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AP Exams 2016 Check-in

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I got a ton of info from the official AP Teacher Community.


I wouldn't buy a print guide unless I could flip through it in person or see a good Kindle sample.



Can anyone get on the official AP Teacher Community or is is just for those who have a syllabus approved?

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Can anyone get on the official AP Teacher Community or is is just for those who have a syllabus approved?


I think I joined the AP Teacher Community while I was prepping my syllabus a couple years ago.  You would need to make a College Board teacher account, then request to join the community.  Usually they are pretty good about letting people join before they have an approved syllabus.  


You might explain that you are teaching it in the coming school year and are working on your syllabus.


I did remember a study book that was written by one of the prominent members of the AP Teacher Community for APUSH.  He's been an APUSH teacher and exam reader for many years.  I intended to get this book, but then forgot about it.  http://www.amazon.com/Historical-Thinking-Skills-Workbook-History/dp/0393264955/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1462076396&sr=8-16&keywords=ap+us+history  On the other hand, you may find that there are notetaking organizers available for free that are just as useful.

Edited by Sebastian (a lady)
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Well, I only started to get really nervous when I read this thread! 


DS is taking his first AP- English Language and Composition and he does not seem overly concerned about it. 


I am more nervous about the AP classes I was thinking of pulling together myself next year! 


Best of luck to everyone! 

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24 hours from now, the AP Chem exam will be a done deal, here in the east.


It has been a steep learning curve for this kid, but I think he's finally enjoying the rigor. (I've been wondering this entire year where he has been our whole homeschooling journey.... asleep? Just.... huh. Have you met your sisters? But hey, we're there now.) He is seeing that it gets more fun and more relevant the more you dive down deep. In the words of Ms. Stewart, "It's a Good Thing."


As others have said, at this point, it's a win in my book, no matter the score on 'The Exam'.


Best to everyone! See you on the flipside!



Edited by Jen in NY
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24 hours from now, the AP Chem exam will be a done deal, here in the east.


It has been a steep learning curve for this kid, but I think he's finally enjoying the rigor. (I've been wondering this entire year where he has been our whole homeschooling journey.... asleep? Just.... huh. Have you met your sisters? But hey, we're there now.) He is seeing that it gets more fun and more relevant the more you dive down deep. In the words of Ms. Stewart, "It's a Good Thing."


As others have said, at this point, it's a win in my book, no matter the score on 'The Exam'.


Best to everyone! See you on the flipside!


Good luck to your son!  I consider my job complete when I've delivered my dd safely to the exam room; no car accidents, no delays.  


We'll compare AP exam stories next week!   

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APUSH for my ds. He self studied, and has been very diligent. First AP test in our home. (Don't think he's as excited as I am ðŸ˜). Hope he does well with the whole testing process. This prep has been very good for him :)



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An end-of-the-road AP here (Calc AB). My son is about ready to take Derek Owen's final as his final review. He has been working through the Barron's book. 


I've said for years that I wouldn't recommend that my son AP-test out of Calc I at the university level. I thought he should retake it even if he did well on the AP exam. Now I'm rethinking that. He seems to have a very strong grasp on the material, so I'm thinking that it would be redundant to retake the course. I guess we will see what his advisor says at orientation. DS is a declared math major. 


My next son is more of the DE type, so it will be a long, long while before I have to think about AP courses and tests again. I can think Associated Press!! :-)

My son placed out of the first two semesters of calculus when he went to the university level and did fine.  Many schools have a credit by exam or placement or old  online syllabus for the courses that your son can use to double check where he is with their presentation of the material.  If in doubt, he can ask the math department when he tours the school or signs up for classes.  If he knows the material cold then he is liable to think that it is too easy if he repeats the first semester and coast up till he runs into a tree and can't catch up.  However, if he only knows the material a little then repeating it is prudent to drive the concepts into his long term memory.


Good luck to him.

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DD tried a few pens to see which kind she wanted to take to the exam. Big differences in smudging and neatness. I'm glad she didn't just grab a random pen out of the drawer before leaving for the test. 


(Now let's hope the pens actually make it to the exam and there is no frantic searching for one in the vehicle after we arrive at the school.  ;) )

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All of our stuff is waiting in the counter: her paperwork (she is taking tests at two schools tomorrow and has to carry her paperwork to the second), id, water bottles to be filled in the am, snacks, the only 3 #2 pencils in the house, 2 blue pens (she read a tip from an English Chief Reader thanking students who use blue pens--helps with their eye fatigue lol), a watch just in case.


