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My MIL lives in a large, diverse city. She is concerned that if Obama doesn't win the election there will be riots similar to after the Rodney King verdict. I told her I thought she was being overly concerned and racist. She thinks I'm being naive and "too midwestern". Are people in cities concerned?

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My MIL lives in a large, diverse city. She is concerned that if Obama doesn't win the election there will be riots similar to after the Rodney King verdict. I told her I thought she was being overly concerned and racist. She thinks I'm being naive and "too midwestern". Are people in cities concerned?


What is her proposal to stop such goings on? Does she think Sen. Obama should not have run, or that he should drop out, or that we should frighten our friends with this news, or what? That black people should never run for President, much less a Hispanic or Muslim or Jew, because of uprising if he/she won or if he/she didn't win?


(And I'm not in any way picking on YOU, Melissa. I'm just wondering what she thinks the upshot of this should be. Words and ideas, particularly words of fear and warnings of panic and riot, have consequences, IMO.)

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What is her proposal to stop such goings on? Does she think Sen. Obama should not have run, or that he should drop out, or that we should frighten our friends with this news, or what? That black people should never run for President, much less a Hispanic or Muslim or Jew, because of uprising if he/she won or if he/she didn't win?


(And I'm not in any way picking on YOU, Melissa. I'm just wondering what she thinks the upshot of this should be. Words and ideas, particularly words of fear and warnings of panic and riot, have consequences, IMO.)


... I don't think that anyone is saying so and so shouldn't run because of their race/religion/etc.... I have thought about the rioting and it is a very real possibility. :( It is sad, but it could happen. Let's think about this, we know most people in America today are tolerant but there is that small fraction of people that never will be. Our family is a melting pot (Irish, African Americans, Pacific Islanders, Chinese, Mexican, etc.) and we all worry about this together. So I know that it isn't just limited to one ethnic group panicking. I am just saying that so you understand I am not racist... I love all colors...Even the people that are tinged blue due to an incident with Silver. :) LOL!


What happens if Obama is elected and one of those in tolerant people go to 'handle ' the situation. All heck will break loose. KWIM? I don't think they are saying they are intolerant or that he shouldn't run. They are just wondering the what ifs.


I think it will be a big problem no matter who wins unfortunately. :(

Edited by Diannab
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... I don't think that anyone is saying so and so shouldn't run because of their race/religion/etc.... I have thought about the rioting and it is a very real possibility. :( It is sad, but it could happen. Let's think about this, we know most people in America today are tolerant but there is that small fraction of people that never will be. Our family is a melting pot (Irish, African Americans, Pacific Islanders, Chinese, Mexican, etc.) and we all worry about this together. So I know that it isn't just limited to one ethnic group panicking. I am just saying that so you understand I am not racist... I love all colors...Even the people that are tinged blue due to an incident with Silver. :) LOL!


What happens if Obama is elected and one of those in tolerant people go to 'handle ' the situation. All heck will break loose. KWIM? I don't think they are saying they are intolerant or that he shouldn't run. They are just wondering the what ifs.


I think it will be a big problem no matter who wins unfortunately. :(


I wonder if most Americans are tolerant. I HOPE most people are, but I do wonder. (And I didn't get the Silver joke -- 'splain, please! :D Is it a cartoon?)


I worry about assassination. I worry about that a LOT, actually. But I guess I've never thought about riots. I am pretty sure about this: the candidates in question, Sens. Obama and Sen. Biden, will not do anything overtly or covertly to encourage such a thing. Sen. Obama has kept a VERY tight rein on independent smear ads, for example, that usually proliferate at this stage of the game. It's a well-controlled, well-disciplined ship.


I think what I'm wondering is, does the MIL in question use her concern to raise worries about *voting* for the man, *not* voting for him -- what? Or is she simply talking? What I mean (further) is, is this something that the ultra-liberal talking heads are talking or emailing about that she's repeating, something the ultra-conservative talking heads are talking or emailing about that she's repeating, or is she just independently worried about this?


