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Paging Dr. Hive -UPDATE post 17

Ewe Mama

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Faith suddenly started with a fever and severe stomach pain. Fever is between 101.7 and 102.5. Pain is around belly button area. She is moaning and writhing. No vomiting or diarrhea. Pain lets up then worsens after she sips water. She also has a headache.


Is something like this going around or do we need to head to the ER?

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I'm sorry you are going through this. Our experience may not help at all, but I wanted to post just in case. Two weeks ago, my DS woke up one Wednesday with a terrible stomach ache, around the belly button. Fever around 101-102 showed up midday. Then about 6 pm (10 hours from first symptom), he vomited. Ok, stomach virus... I thought there would be several more episodes of vomiting. But no. Next day, still a stomach ache but much better. Next day same thing. Then on the 4th night, he woke up in terrible pain. Vomited. 3 hours later, vomited. I was totally flabbergasted! Never had a virus presented this way before. We took him to urgent care. They diagnosed it as bacterial and gave us an antibiotic and zofran (nausea). He was much, much better that very day. The bacterial thing surprised me, but I think the diagnosis was because 1) nobody else in the family was sick and 2) because of its intermittent nature. Ok, sounds good. But THEN, 3 days later, oldest DS gets up with tummy pain. No exaggeration...exactly 10 hours later, vomit 1 time only. Then the rest of the week played out the same way. 2 full days of feeling a bit better, no vomit. Then Boom! 4th day vomit again. Craziest illness I've seen yet. I had really started thinking appendicitis with the first DS because of the pain and duration of illness. Oh, and we took the second DS to our pediatrician, who did not agree with bacterial and therefore didn't give him anything. So who knows what it was?!!

Hope healing comes soon to your house!

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Thanks, Hive!


Ok, we are at the ER. Faith threw up while we were being registered and seems to feel much better. (I doubt that housekeeping is enjoying it, though.) They are checking her for strep and UTI, neither of which I suspect. The dr. ruled out appendicitis quickly. She was given zofran while we await the results.


mmasc, your sons' symptoms sound eerily like Faith's.


Note to self: always pack a change of clothes for child and parent going to ER. Oh, and some baby wipes.

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They initially ruled out appendicitis with my DD and kept her in a triage overflow room (the children's ER was PACKED!), but by the time she got back in a regular ER room and saw a more experienced doctor, she was diagnosed correctly (as our ped knew and sent her to the ER for 14 hours prior). Anyway, hopefully it is a virus that passes quickly for your girl!

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Thanks, Hive!


Ok, we are at the ER. Faith threw up while we were being registered and seems to feel much better. (I doubt that housekeeping is enjoying it, though.) They are checking her for strep and UTI, neither of which I suspect. The dr. ruled out appendicitis quickly. She was given zofran while we await the results.


mmasc, your sons' symptoms sound eerily like Faith's.


Note to self: always pack a change of clothes for child and parent going to ER. Oh, and some baby wipes.

Tummy pain is so tricky! Glad you're getting an exam for dad. Also, I'd ask for an rx of that zofran. My two definitely needed it over the course of 2-3 days.

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This is definitely the strangest virus/illness ever. After we got home from the ER, she was completely fine. She ate some dinner and slept fine all night.


No fever in the morning on Wednesday. She did school and played for awhile. After lunch, she got lethargic and her temp went up again. This lasted for maybe two hours. Temp went down again to normal, no Tylenol or Motrin involved, no stomach pain this time. Rest of the day she was fine.


Thursday she was fine until bedtime. Took her temp and it was slightly elevated. Nothing major. All the rest of the day her temp was normal. She did schoolwork, helped with chores, played, sang, went shopping with me, totally her normal happy self. I made a follow-up appt with our doctor for Friday afternoon to get her test results. I figured it was a waste of time, but decided to humor the receptionist.


This morning she was up at 6 and was coughing, which is a new symptom. She was shivering and temp was back up again to 102.6. Stomach pain again. Gahhh! What the heck is going on? I can't wait to get her to the dr now.

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Curious what they say. Weird stomach thing going on here too. Kid vomited several times at night, then was fine the next two days, then had water diarrhea this morning in his sleep and then slept most of the day. I was similar, felt better yesterday, but today am not so great. 

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Well, the doc Decided to ship us over to another hospital to have blood work, urine testing, and a CAT scan to rule out appendicitis. We got home a little while ago and Faith's temp is over 104 again.


It was a very stressful day for her, what with four needle pricks, drinking the contrast stuff and just feeling horrible in general. She is weak as a kitten and just wants me to hold/carry her.


We are waiting on the blood work, but appendicitis has been ruled out. PTL. UTI stuff seems to be ok, too.


She keeps sleeping and I keep having to wake her to push the fluids and Tylenol/Motrin. She was complaining of dizziness and stiffness. No vomiting or diahrea, though.

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Updating again,


We are currently at a different ER, awaiting transport to a hospital with a pediatric unit. After Faith had fallen asleep for the night, the phone rang with the on-call doctor telling us the results of her blood work. She said her white blood count was 22 (twice as high as it should be) and to get her to the ER affiliated with her office. She was concerned with her continuing high fever and the blood count.


Long story short, Faith has pneumonia with not a respiratory symptom in sight. I wasn't expecting that one.

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