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Does anyone remember the book about kids calling you Mrs.____ during school


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Does anyone remember the name of the book that suggests you have your children call you "Mrs.____" during school hours?



There's someone in my "circle" who is doing that with her kids... and uniforms.... and I was trying to understand where she is coming from.  


I know there's a book.... isn't there?



I ran a search here and on google and I'm probably not using the right search terms....



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I remember hearing about that, but I can't remember if I actually read the book or if it was a homeschool conference speaker talking about how nuts the idea was. I think the kids also said goodbye to their mother and went out the front door, then came around to the back door of the house to come in for school. Or I'm combining several different memories of things I thought were a little crazy.

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I remember hearing about that, but I can't remember if I actually read the book or if it was a homeschool conference speaker talking about how nuts the idea was. I think the kids also said goodbye to their mother and went out the front door, then came around to the back door of the house to come in for school. Or I'm combining several different memories of things I thought were a little crazy.


Out the front door and into the back?  Oh, boy.

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Changing hats/changing roles.


It's not an approach to homeschool that I would want, but I can imagine it working for some families.


For some reason this thread sparked a reminder of when my older kids were young. When it was time to clean the house I would take on a new persona--I became "The Royal Camel Driver" who talked in a funny accent and barked out orders. I definitely could not be TRCD and Mom at the same time!


Fun memories, maybe I need to revive him for the younger kids...

Edited by maize
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I get the concept of changing roles. But, like, put on a silly hat or something. Mrs. Lastname? Oy. Way to take the home out of homeschooling and miss the point.


I remember hearing about that, but I can't remember if I actually read the book or if it was a homeschool conference speaker talking about how nuts the idea was. I think the kids also said goodbye to their mother and went out the front door, then came around to the back door of the house to come in for school. Or I'm combining several different memories of things I thought were a little crazy.


This would require going around the block and through the park for us since we live in a rowhouse.  :lol:

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Changing hats/changing roles.


It's not an approach to homeschool that I would want, but I can imagine it working for some families.


For some reason this thread sparked a reminder of when my older kids were young. When it was time to clean the house I would take on a new persona--I became "The Royal Camel Driver" who talked in a funny accent and barked out orders. I definitely could not be TRCD and Mom at the same time!


Fun memories, maybe I need to revive him for the younger kids...


That's fun!  I might steal it!

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For a time we did have school uniforms.  The kids liked them and we could get them clothes that fit.  They weren't really school uniforms anyway- since they chose different colors or outfits on different days.  But they were polo shirts (in different colors), khaki and navy pants and shorts, jumpers in both solid and plaid colors.  It helped with the idea that school time wasn't the time to jump in a mud puddle.  Otherwise I wasn't a school at home parent.  No calling me anything, we did take breaks and have drinks and sometimes snacks, and otherwise had an eclectic homeschool style.  

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I homeschool half the day in my underwear and nightie, somehow I think I'd need to add pants before the formal title :001_rolleyes:




Now, uniforms..I'll admit to be tempted. Just because they were cute. But I see no actual, practical reason for them in our lives.The kids dress themselves in what they want, when they want. It would just be an affectation on my part, not actually useful. 


All their clothes pretty much match each other anyway, and they can dress themselves by 3 years old, so again, no point. But some of them ARE adorable. 


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Oh heck I'd be annoyed if I were a PS teacher and kids called me Mrs. I know that is the typical thing, but I don't care for it. I might be one of those rebel teachers who insist they call me something else!

You could teach in Sweden, kids there call their teachers and other adults by their first name.

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Out the front door and into the back?  Oh, boy.



When we were homeschooling preK, K and 3rd grade, we lived in a neighborhood where lots of kids were able to walk to school.  That was something my kids really wanted to do, so we did (for a couple weeks.)  They loaded up their little backpacks and walked around the block and back home to "school".   I would often pack their lunch in the morning at the same time I made breakfast, so they would take their lunch to "school", too.


It was actually a good thing.  Something about getting all dressed down to the shoes, going outside for a brisk walk, and coming back to get started with school really got us all going for the day.

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The out one door and in the other thing doesn't actually bug me. It's funny... but getting kids to understand it's time to switch roles can be hard. I can't imagine doing that one, but things like that help. I just think the Mrs. Lastname thing is so impersonal and cold. Switching roles and marking off time doesn't have to be cold. And it feels strangely like a lie. Even if I was "Mrs. Lastname" to the world, then I wouldn't be to my own kids.

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The out one door and in the other thing doesn't actually bug me. It's funny... but getting kids to understand it's time to switch roles can be hard. I can't imagine doing that one, but things like that help. I just think the Mrs. Lastname thing is so impersonal and cold. Switching roles and marking off time doesn't have to be cold. And it feels strangely like a lie. Even if I was "Mrs. Lastname" to the world, then I wouldn't be to my own kids.

Yes. I went to school with a girl whose mother taught there. She called her mother "Mom."

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