Or perhaps I'm just reading too much into it? :glare:

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Some people feel that riots are a possibility because of the way that the results of the election are being framed. Some in the mainstream media are pushing the idea that if Obama loses it is only because of white racism and not because of his ideology, positions, experience, or associates. These words and ideas have consequences, too. If someone buys into that idea they are definitely going to be angry if he doesn't win. And some folks might look to take out that frustration. I think that is what the original poster's MIL is referring to. I seriously doubt she thinks that minorities shouldn't run for office because it is too destabilizing.

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My MIL lives in a large, diverse city. She is concerned that if Obama doesn't win the election there will be riots similar to after the Rodney King verdict.



Although I do not believe there will be any riots, I do know that racial tensions seem to run exponentially higher in the big cities than in smaller towns and rural areas. I am a person of color, many colors. My color was always a much bigger deal growing up in LA than it has been since I got the heck out of there.

However, I remember the King riots vividly, and I do not think that we are dealing with the same ingredients here.

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My MIL lives in a large, diverse city. She is concerned that if Obama doesn't win the election there will be riots similar to after the Rodney King verdict. I told her I thought she was being overly concerned and racist. She thinks I'm being naive and "too midwestern". Are people in cities concerned?


There were riots here after Martin Luther King's assasination. I am not concerned about riots if Obama loses presidential election.

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Some people feel that riots are a possibility because of the way that the results of the election are being framed. Some in the mainstream media are pushing the idea that if Obama loses it is only because of white racism and not because of his ideology, positions, experience, or associates. These words and ideas have consequences, too. If someone buys into that idea they are definitely going to be angry if he doesn't win. And some folks might look to take out that frustration. I think that is what the original poster's MIL is referring to. I seriously doubt she thinks that minorities shouldn't run for office because it is too destabilizing.


Could you give some examples of the MSM framing the election this way? I know personally three people in my own family who won't vote for Obama because he's black and will sit out the election because of it.


I'm not trying to be ugly or contrary, I'm just wondering if people are reporting the kind of thing that I see in my own area and in my own family. In my mind, that would not be "framing," simply reporting. But I do understand that there may be an agenda to some reporters in the mainstream, and I'd like to see the examples you are referring to so I can try to figure out this perspective.


I would absolutely agree that if this is deliberate twisting and not simply reporting that those words do have consequences and have to be called into account. (IMO, YMMV, etc)

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First of all, these rumors of riots are being circulated by the media and on the internet, so accusing her of being racist like it is her own idea that there will be riots isn't really fair. She is probably just pointing out her fears based on what she has heard. Second, how is it 'racist' to point out that a group of people has rioted before in the past might do so again. It's just observing reality.


As for the fact that certain groups may be planning to riot and saying as much if their candidate doesn't win is all the more reason to vote for the opposing candidate, if these are the type of people supporting said candidate and using fear tactics to get him elected. Just my opinion, but it certainly draws back the mask.

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....all the more reason to vote for the opposing candidate, if these are the type of people supporting said candidate and using fear tactics to get him elected. Just my opinion, but it certainly draws back the mask.


I'm going to reject the dishonorable fear tactics of those who are suggesting Obama supporters are planning to riot, and vote for the man I believe is best qualified to lead this nation: Barack Obama :patriot:



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First of all, these rumors of riots are being circulated by the media and on the internet, so accusing her of being racist like it is her own idea that there will be riots isn't really fair. She is probably just pointing out her fears based on what she has heard. Second, how is it 'racist' to point out that a group of people has rioted before in the past might do so again. It's just observing reality.


As for the fact that certain groups may be planning to riot and saying as much if their candidate doesn't win is all the more reason to vote for the opposing candidate, if these are the type of people supporting said candidate and using fear tactics to get him elected. Just my opinion, but it certainly draws back the mask.