I am loading library books onto my kindle, charging my phone, and updating my podcasts. I have located the nearest coffee establishments to both schools and a Subway where I can get dd some lunch ;)


Dd and dh spent the evening playing cards and Stratego :)

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The kids are in their exam.  They are the only two taking AP Chem in the school, so the place was deserted.  Of course, I had asked everyone if they had their calculators, extra battery pack (oldest son's calculator's battery keeps dying, but can plug into one of our rechargers).  Yes, they had everything.  DH pipes up and asks oldest son if he has the cord to plug his calculator INTO the battery...nope, :svengo: off he runs to locate it.


DD started the morning off asking me what she should do if she doesn't know a single thing on the test!   :scared:


I will be so glad when this test is over.


And, by the way, why are the high school teachers scheduling concerts and extra exams this week?  Yeah, I know that not everyone is taking AP exams, but my daughter has three classes at the school, and a test in every single one of them.  My son has required extra concert practice, plus a concert (he's already completed the work for his other two courses at the school).  I'm kind of glad that their AP exam is the first one given...but I do feel bad for a couple of the kids who have the APs, plus the extra stuff on top of it.  It's more about the extra stress of essentially having "finals week" -- but oh, yeah...you have all of this other stuff to do, too.  At least during final exam week that is all there is.

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I woke up at 5 AM and can't get back to sleep, so I'm up!  Worrying about everything.  Will there be a clock in a convenient location?  Should I go to Walmart and try to find a watch that doesn't have an alarm?  Aaacccckkk!!  LOL.  Lisa, hope it goes well!  Yours are probably the first!

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Just a caution...The extra battery pack that plugs into the calculator is not allowed. Several of our students have them. We contacted College Board and they said no because it could be a hard drive and proctors cannot be expected to tell the difference. Your kid will probably get away with it today, but I wanted to caution everyone else that the school will be well within college board rules to say the battery pack is not acceptable.


The kids are in their exam. They are the only two taking AP Chem in the school, so the place was deserted. Of course, I had asked everyone if they had their calculators, extra battery pack (oldest son's calculator's battery keeps dying, but can plug into one of our rechargers). Yes, they had everything. DH pipes up and asks oldest son if he has the cord to plug his calculator INTO the battery...nope, :svengo: off he runs to locate it.


DD started the morning off asking me what she should do if she doesn't know a single thing on the test! :scared:


I will be so glad when this test is over.


And, by the way, why are the high school teachers scheduling concerts and extra exams this week? Yeah, I know that not everyone is taking AP exams, but my daughter has three classes at the school, and a test in every single one of them. My son has required extra concert practice, plus a concert (he's already completed the work for his other two courses at the school). I'm kind of glad that their AP exam is the first one given...but I do feel bad for a couple of the kids who have the APs, plus the extra stuff on top of it. It's more about the extra stress of essentially having "finals week" -- but oh, yeah...you have all of this other stuff to do, too. At least during final exam week that is all there is.

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They are done, out, and working on math at the food court.


LEGOManiac thinks he could pull off a "3" -- PonyGirl is thinking she got a "1" -- which means, they will probably both wind up with a "2."


In DD's words, "I definitely prefer imaginary numbers to finding out what the change in entropy is for a multiple step reaction."


In mom's words...and THIS is why you need to stay on schedule with your school work -- and communicate with me. ;) I'm happy they took the test. I'm even happier it's over. But, Chemistry is not done for the year. We have a research paper, some labs (cough), and additional studying to do before they can take the Chemistry SAT2 in the fall. Hopefully, they will at least do well on THAT one.

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We are trying to decide whether he should take the SAT II June 4 or wait until October and spend the summer continuing to study.  So, are you thinking they will both take the test again?  Will you wait for the scores in July to see how it went first?  How will you plan review into next year's schedule if they decide to take it again?

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Dropped him off in the pouring rain. :o/


Our high school is so awesome and accommodating to homeschoolers. We are very lucky! They hold all their AP exams at a local college, and there was the head guidance counselor, holding the door open and waiting to shake ds's hand on the way in. My heart overflows with gratitude.


