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Would you give up your DVDs for amazon?


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I have many many DVDs I love. But, it is sort of a pain to pull them out. However, having a million things on Amazon to sift through is also a pain. 


I have been considering that perhaps, I should start whittling down my DVD collection and purchasing things on Amazon instead? 


I wish I could just put the movies I own on a device and then store them, just like we do with the ipods and such.


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I would suggest buying DVDs with a digital copy, but UltraViolet doesn't offer a convenient way to get the digital copy anymore, imo. A lot of the DVDs I used to own are available these days for streaming on Amazon, Netflix, or Hulu so I cover a lot of my bases that way. Plus, I discovered after I sold them that I just wasn't going to watch them much anyway. So, me not being willing to pull them out was a sign that I just wasn't that into them anymore.


Have you checked the streaming services if you have any to see if your movies are offered there?

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Depends. If I'm giving it to the kids as a gift, BluRay with digital is my favorite combination because then we can play it on any of our devices one way or the other, and they also have something to open. DVD plus digital is my second choice. My kids often just watch the digital version of those movies anyway, butbthen we have the physical option for traveling.


If it's just a movie we want to watch that isn't available without actually purchasing it (which is rare), or if it's a replacement for something that was originally DVD only, I'll probably just buy digital from Amazon. We had both Cars movies on DVD only, but after eight million viewings by preschoolers, they wore out. I replaced them with digital copies from Amazon, and we haven't missed the physical copies.

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We have a bunch of DVDs but in the past year or so we have not bought physical copies. So we have a mixture of online movies and offline. Right now my problem is I want to watch movies we own, but they are not organized (some are but many are not) or MIA. We actually own a player that houses like 500 but we fear it scratches movies. Some have been scratched. When we had that up and running we could easily sort through them and tell the machine to load the right disc.


The problem with online movies is when the internet is down you can't watch them.

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We got rid of all the DVDs that were readily available on Netflix or Amazon, EXCEPT we kept the Rocky and Bullwinkles, old TV shows like Green Acres and so on, because when we have people over whose kids want to watch a movie while the grown-ups talk, it is a lot easier and safer and faster to pop in a DVD than to go looking on Netflix or Amazon.  


As for organizing them, I'm ambivalent.  We used to put them in binders, but I have found that I can sell them for OK money if I keep them in the jewel cases...so I've been putting them and their paperwork back into the jewel cases and getting rid of the binders now.  So much life I will never have back.  :0)


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My husband is the curator of the movies. A few years ago he decided that he should get rid of a bunch of the dvds since we had streaming access to several options, but then some of those streaming options took some of those movies off their lists. Since then, he has been beefing the collection back up through dvds/blurays bought on deep discount or at Goodwill, so we have more than ever. :)


We are planning to check out Vudu's disc to digital conversion option to see if that might be useful for us. I'd love to hear anyone's experience, if you've tried it. It would be nice to have a lot of our physical movies available in digital format so that our daughter will be able to access them when she goes to college. http://www.vudu.com/in_home_disc_to_digital.html

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What we did is make a media server and encode all our DVDs. We have kept the physical copies in boxes but we don't use them, they're all linked to our computer (tv) along with iTunes and Netflix. It's a great solution for us and keeps us from shuffling back and forth or damaging our DVDs by bringing them in and out all the time. I'm a fan :)

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My husband used to by way too many DVDs. Storing and not scratching them (kids!) was such a hassle. A couple years ago I (jokingly) laid down the law that he buy all movies via Amazon. We have *zero* regrets. It's been all positive. We can watch them from any device anytime. No need to store it or worry about it being scratched. I would never go back :)


Last year I gave wrapped printouts of the covers when giving gifts to him or the whole family. My daughter who was leaving for college soon got an actual DVD for her movie even though she can still access our Amazon from there.

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I have many many DVDs I love. But, it is sort of a pain to pull them out. However, having a million things on Amazon to sift through is also a pain. 


I have been considering that perhaps, I should start whittling down my DVD collection and purchasing things on Amazon instead? 


I wish I could just put the movies I own on a device and then store them, just like we do with the ipods and such.


I'm keeping my favorites, but not all of the hundreds of DVD's (and even VCR tapes) I have acquired over the years. 

I wish there were an easy way. 


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I wish I could just put the movies I own on a device and then store them, just like we do with the ipods and such.

You can do that. I put our dvds on a hard drive. The hard drive plugs into the dvd player. I downloaded a free DVD to mp4 (?) converter. If you google you can find information. It took me a while to figure it out and unfortunately a lot of that info has already leaked out of my brain.

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FWIW, when you purchase a video through Amazon Prime or many other sources for streaming you are not actually BUYING the video.  You are buying the license to play the video.  That license is only as valid as the licensing agreement. If the licensing agreement ends, for whatever reason, your access to the video ends, too.  It can end at any time.


While I love the ease of streaming, if there is a movie or TV series that really matters to me, or the streaming video is very costly, I buy the DVD or Blu Ray instead.  I actually OWN the DVD or Blu Ray.  And I don't have to worry about internet access.  Do we sometimes also get a streaming copy?  Yes, especially if it is something we love and we don't want to wear out our physical copy.  Also, I only get rid of existing DVD/Blue Ray copies if it is something I never cared about or no one in the family ever wants to watch.  Some movies may end up no longer available on DVD/Blu Ray since streaming is so popular now.  Since I already paid good money for it, I'm hanging on to the copy I actually own.  



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