No, no, I think you're misunderstanding me. I don't think she's racist because she thought of it, or even if she heard it somewhere and it raised her concerns. I'm just wondering where the thoughts originated. And I was thinking at first, "Well, what can we do? What could we do about that?" because it took me by surprise, the idea of rioting if he LOST. I would have thought about rioting if he *won*, or worries about his safety. I hadn't read or heard the rumors. I just wondered where they came from. And I think I spoke too abruptly (but certainly without malice).


Does that make more sense?


And as far as I can understand what you're saying in the last paragraph, I agree completely.

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Could you give some examples of the MSM framing the election this way



I was having trouble with pasting this link. If it works, click on the article that says "Analysis: Palin's words may backfire on McCain." It is a very racially charged article about Sarah Palin's words. I do not believe that her words were racist or racial at all. Far from it, but I believe Douglass Daniel, an AP writer infers his own racial preoccupations into Palin's words.




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I am thinking there might be riots over the economy breaking down...so many people are angry, and rightfully so, and that scenario isnt over yet.

I hope you guys don't get riots over the election though, that would be bad.

I hope Obama wins too, although I think the politicians don't have much power...it's the corporations who rule the world, not the politicians.

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I was having trouble with pasting this link. If it works, click on the article that says "Analysis: Palin's words may backfire on McCain." It is a very racially charged article about Sarah Palin's words. I do not believe that her words were racist or racial at all. Far from it, but I believe Douglass Daniel, an AP writer infers his own racial preoccupations into Palin's words.





I'm amazed that this is coming out of the AP. The AP has been very slanted against Obama to date. Wow, huh?

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But *why* do you think that African Americans *may* riot of Obama loses? Because Obama is of mixed racial background? I have not heard this concerned expressed before over any other presidential candidate that African Americans may have supported. What is it about this go round that is raising fear level in people?

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I hate that thought. So, is it blacks who would riot or every minority group?


Because if every minority voter votes, and it sounds like the belief is that every minority would vote for Obama - then he cannot possibly lose. There are more people of color in this country than "whites."


So would only the minorities who care riot? But wouldn't people who actually care enough about the process to vote, be less likely to riot based upon their participation in the process?


Along that line of thinking, are we worried that the gun-toting rednecks are going to riot if McCain doesn't win? Because clearly they must be for McCain, right?



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But *why* do you think that African Americans *may* riot of Obama loses? Because Obama is of mixed racial background? I have not heard this concerned expressed before over any other presidential candidate that African Americans may have supported. What is it about this go round that is raising fear level in people?


I don't know, but Sweetie mentioned this to me just last night. He listens to the radio and keeps up with the news. I do not. He said it's been brought up for quite awhile and even more lately. It came up last night because people have told him they are changing their vote because they're afraid of riots, etc. -- it is something they are very concerned about.

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I'm going to reject the dishonorable fear tactics of those who are suggesting Obama supporters are planning to riot, and vote for the man I believe is best qualified to lead this nation: Barack Obama :patriot:






You said it, Spy Car!!!!!


Obama in '08!!!!



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I don't know, but Sweetie mentioned this to me just last night. He listens to the radio and keeps up with the news. I do not. He said it's been brought up for quite awhile and even more lately. It came up last night because people have told him they are changing their vote because they're afraid of riots, etc. -- it is something they are very concerned about.


Wait... changed their vote TO Sen. Obama because of fear of riots? That's horrible. This isn't like a videotape of a beating, this is a free political process in a constitutional republic. I cannot imagine the pressure they must feel in order to do such a thing. Wow! :confused:

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I wonder if most Americans are tolerant. I HOPE most people are, but I do wonder. (And I didn't get the Silver joke -- 'splain, please! :D Is it a cartoon?)
Colloidal silver occasionally turns people blue. (This is the first link I found with a picture.)
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Colloidal silver occasionally turns people blue. (This is the first link I found with a picture.)