DS is hoping for a 4... banking on a 3... but we'll see. I think only the top 8% get a 5 now. (FRQs - please be familiar!) He is taking the SAT II in June... if the prep goes smoothly. But that's the plan this morning.


Good luck testers and parents!

Edited by Jen in NY
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We are trying to decide whether he should take the SAT II June 4 or wait until October and spend the summer continuing to study.  So, are you thinking they will both take the test again?  Will you wait for the scores in July to see how it went first?  How will you plan review into next year's schedule if they decide to take it again?


We'll be working all summer on Chemistry. They will take the SAT2 in October.  Whether or not they take the AP test again is pretty much up to them. I'm fine with listing it as "Honors Chem" for both of them.  I'm fine with LEGOManiac not going for the AP Credit.  PonyGirl may need to take AP Chem again (over the course of a full year (it will be her choice), I'm not going to force the issue.  If they do well on the SAT2, they may feel like giving it a second try, at which point we'll start reviewing at a slow pace in January.  I set aside the month of April for AP Prep in their home based courses, and if AP Environmental isn't offered at the school and they just take Environmental Science, we'll do prep for that at home, too.  We'd lighten up their load on their non-AP courses during that time.  After the AP exams, my plan is to be done with the AP subject courses, and then focus more on the other non-APs


This is all new to me, but my thoughts are like this:


May-August -- Intensive Chemistry (finish up what they need to, then go back through the material, focusing on the SAT2 2-3 hours a week from the end of August until the exam in October)


School begins the 4th week in August, they have to start all of their regular subjects by 8/29.  So SAT2 will be in addition to their regular subjects (blech).

Regular school schedule from October-December

IF they decide to go for the Chem AP again, start adding in about 3 hours of Chem Review a week (won't be a problem for PonyGirl, could be a problem for LEGOManiac until the end of February when his Italian course finishes).

Beginning in April, I've already planned a lighter schedule for their home-courses, so they can add in a bit more preparation time.  DS will be prepping for AP English Language & Composition, AP ES, AP Euro History and *maybe* Chem, Art and/or World History (yeah, writing that out, there is no way all of those would happen).  DD will be prepping for AP ES, and AP Human Geography.

After the exam, their AP content courses (for the most part), end and they will most likely spend double time on the subjects they went "light" on.  They'll be working on math all summer anyhow.


I'm already exhausted for LEGOManiac.  Junior year is going to be a bear with all of the tests!  UGH!  But, he should be done with most of the SAT2s, PSAT, SAT and ACT -- and only have the Physics SAT2 and Math2 SAT2 and maybe the Lit SAT2, plus relevant APs (Calc BC, Physics C E&M/M, English Lit) his senior year.


Honestly, IMO, if they are solid on the material I would rather have the kids take the SAT2s in June then wait all summer.  I just know there really isn't any point in it for these two right now.  

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Kind of upset right now. School #1 started late because some students hadn't arrived (they let dd text me) and told dd that she wouldn't be out until after 12. She has to be at School #2, 8 min away, by 11:30 :eek:


AP coordinator at School #2 was obviously unavailable for questions. Very helpful office people are going to get her a message and told me to email her re situation to see if dd could get into the late/makeup/conflict testing session if she doesn't get there in time.


School #1 will let dd leave as soon as she's done. Too bad the m/c section isn't second because she's always through those so quickly.


Best laid plans and all that. I wish there was at least one school in our state that offers all the APs!

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Kind of upset right now. School #1 started late because some students hadn't arrived (they let dd text me) and told dd that she wouldn't be out until after 12. She has to be at School #2, 8 min away, by 11:30 :eek:



:grouphug:   Please keep us posted. You and your dd are in my thoughts! I hope you are able to work something out and that your dd is able to steady her nerves for the chemistry test.   :grouphug:

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Kind of upset right now. School #1 started late because some students hadn't arrived (they let dd text me) and told dd that she wouldn't be out until after 12. She has to be at School #2, 8 min away, by 11:30 :eek:


AP coordinator at School #2 was obviously unavailable for questions. Very helpful office people are going to get her a message and told me to email her re situation to see if dd could get into the late/makeup/conflict testing session if she doesn't get there in time.


School #1 will let dd leave as soon as she's done. Too bad the m/c section isn't second because she's always through those so quickly.


Best laid plans and all that. I wish there was at least one school in our state that offers all the APs!


