellyMama
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This is apparently a thing in Scotland; not the first I know of someone there posting rabidly pro-Trump stuff.


I don't expect clear thinking though where there is a malfunctioning brain involved. Mental illness impacts so much :(

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Did you contact him anyway? Is he doing okay?

I haven't yet. There was something that happened that year he lived with us. He wasn't directly involved, but a comment he made to me was so horribly wrong that I'm not sure I want to contact him. Those two things together make me just want to watch from a distance.


I talked to my dad for a bit the other day. Said I was glad to see that he was in touch with the family. He looks good.


I've decided I'm not quite ready to contact him.



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This is apparently a thing in Scotland; not the first I know of someone there posting rabidly pro-Trump stuff.


I don't expect clear thinking though where there is a malfunctioning brain involved. Mental illness impacts so much :(

Stating that racist remarks are proTrump remarks is incorrect and meant to just make a politcal statement. One thing Trump has never been is racist and getting in to the pro-this candidate and anti-that candidate talk is forbidden on these boards.

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Stating that racist remarks are proTrump remarks is incorrect and meant to just make a politcal statement. One thing Trump has never been is racist and getting in to the pro-this candidate and anti-that candidate talk is forbidden on these boards.


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My mom asked me the other day if I'd seen where she'd butchered another hog (she posts about it on fb for her farmer friends) and I had to straight out tell her no, I blocked your feed on fb because I want to stay on speaking terms with you.  So that could be an option for you/others.  If you want to stay in contact just unfollow them.

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No politics. None. Nope. Just don't.



Sorry, it wasn't my intention. It was more the statements that went with the picture. I took out the politician's name, because that wasn't the point.


I was so excited to know he was safe. More for my dad, and my other half brother than for me.


I'm just really sad he's a racist, and I can't trust him to not have racist comments show up on my feed.



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I wanted to tell you, I have no tolerance for racism. I have a cousin I had cared about, but I did not know him growing up. He is younger than me by 10 years or maybe even 15 yrs. A few years ago, he started posting about how terrible white people are and mocking them and saying all white people are racists and any white person who denies being racist is the biggest racist of all. AND, to make matters worse, he worked with disabled people, of all races, for a living in a social services organization. Someone like him is not fit for that. I tried to point out how racist his post was and that racism meant labelling an entire race of people based on their race rather than judging each person on their own selfs and that that is what he was doing. And if he saw the same exact post but substituted any other race, he would be outraged. Again, he laughed at me. I left him a message that I do not associate with racists and I am sorry to lose his friendship but goodbye. And that was the end. I put him on block and have not spoken to him since. 

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Having married into an international family, I have learned not to judge anyone based on any Facebook posts, especially political and social comments. Every day countries face issues I know nothing about. I cannot impose my own country's morality on others without knowing the whole story.


Having said that, I get irked all the time at some of the comments coming from European family. So be it. I am not a part of their political culture. My African family members also post stuff sometimes I do not understand. Whatever,... when we all get together, it's still a fun party.


In regards to your own situation, if you are inherently on opposite sides of an issue, and it makes you extremely uncomfortable, then just do what you are doing and stay away. No one says we have to be friends with all family, right? At least he lives in another country and you do not have to worry about him showing up for Sunday brunch.

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