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If your children are fine all day but cough all night,

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I was thinking of post nasal drip also, but the dustmite thing is a strong possibility also. Clean the sheets in hot hot HOT water and change them weekly.


The post nasal drip thing....do they have some nasal congestion or runny nose issues during the day? Cause when I lay down it runs down my throat instead of out my nose. and I cough and clear my throat all day.



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The dust mite thing is a strong possibility. I know dh is allergic to dust mites. And a bunch of other things. But one ds started his coughing again tonight just as the sun went down -- a couple hours before bed. Today has been cooler and dryer than usual, but they played outside this afternoon with no trouble.


I'll give a decongestant and try the vaporizer tonight. And try to purchase a protective mattress and pillow covers tomorrow.


Thanks for the ideas! The asthma thing has me a little worried . . .

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When my kids do this, it's post-nasal drip. Do your kids have a slight sniffle during the day?


:iagree::iagree:I thought DS needed a humidifier... I got a nice one with a humidity reading and whoops! The humidity in his room was already too high, so you may want to check it out before vaporizing.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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If a child has a slight cold w/congestion when he/she is up running around during the day he/she (1) swallows the post nasal drip (2) any secretions are moving around and not collecting in the lungs (3) he/she is eating/drinking/swallowing frequently so throat is not as dry/irritated/tickely

Then, when he/she lies flat in bed at night (1) post nasal drip triggers cough reflex (2) secretions possibly settle in lungs (3) throat becomes dry/irritated

I am not a doctor (nor do I play one on TV) but if the cough is not enough to keep them awake it may not be enough to worry about.

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