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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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For some reason my dog, who hardly ever does this, needed to go out at 3:45 a.m.  I couldn't get back to sleep so I read a lot and then finally got up.  Hoping I get a nap today!


To do:

Recycling out to curb



Breakfast school and Latin with teens

Teens have gov't, English and Bio to do

Must make dinner for family we know in crisis and deliver before dinner time

Visit my sister in hospital???  Geez I've been bad about this!

Dinner is leftovers plus egg or tuna salad subs.



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Good morning! 


-get early start on Monday subjects

-9 am blood draw for youngest (they want to re-do the Lyme test because his rash is not going away despite having been on antibiotics for 14 days)

-co-op for enrichment subjects

-grocery shop while he is in classes

-bring him home, go pick up oldest from school

-figure out dinner

-take oldest to conditioning gym

-feed everyone

-watch 24 tonight



Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Morning, all. I woke up in the night with a migraine and am feeling very unenthusiastic about facing the day.


•water plants

•tackle the huge pile of bills on my desk

•vacuum & dust



•order riding gloves for dd & me

•dinner? no clue...

Edited by Selkie
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  • Dream about being terrorized by my alarm clocks.

Get the kids ready & off to the school bus.  A little late due to a bloody nose ....

Do some more cleaning for the maids.

Finish the laundry (last load is in the dryer).


Maids supposed to be here at 10:30.  They might be early, late, or call at 11:00 to tell me they need to reschedule.  :P

If the maids come, then I'll finish clearing the kids' bedroom clutter.

A little reading and exercise.

Pick up kids after youth group.

Kids to gymnastics.

Kids' work.


Kids to bed.


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Well the maids did come ... all my housework is done, but ... I have to prepare for a conference call ... I have to write and send a discussion memo and then talk about it for an hour.  I am down to about 1 hour before I need to send that memo.  Ugh ugh ugh ugh ....  Did I mention I hate conference calls ???!!!

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Morning, all!


Even though I'm decaf, today is going to be a non-stop coffee day for me.  Just call last night the sleepless night in our family, i.e. bad dreams, dogs, fireworks  (our neighborhood is in love with these).  

Try to get a doctor appt. for my mom...I wish the schedulers understood our perspective.  I wouldn't need a same day appt. if it wasn't an important issue.  

Research vocal lessons for dd

Post office

New recipe for crockpot

Some planning and grading


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I lived through the conference call.  Whew!  I must be missing something in my brain.  My boss-partner will talk on the phone all day and night and never need a rest.  I live through one conference call and I feel like I need a week off.  LOL.

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Monday - I had some bad news a couple weeks ago and I'm still trying to work through it.  I'm having a bit of a bad day today and thinking that maybe it's time to consider counseling... I'm not sure....


Returns @ 4 stores (I hate taking things back, but I'm so glad I did - about $100 back on my card - yay!)


call my mom


kitchen clean up

tidy up

laundry forever


find tennis racquet for dd

mail it

figure out if ds is staying for the dance

violin lesson

tomato bisque and toasted cheese for dinner

family night




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