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Tradition: Marney's Thanksgiving Letter


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This is the time of year when we start to see many threads with "Thanksgiving" in the title and trepidation (or worse) in the body.


As such, I think it is important to remind everyone of Marney's Famous Thanksgiving Letter.  Just click that link and read and your Thanksgiving holiday woes should not seem nearly so bad! :001_smile:


If you are like me, perhaps you would prefer to watch a dramatic reading of the letter:



This year as an extra bonus Awkward Family Photos has provided an short interview with Marney:



Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Edited by RegGuheert
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Is it just me, or does Marney not like like you pictured her in your mind also?

She looks pretty much like I pictured her.


I thought it was funny when he asked her what a regulation size casserole dish is and she said 12". Huh? 12" square? I have no casseroles like that.

I would have thought 9x13.


Seriously, she's a nightmare.

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What's funny is some people, like my husband, absolutely thrive on those weirdly specific and controlling sets of directions. No guesswork equals no problem. He wouldn't even be offended at the specifications for and against particular crockery and cutlery. I'm guessing Marney could be married to a guy like my husband :lol:


She is still insufferably patronizing and OCD about this, but the actual directions sans personal slights, caps, and commentary? That actually works well for a small segment of the population.

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She looks pretty much like I pictured her.


I thought it was funny when he asked her what a regulation size casserole dish is and she said 12". Huh? 12" square? I have no casseroles like that.

I would have thought 9x13.


Seriously, she's a nightmare.

If you scroll down there's a t-shirt that shows the perfect casserole dish is round!!!!



Doesn't she know how much easier it would be to fit square ones together?!

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I have never in my life seen a 12x12 casserole dish. Is this some Midwest thing?


Also how on the hell does one fit 15 poinds of mashed potatoes into 2 12 by 12 dishes and then put the lid on? I have a giant oval casserole with lid that I can fit a triple

batch of mac and cheese into but no, I could not fit 15 pounds of mashed root vegetables in there.

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I have never in my life seen a 12x12 casserole dish. Is this some Midwest thing?


Also how on the hell does one fit 15 poinds of mashed potatoes into 2 12 by 12 dishes and then put the lid on? I have a giant oval casserole with lid that I can fit a triple

batch of mac and cheese into but no, I could not fit 15 pounds of mashed root vegetables in there.

Not a Midwest thing.


I was also wondering that about the potatoes. That's a huge amount of potatoes.


And that makes me think, they're having 15lbs of potatoes and only two pies?

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I'm confused by how casseroles with a lid are stackable. All the casseroles I own have little handles on the top that prevent stacking.


Maybe they aren't "standard"?

I have a 9x13 Pyrex that has a plastic snap on lid (you can put the lid on even when it's very hot out of the oven) but yeah, all my other casserole lids have a handle on top.
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Not a Midwest thing.


I was also wondering that about the potatoes. That's a huge amount of potatoes.


And that makes me think, they're having 15lbs of potatoes and only two pies?

Marney doesn't say which dishes she will be contributing. There may well be more pies.

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Marney doesn't say which dishes she will be contributing. There may well be more pies.

There must be if she's not even planning on that family to read the letter.



If she assigned those pies to me with instructions like that I would bring lemon cake and banana pudding (the least "Thanksgiving" desserts I can think of).

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There must be if she's not even planning on that family to read the letter.



If she assigned those pies to me with instructions like that I would bring lemon cake and banana pudding (the least "Thanksgiving" desserts I can think of).

Buche de Noel.



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One of these days I'm going to be brave enough to attempt a bûche de noël--for Christmas of course. My sister used to make them, I was me er the family baker.

I'm not sure why as we are neither French nor Belgian but my dad made them every year. I haven't stuck with it. Meringue decorations are just not my thing.

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It appears that many of the commenters here are decidedly NOT Marney-compatible. If you were in her family, she would certainly reserve a special bit of snark for you in her letter!

I was under the impression that the Marney interview was made up.

I watched it again and I still think it's real. Perhaps I just want to be able to say "I saw the REAL Marney!"

I'm confused by how casseroles with a lid are stackable. All the casseroles I own have little handles on the top that prevent stacking.


Maybe they aren't "standard"?

No, that's the standard kind. But around here, those are "casserola non grata". MomsintheGarden only approves of the type with a flat glass lid since they ARE stackable.
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I'm not sure what it says about me but every time this comes up, I feel sorry for Marney. I also find her letter hilariously awful but I feel like it must be as hard to be a Marney as it is to have a Marney in the family. I don't know if the interview is real or not but the part where they ask about the one family member that she says "won't even read this" is so incredibly awkward and (to me) sad. There seems to be a whole story there. If she is real I always think how awful it must be to have become the Thanksgiving meme that won't go away. 



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I think the number of pies is so low cause she knows the pie assigned family 'won't read this anyway ' . They're rebels so she doesn't leave anything to them . Gives them a job but isn't counting on them. If they follow through hey ah extra pumpkin and apple pie won't hurt.


I think the letter is funny but I also think (don't hate me) Marney is not a neurotypical person . She reminds me of my aunt who got into a accident as a young girl and had frontal lobe damage.

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Wow. I've never read that letter. If I got that, I would have to be out of town that Thanksgiving. Send flowers and my regrets. Yikes.


But I also happily contribute to Thanksgiving dinner. My MIL hosts every year, and fortunately, she's NOT uptight and is happy for our help. I always offer to bring more than what she asks for.


I'm guessing Marny's family expects her to host but is reluctant to contribute and/or complains about how things are done, plus she's uptight and wants the dinner that she's working so hard for to be nice, and it's created this situation where such a letter might be sent. :)

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