Thanks for linking that! :) That is the gentleman I was speaking of! :) I was simply trying to lighten the mood. I don't like the fact that this is coming down to racial backgrounds and fears. :( I wish it was more about the candidates and what they stand for. :(

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No, no, I think you're misunderstanding me. I don't think she's racist because she thought of it, or even if she heard it somewhere and it raised her concerns. I'm just wondering where the thoughts originated. And I was thinking at first, "Well, what can we do? What could we do about that?" because it took me by surprise, the idea of rioting if he LOST. I would have thought about rioting if he *won*, or worries about his safety.




Who do you think would be rioting if he won?



Spy ... it kinda sorta sounds like you're implying that the rumors of potential rioting are being planted as a deliberate fear tactic. If so, who do you figure is doing it? Because it sounds like the result is that some people are scaring themselves right into voting for Obama.

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I was having trouble with pasting this link. If it works, click on the article that says "Analysis: Palin's words may backfire on McCain." It is a very racially charged article about Sarah Palin's words. I do not believe that her words were racist or racial at all. Far from it, but I believe Douglass Daniel, an AP writer infers his own racial preoccupations into Palin's words.





:iagree: I was thinking of the same article. This is ugly journalism. Palin was referring to radical liberals from the 60s who are white. They're specific people with a specific history. Any number of media and candidates have brought up their names.


When I saw this article, I thought wow, they're really trying to paint her as some wacky ultra-conservative religious zealot with racist views. What's ironic, is that the writer is bringing up racism where it isn't and exactly as you said, exposing his own racial preoccupations. But the worst part of this is that he's ringing this bell, he's hoping that some people may read this and think it's true, that there's a racial basis for it. Ugh.

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Who do you think would be rioting if he won?


I'm not saying they would. I'm not thinking anyone would riot. I just think the numbers who are going to be very very VERY angry that a black man won in my neck of the woods are so much bigger than the number that would be very very VERY angry that a white man won. If anyone would riot, my particular area of growing up and living right now is more rife would people who would riot one way instead of another. It just takes more mental gymnastics for me to imagine what it would be like for someone with another perspective to think there would be race riots if Sen. Obama lost.


For the record, I don't think ANYone will riot.



Spy ... it kinda sorta sounds like you're implying that the rumors of potential rioting are being planted as a deliberate fear tactic. If so, who do you figure is doing it? Because it sounds like the result is that some people are scaring themselves right into voting for Obama.


Right. That makes no sense. Where are people reading this? Who is doing the majority of the speculating about it? I've not heard it even once until reading it here. (And back to my original question of whether Melissa's mil was worried about this independently, or is someone stirring up her worries? Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm just wondering if so, WHO?)

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I live in a big(ish) city, and my neighborhood is about 40% African American. I'm not worried.


I was curious about this however, not having heard anything about it until today. The earliest media references I see to riots and Obama is from Michelle Malkin and Jonah Goldberg in January and Tom Sullivan of FoxNews in March. I see quite a few discussions on white power forums I refuse to link. Here's another from the Wall Street Journal in September (with one reference to the 1960's riots, but many more to deepened disenfranchisement).

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:iagree: I was thinking of the same article. This is ugly journalism. Palin was referring to radical liberals from the 60s who are white. They're specific people with a specific history. Any number of media and candidates have brought up their names.


When I saw this article, I thought wow, they're really trying to paint her as some wacky ultra-conservative religious zealot with racist views. What's ironic, is that the writer is bringing up racism where it isn't and exactly as you said, exposing his own racial preoccupations. But the worst part of this is that he's ringing this bell, he's hoping that some people may read this and think it's true, that there's a racial basis for it. Ugh.


The part of it (as I understand it) that is being pointed to as alluding to racism is the part where she talks about how he doesn't see America like "the rest of us" see America. Not his association with "terrorists." (And as far as I know, she's talking about Ayers, and he's only one guy, not "terrorists." The Ayers thing is not impressing me much. I'm more impressed with who a person associates closely with when they're 58, less so who they're supposed to have supported when they were 8.


