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I can't sleep

Night Elf

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Even with a sleeping pill, I didn't fall asleep until later than I wanted, and then I woke up at 4:30am, wide awake at that. I'm so bored! I love reading but I can't read well in the early morning hours for some reason. My thoughts are distracting and I realize I've read whole pages without tracking what I'm reading, so I back up to read it again. That's frustrating.

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:grouphug:    When I wake up like that, I end up surfing the net, which annoys me because I would like to do something useful and productive, but I just can't seem to.   Sometimes I go for a walk, but not often because I usually don't have clothing, shoes, etc., in a place I can get them without waking up my husband.  

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I have started having this problem since I turned 43. Either I cannot fall asleep till 2 a.m., or I fall asleep at 9 p.m. and wake up at 4!

Sometimes surf the internet on my phone, but usually I just lie quietly in the dark and listen to an audiobook. I can get through more books this way than trying to read on my Kindle.

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Any great courses lectures or audio books that you can listen to?


My kids when they can't sleep would sing the "I can't sleep" song from Beethoven's wig for fun.


"Music: Brahms’ Lullaby (Wiegenlied, Op. 49-4), Brahms

Lyrics: Richard Perlmutter


I can’t sleep

I can’t sleep

There’s a fly in my bedroom


And it’s buzzing all around

That’s the reason I can’t sleep


Wish it would let me be

And would not make a peep

But it flies over me

And that’s why I can’t sleep" http://beethovenswig.com/index.php?page=songs&category=Beethoven-squo-s_Wig-col-_Sing_Along_Piano_Classics&display=377

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I've been having trouble sleeping too (hormones, sickness, and pregnancy discomfort here), and the only thing that has helped is NyQuil. Over the counter sleep meds work initially but I keep waking at 3 am, I already take magnesium, and unfortunately I have had bad reactions to stuff like ambien.

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Thank goodness for that. Ambien is a class C drug, I think, with no controlled pregnancy tests. I can't imagine anyone choosing to take that chance.

Oh I wasn't implying I'd take it during pregnancy, no. I've had insomnia for years in waves but chemical solutions haven't worked well at all. The OP isn't pregnant so I wanted to give my input, that the particular drug wasn't one I could recommend.


My midwives have no solutions but the old standby toward the end stretch here. When I'm contracting so much I can't sleep they always recommend a little liquor, which is just so un-PC it cracks me up. Otherwise it's melatonin, magnesium, or diphenhydramine.

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I went to bed late and woke up early. I had taken my sleeping pill but it didn't really work. I think my adrenaline level was just too high.

Stress can do that. Have you tried sex? That can sometimes help when nothing else will :)


My husband only gets a little offended when I use him as a sleep aid but his ego manages to get over it pretty quickly :lol:

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I let him sleep.  He doesn't have any insomniac problems.  I am the one who does.  I am on 50 mg. of trazadone but I used to take more.  If I don't sleep well tonight with that dose, I will up it Thursday night.  I also take my blood pressure medicine at night which is supposed to make me tired.  It just didn't.  

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No, I'm not pregnant so that isn't a concern. I've been on various sleeping pills for years, hmm.., at least 5. I can't remember. My current combo is 5 mg. Ambien and 50 mg of Trazodone. But if I cant' fall asleep I take another 50 mg of Trazodone. I have trouble both falling asleep and staying asleep. I'm happy to say I got 6.5 hours of sleep last night. I feel good!

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