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I love my teens!


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I just felt the need to share that.


My oldest has had some problems, but is happy working now and is a lot of fun, most of the time.  


My dd is a senior, worried about college, but her brothers keep her laughing and her mind off decisions and from taking things too seriously.


My younger ds is a pretty laid back guy.


They all roll around together, laugh together, pile on each other and just love each other.  Thankfully dd acts as a buffer between the testosterone of her brothers at times.  


I just love them.   It will be so hard when dd goes off to university next fall and ods moves to his own place.  

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What a great post. My teen ds sat next to me at dd's senior recital at college. He plays the same instrument, and after it was over he turned to me and said, "I was nervous for her." Aww, so sweet. He had played some of the pieces she included in her repertoire. I have The Best Picture of the two of them right taken right after the recital. Best picture of the two of them evah. 



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My dd 16 is truly a joy. She is almost always in a good mood, has a great sense of humor, good taste in music. She does well in school and gives me no trouble. She seems to enjoy spending time with me too. Ds 14 has a great sense of humor and is the first one to come give me a hug when I'm upset. On the other hand, he totally loves pushing my buttons, and we argue all.the.time. I'm waiting for him to mature a bit and hoping that helps!

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