I don't know if the letter I received is accurate, but the letter I received from the public school stated that students, per CB rules, are not permitted to leave the classroom until the test time is up. 


Just thought I would mention this.  I would hate for your D's test score on the first test to somehow end up invalid because she left the test early.  (However, the odds of anyone finding out I would think would be very slim.  It is also possible that the info in the letter is not true.)


(I debated about posting this at all as I don't want to cause unnecessary stress, but just in case this would cause a problem, I thought I should mention it.  )


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DD is taking AP Calc, World, and Bio this year.  She's super worried about Calc.  For some reason she just never feels ready.  She made a 4 on the practice exam though so I think she'll be ok.


Can I ask what practice tests give a score at the end? We have a Princeton Review book and the College Board free response questions from past exams. But neither of these shows how the raw points translate into a final score. It would be nice to have a little more context going into the test.

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Can I ask what practice tests give a score at the end? We have a Princeton Review book and the College Board free response questions from past exams. But neither of these shows how the raw points translate into a final score. It would be nice to have a little more context going into the test.



I believe dd figured her score using a conversion table in her prep book.  I know nothing about any of this because DD is very independent.  I'll try to remember to ask her when I see her. 

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Can I ask what practice tests give a score at the end? We have a Princeton Review book and the College Board free response questions from past exams. But neither of these shows how the raw points translate into a final score. It would be nice to have a little more context going into the test.


The 5 Steps to a 5 books give a formula for calculating the final score.

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Thanks. I wish there were at least one online that had a formula. I'm not really inclined to go out and buy another test prep book at this late date. I guess I should have checked before buying the Princeton Review book.

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Thanks. I wish there were at least one online that had a formula. I'm not really inclined to go out and buy another test prep book at this late date. I guess I should have checked before buying the Princeton Review book.



If you plug what was missed into the AP Pass calculator that might help?  I have no idea how accurate this is




Edited by Attolia
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If you plug what was missed into the AP Pass calculator that might help?  I have no idea how accurate this is





How thoughtful of you to look for me. Thanks! At least it's *something*.


I was kind of shocked at what I plugged in, though. I kept dropping the score to see when it would drop from a 5 to a 4 and found that you could get 68% of the MC and 67% on the FRQ and still get a 5. Does that seem accurate?? Normally I think of 68% as a pretty bad score. :huh:


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Oh wow, that's great news. Ds might be in better shape than I thought then.


He knows the material well, but the time just kills him. This morning I was watching his precise work on a FRQ and I was like, "Can't you write your equals sign faster than that?" :lol: He just has never learned to hustle.

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How thoughtful of you to look for me. Thanks! At least it's *something*.


I was kind of shocked at what I plugged in, though. I kept dropping the score to see when it would drop from a 5 to a 4 and found that you could get 68% of the MC and 67% on the FRQ and still get a 5. Does that seem accurate?? Normally I think of 68% as a pretty bad score. :huh:




Some of the tests have a super generous curve.  I'm quite surprised sometimes at how many you can miss and still pass.  Note that they use old test stats and it could have changed a bit lately?  Not sure?

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What is this conflict test makeup day you mention? DD and I just realized that APES and AP Chem are offered the same time, so retaking it next year would be challenging. Because Chemistry is so important for her, I'm kind of heavily suggesting she take it next year at the school. But I don't want to mislead her, either.

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What is this conflict test makeup day you mention? DD and I just realized that APES and AP Chem are offered the same time, so retaking it next year would be challenging. Because Chemistry is so important for her, I'm kind of heavily suggesting she take it next year at the school. But I don't want to mislead her, either.

There is a makeup/late test date to accomodate situations where tests conflict or there is a test cancellation. Sounds like something you might be able to use, although you run into scheduling issues with the school and their ability to accomodate the late dates.


DS'S did the late date our first year when a couple days of testing were cancelled when the district closed for wildfires.

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My only job was to delivery my dd safely to the exam room.  Of course, as I'm accelerating on a busy street, the cars ahead of me are braking for a pedestrian.  So I need to brake *really hard* like my tires would have been squealing if there weren't anti-lock breaks.  So it was a weirdly quiet slam on the brakes.  I didn't hit the guy in front and the guy behind me didn't hit me, so it was all good, but scary, as I have never had to brake so hard in I don't know how long.  And of course it happens today.  

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