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Dr. Hive what is this on my eye?


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I have a bump on my edge of my eye (eyelash line).  It started small and has now grown larger.  It doesn't hurt or even bother me, except when I look in the mirror.  It looks sort of like a pimple...it's weird.  I thought it was a stye, but all of the pictures I looked at the bump is red and sore looking.  So I am not sure what to think.  Any idea for me? and if so, what can I do about it.

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I guess it's hard (hard to tell), slightly yellow..yes.   I will look for a picture.  If it what you say....is there something I can do about it? (preferably at home).


It's not ON my eye lid...it is on the lash line...if that matters.  I looked up cholesterol deposits and those were on the eye lid...not lash line.

Edited by NEprairiemom
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It does sound like a sty - when I get them they look like a bump or ingrown hair, not red or with pus or like a sore.  And they are always on the lash line.


I would do a warm water compress with a wash cloth or even just a cotton ball a few times a day.  Growing up I think my mom would give us a cotton ball soaked in boric acid.

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I have one of these exactly. It drives me nuts; I feel like it is so noticeable, but DH has said its not.


Mine is right near my tear duct and it just showed up about 6 months ago. Mine is not a sty -- it is not painful or swollen at all. Just like a whitehead, almost. From my googling, I've decided it is a cholesterol bump or milia. Doesn't appear to change and nothing I've done makes a difference in its appearance. I've finally determined to see a dermatologist whenever we finally meet our deductible (to make it more affordable).

Edited by alisoncooks
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It does sound like a sty - when I get them they look like a bump or ingrown hair, not red or with pus or like a sore.  And they are always on the lash line.


I would do a warm water compress with a wash cloth or even just a cotton ball a few times a day.  Growing up I think my mom would give us a cotton ball soaked in boric acid.

I'd agree with this. Warm water will clear it up quickly.

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Yes, check these out. I get small "whitehead" type things along my eyelash line, and usually I can sort of "pop" them with a hot compress. Then one time I couldn't and it grew and grew...I eventually had to have it drained. Ugh. But yeah it was a chalazion not a stye.

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I had a weird little bump in the lash line. never hurt, tried to 'poke it', it grew, but never otherwise bothered me - eventually (YEARS later) a lash started to protrude.  the lash itself was very tiny.  I got a pair of tweezers and pulled the lash out.  it was very long - and the follicle was almost the entire length of the lash.


I've had styes - they are very painful, red, and hot.  they're an infection.

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I had  a chalazion years ago, but it was painful as it is a blocked oil gland. After much soaking, it didn't disappear, so I had it removed surgically, which was not fun. I was so glad to get out of that office! I was devastated months later when another returned, as they can do. I started talking to people and searching the internet. One friend said that taking l-lysine helps cold sores.

I started to investigate that on the computer. I found out that reducing foods high in arginine (such as chocolate and peanuts-I was a big peanut butter eater) and taking lysine supplements could help. It was December ( I had had the thing since August). I went cold turkey on the chocolate-not easy to do during Christmas! The bump went down and disappeared in 3 weeks. Since then, I have not had any more chalazions, nor have I been back to that eye doctor! This sounds like a commercial, but it is true. I can eat chocolate and pb now, and don't have to take supplements daily, just once in awhile. I found out it can help to investigate the 'why's' of things that happen, not just how to get rid of the symptoms. 

I don't know if this is what you have, but thought I would add this just in case. Best of luck to you...

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Years ago I had a bump pop up on my lash line that I eventually had to have removed because it started irritating my eye a little.  Truthfully, it irritated me much more emotionally just knowing it was there and not liking it and not liking not knowing what it was.  My optometrist referred me to an ophthalmologist to have it removed.  He said it was essentially a wart.  The removal wasn't pleasant but it was relatively quick and far from horrible.  He said it could come back, but that was several years ago and no sign of it yet.

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Long story, short.  My dd had something like that and saw numerous doctors for it. If it is the same thing she had then the best thing is warm compresses several times a day and it may take weeks for it to go down.   If it's not what she had, the warm compresses won't hurt anything and it's much easier than all the medical procedures she had to go through to figure it out.  

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This article has a bit about eye hygiene (lid scrubs). It indicates that some people have chronic trouble, and while I know that's true, I know at least two people who have had trouble with styes and chalazions chronically (even with lid washing), and then it suddenly cleared up. So, don't freak out, but don't ignore it. I believe both of them did eventually get on fish oil supplements for other reasons, but I don't know if the timing of their problems clearing up coincided with fewer episodes or not. 


I think people who have sensitive skin tend to have more problems than those who do not, but that might be anecdotal. 

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Our opthamologists have said:


1. Warm compresses for 20 minutes morning and night, followed by

2. eye lid scrubbing routine (we found that the wipes, though expensive, were highly effective) and

3. high quality fish oil supplement--or flaxseed---omega3s


You want the compresses to be warm but not hot to burning.  Here's where the advice between the opthamologists split (we relocated). One said to use cheapie disposable washcloths and toss them.  The other said just to wash them on hot with bleach.  Essentially, I should treat the wash cloths as though they were infected with bacteria as we did not know whether this is a gland malformation or a bacterial issue.


My kids do have very sensitive skin AND the flareups tend to happen during peak allergy season.



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Another possibility.  I have a bump on the inside corner of my upper lash line.  I was referred to an ophthalmologist, who said it's a prolapsed tear duct.  If he removed it, it would mess with the function of the tear duct.  So, I'm stuck with it.  


Oh well, it goes well with the cholesterol bubbles I have on the other eyelid.  

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