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Facebook etiquette?


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We live 2,000 miles away from my family and primarily use Facebook to share pics of what the kids are up to. I tried doing email and my grandmother called me asking for me to use Facebook since it was easier for her! Haha


But that being said, do those of you who share on Facebook limit what you share? I got a cute video of Dd (4.5) reading to her brother and wanted to share it for my family. However, I'm hesitant to share it because I feel that it's bragging. In the past when I've shared pictures of Dd writing her name, friends have commented in person "oh wow I can't believe she can do that, (kids name) isn't even close!" I feel bad that they seem to compare so easily.

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I don't share academic stuff because BIL's wife will feel inadequate even though she try not to. It is not a jealousy issue but a self esteem issue for her.


I do share all stuff about recreation with extended family because it is just normal stuff like local small amusement parks, the beaches, train rides.


I have a setting for family and a different setting for friends. So family see more stuff than friends.

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You can set up groups among your friends, and sort who sees your posts.  I have folks distributed by where I met them, by closeness, etc.  They can be in more than one group.  When Dd does something awesome that I want relatives to know, I post it and select that it only be shown to my "family" group. 


Now, I'm not sure how locked down this system really is, so I'm still careful what I post.

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Can you just share videos like that with family and not with all your FB friends? (I'm not on FB but I had a vague idea you could group your friends into different categories and only share things with a particular subgroup of friends.)

That's a good idea! I didn't think to mess with settings. I've tried texting videos or email, but certain videos are too large or won't text.

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I don't share academic stuff because BIL's wife will feel inadequate even though she try not to. It is not a jealousy issue but a self esteem issue for her.


I do share all stuff about recreation with extended family because it is just normal stuff like local small amusement parks, the beaches, train rides.


I have a setting for family and a different setting for friends. So family see more stuff than friends.

That's how I feel her friends parents are. And my nephew is autistic and my mom constantly compares Dd to his little sister who is 4. It's rough!
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You know, I wonder about this type of thing myself. I *hate* that I have to wonder if I should post something because of someone else's possible reaction.

Can I post pictures of a party at my house for the kids and their parents to see what they were doing - and for their relatives to glimpse a part of their life and their friends? Or should I not post because not everyone we've ever met in the world was not invited and so they might feel bad because they weren't invited?


Can I post pictures of my kid doing good? Because maybe someone else's kid didn't or couldn't do that for whatever reason. Because maybe we didn't do good for them? 


Can I share a success of my child? Because some other child might not have had success that day. Or because someone else might feel inadequate that their child can't do that.


Can I share a picture of us at an event? Because you know, maybe someone couldn't afford to go and it might make them feel bad.


So, I post the things I want to share (and that the kids are okay with me posting). I try to be sensitive, but I'm not responsible for everyone else's responses. I don't post to make anyone feel bad. I post because relatives live far away and this way they, in some small way, be a part of our lives. And I post pictures on occasion of my kids with other kids - because they and their families deserve the right to see what we were doing. If someone gets their feelings hurt, I'm sorry that this was their response instead of the joy that something good or fun was happening.

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You can always limit the audience to any particular subset of your friends. Make a list "family" and only share there. Or exempt a person who you know will feel bad.


I don't post anything publicly except public announcements for events. Some more private things I only share with close friends, not all my fb friends.

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I don't share anything I think will make other people feel left out, and I try not to embarrass my kids. Those are my personal rules. We just put some fabulous family pictures that we spent a lot of money and time getting and don't feel the slightest bit bad about it. But I didn't put up pictures of several things we did over the summer that some people would have felt excluded from. And I definitely didn't post any pictures of my totaled car that would embarrass dd.

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I can't spend my time worrying constantly about that stuff. I've learned from this forum that no matter what you're doing or no matter how careful you think you're being, someone out there thinks you're trash and that you know exactly how offensive you are to them, even though you have no clue. And trust me, if you've thought of it, its not that. There's always something else.


I'd just go ahead and post. You can create a family group so they'll see it... And I do think tagging grandma and saying, "Hey, grandma, check it out" makes it clear that you're sharing. But I say don't overthink it.

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