Again, though, the AP?? That's so random.

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I'm not saying they would. I'm not thinking anyone would riot. I just think the numbers who are going to be very very VERY angry that a black man won in my neck of the woods are so much bigger than the number that would be very very VERY angry that a white man won. If anyone would riot, my particular area of growing up and living right now is more rife would people who would riot one way instead of another. It just takes more mental gymnastics for me to imagine what it would be like for someone with another perspective to think there would be race riots if Sen. Obama lost.


For the record, I don't think ANYone will riot.





Right. That makes no sense. Where are people reading this? Who is doing the majority of the speculating about it? I've not heard it even once until reading it here. (And back to my original question of whether Melissa's mil was worried about this independently, or is someone stirring up her worries? Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm just wondering if so, WHO?)


And see, from my experiences growing up, it's much easier for me to imagine riots if he were to lose.


I don't know. If it is being put out there deliberately, it's a pretty dumb move. For either party.

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Spy ... it kinda sorta sounds like you're implying that the rumors of potential rioting are being planted as a deliberate fear tactic. If so, who do you figure is doing it? Because it sounds like the result is that some people are scaring themselves right into voting for Obama.


Stephanie, I say this because media reports over the weekend suggest the McCain campaign has decided the only way it can possibly win is by mounting an intensely negative smear effort for the next month.


Sarah Palin has already started in with the smear-by-association tactics, and McCain's campaign is run by the same people who smeared him [McCain] in 2000.


I highly doubt anyone is going to be scared into voting for Obama out of the fear blacks will riot if he loses. This just does seem plausible to me.


Rather, I'm afraid, every old racial fear is going to be exploited to attempt to turn around a campaign that appears headed for defeat.



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:iagree: I was thinking of the same article. This is ugly journalism. Palin was referring to radical liberals from the 60s who are white. They're specific people with a specific history. Any number of media and candidates have brought up their names.


When I saw this article, I thought wow, they're really trying to paint her as some wacky ultra-conservative religious zealot with racist views. What's ironic, is that the writer is bringing up racism where it isn't and exactly as you said, exposing his own racial preoccupations. But the worst part of this is that he's ringing this bell, he's hoping that some people may read this and think it's true, that there's a racial basis for it. Ugh.


McCain and Palin need to step lightly here... McCain served on an a board known for it's right wing extremism, U.S. Council for World Freedom. Not that McCain is a right wing extremist, same as Obama is not a 1960's radical. McCain and Palin can't compete on the issues, so they have switched to slinging mud. McCain has plenty of skeletons in his closet and I don't see this tactic working.

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I'm going to reject the dishonorable fear tactics of those who are suggesting Obama supporters are planning to riot, and vote for the man I believe is best qualified to lead this nation: Barack Obama :patriot:





(I always wanted to say that, LOL!)


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I read on a libertarian website that the armed services are going to be deployed here in US as a precaution in case of a riot r/t Obama losing or the economy slamming into a depression. I'll try to find the info.


Ok, troops are now GARRISONED for street duty in the US for the first time what, ever? But no one has officially said why.


And if someone is speculating on this, please know that this is not an official word. And *I* wanted to know when I read about it what the significance of the timing for this was. What does someone know, or expect, and WHY?




I don't think it's riots, unless someone is manufacturing some riots. I've got my flippin' foil hat sitting right here. I do. not. like. this.

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Not that McCain is a right wing extremist, same as Obama is not a 1960's radical.


McCain and Palin can't compete on the issues, so they have switched to slinging mud.


You're right, they're not the extremists that you mentioned.


For the second line, Obama and Biden have done their own fair share of digging and slinging mud, I'm sure you've noticed. Some of their official ads are definitely same ol', same ol'.:001_huh:


Just give me the facts and stay on the issues, is what I'd like to see. Oh well.

