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Silly Facebook question


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What would you think if both members of a married couple changed Facebook cover and profile photos from family pictures that included the spouse to individual or generic pictures? Would you wonder if something was wrong with the marriage? Or am I overthinking?


DH and I both changed our publicly viewable Facebook pictures to take out the kids for privacy reasons. Then it occurred to me that it might look like something is wrong if someone noticed. Really probably just a stupid, too much time on FB while holding a stuffy baby so he'll actually nap thought. :-)

Edited by AnnE-girl
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No, I don't think anything of it.  My facebook picture for a while was a garden.  Earlier this year, it was me at my birthday dinner with family (though half were cut out of the picture).  Then a while ago, I changed it to my dh and I at our daughter's wedding because I thought I looked nice then.  I just change pictures at time.  I never think my friends are having troubled marriages if they go from couple to single.  One of my friends doesn;t have any pictures of her husband ever up.  Others do.  I don't think anything of it.

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I would not think anything was up in the OP's scenario.


I do however think something is wrong if couples air their laundry on FB or post snide comments on each other's page or start posting passive-aggressive articles about how to be better spouses and things.


Also, too many "I married the best wife or husband in existence - share if yours is too" type posts make me nuts and I start wondering what the person is trying to cover up.

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total aside but I admit - other than immediately after a wedding or engagement, I kind of think less of people when their profile pix are as a couple. :leaving:

I don't mind the profile pic as a couple. But I do often see a couple fb page with mashed up names that both partners post to. I don't think I'd want to share a page with my dh, and there's no problem in our marriage.


OP, I wouldn't think anything of it. Now if you started vague-booking about problems and changed your relationship status and did a bunch of other red flag stuff, then I might wonder.

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Ok, I guess I really am overthinking. We had a friend from college who went from posting romantic tropical vacation photos with his wife to getting tagged in some other girl's engagement announcement in less than a year, so it makes me wonder a little bit. He then blocked all the old friends who had no idea they were getting divorced, including the guys who stood up in their wedding. I'm still Facebook friends with his ex-wife, as are most of the college friends who knew him first.


I do post positive things about DH occasionally, but I wouldn't complain about him for all of Facebook to see. I don't think that is good for anyone's marriage.

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