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I need my own little cocoon, or how to continue mothering during PMS?


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I stayed up too late last night and I'm just crabby today. Then even the sound of my kids' voices is making me feel like snapping and I realized what time of the month it is. I just want to be left alone so I'm not so cranky with them, but that's not really possible with three kids, the youngest being only 15 months. I had fantasies of just enrolling the older two in school today so I wouldn't have to deal with them.


If you are prone to bad PMS, how do you get through school days when everything your kids do makes you crazy? I know it's temporary, but it's hard.

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Acupuncture really helped me with my cycle. With kids as young as yours you might not easily find the time for an appointment, but if you can it is worth it. I went three times a month for a few months then once a month. I can now skip and go every two or three months.. been going for 2 years.

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For today, eat a nice protein-filled breakfast, take some Advil and your vitamins, and then take the kids for a walk outside for some fresh air.  If things are still not better after that, you could put on some Wild Kratts or something somewhat educational for the kids, and then cocoon up in your room and read until you feel better.  

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For my young kids I try and do fun things that lead to them being distracted. "Hey! Let's see what sinks and what floats!" Give them a tub of water, and some things to test out. Test tubes, droppers. Whatever. They usually get sucked in and require minimal input from me, and more importantly aren't arguing with me about. Then we go for a walk and they play outside and then it's time for quiet time!! Or I bring out play doh or air clay and let them have at it. All of that makes them less chatty at me.


My teen, I give a writing assignment that day and make sure she doesn't have a particularly frustrating day ahead in other subjects or it's just bad- we're on the same cycle, and two people with PMS is a train wreck. That's the day she'll catch up on reading, writing etc. For online classes. For me it's usually only one really bad day where I feel like I'm coming out of my skin. I also tack some time onto quiet time for them if needed and hide in my study with some M&M's or a Godiva bar if I was thinking ahead. ;)

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Do Nothing Day.  We're on the relaxed end of the spectrum and school year-round, which makes me feel not guilty at all if I need a day.  For general unavoidable interactions, mine are old enough to comprehend, "Mama needs some extra grace today, please.  If you can't offer that, go hang out in your room."  And I try to be as nice as possible; no freebie "be as grouchy as I want" days.  BUT, I don't think my bad days are really bad, in the big picture.  So for a laid-out-with-a-migraine type situation (the "might puke" kind), screens and/or naps for all.  That's happened a couple times when it was just me and them (the last time they were probably 18 months-6 years ish).  You do what you have to do.  Usually 2-4 hours of sleep will set me right again.  And I explain, even when they're little, that Mama's not feeling well.  If nothing else, so they might know it's not their fault.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Hope you feel better soon.

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The options listed available weren't available to me (or I wasn't aware of them), but natural progesterone cream helped me tremendously.  I called it my happy cream.  I used it twice a day for the first two weeks of my cycle, then once a day for the third week, and none for the period week.  1/2 tsp each time.  (I used Pro-Gest, made by Emerita, but there are lots of brands available)

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I'll also mention that there's a class of anti-depressants which can be taken as-needed for PMS, and (for me at least) they are miracle workers! I have a small bottle of Celexa laying around for just this purpose. When people are all being particularly, (clearly intentionally) irritating right before my period, I take a pill, and 20 minutes later everyone suddenly becomes less obnoxious! Truly an amazing pill - I take it, and it changes everyone else's behavior  :lol:

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