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Ok, troops are now GARRISONED for street duty in the US for the first time what, ever? But no one has officially said why.
While it's possible that some National Guard units are on alert, federal troops are not garrisoned for street duty. However, troops are being stationed in the homeland for the first time since the end of the Civil War. The The Posse Comitatus Act was repealed after Hurricane Katrina. Another instance of the Democrats rolling over for Bush. :banghead:
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You're right, they're not the extremists that you mentioned.


For the second line, Obama and Biden have done their own fair share of digging and slinging mud, I'm sure you've noticed. Some of their official ads are definitely same ol', same ol'.:001_huh:


Just give me the facts and stay on the issues, is what I'd like to see. Oh well.


Well, they certainly aren't touchy-feely. But I don't suppose we expect them to be. They do hit hard on the *issues*, and I think soon they will call Sen. McCain out on the fact that he's changed his game plan to "gloves off," to use his own words.


On the other hand, they don't show Sen. McCain as a creepy pervert or the anti-christ, either.

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Stephanie, I say this because media reports over the weekend suggest the McCain campaign has decided the only way it can possibly win is by mounting an intensely negative smear effort for the next month.Bill


Which media are you referring to here? That seems to me to be very insider information -- if it were true -- to which we, the average citizen, would not be privy to. Or it's speculation and opinion. I've heard nothing about it. Anywhere.

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Wait... changed their vote TO Sen. Obama because of fear of riots? That's horrible. This isn't like a videotape of a beating, this is a free political process in a constitutional republic. I cannot imagine the pressure they must feel in order to do such a thing. Wow! :confused:


I thought he was making it up or kidding -- or I didn't hear him correctly. It was more than a little disconcerting.

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Which media are you referring to here? That seems to me to be very insider information -- if it were true -- to which we, the average citizen, would not be privy to. Or it's speculation and opinion. I've heard nothing about it. Anywhere.
Perhaps this from the Washington Post? And the fact that almost all McCain's ads are now attack ads.
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While it's possible that some National Guard units are on alert, federal troops are not garrisoned for street duty. However, troops are being stationed in the homeland for the first time since the end of the Civil War. The The Posse Comitatus Act was repealed after Hurricane Katrina. Another instance of the Democrats rolling over for Bush. :banghead:


Why else would they be here? Posse Comitatus was *repealed*? Ummm. Oookay.


Has anyone read 1984 recently? Are we freaking STUPID?


People have, you know, been *stationed* in the US forever.


The HOMELAND. How I hate that freakin' word. When did we ever call it The Homeland before we started invading countries on flimsy "intelligence," waterboarding suspects, rendition flights, no-fly lists with dissident citizens -- CITIZENS -- on it who dared question the government, the suspension of habeus corpus, and now the repeal of posse comitatus? Let's rally round the Fatherla... I mean The Homeland.


Carp. Stinking, disemboweled CARP. What are we leaving for our kids? Where did my country go? And did I sleep through this? I must have.


ETA: I'm angry and sad, but not angry at YOU, nmoira.

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Which media are you referring to here? That seems to me to be very insider information -- if it were true -- to which we, the average citizen, would not be privy to. Or it's speculation and opinion. I've heard nothing about it. Anywhere.


Been reported on Fox, CNN, MSNBC, most online news outlets, etc

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Why else would they be here? Posse Comitatus was *repealed*? Ummm. Oookay.
I should probably have said, "yet," because that is of course my fear. I totally understand your anger.
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Right. Speculation and opinion. (IMHO!)


Well, no. The news stories I've seen are all quoting McCain strategists. Like this one from the WaPo story linked above:


"We're going to get a little tougher," a senior Republican operative said, indicating that a fresh batch of television ads is coming. "We've got to question this guy's associations. Very soon. There's no question that we have to change the subject here," said the operative, who was not authorized to discuss strategy and spoke on the condition of anonymity.
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I live in Atlanta and am absolutely concerned. I think it's a real possibility.


I'm also concerned about some crazy racist redneck assassinating him if he wins and that triggering riots.


But whatever, I'm voting for him via absentee ballot and may leave town that week.



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