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The gas problem is so bad here in North Georgia...

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that people are parking their car in front of gas pumps and LEAVING them there! I don't know how they are going to know when the gas is available though. Yesterday, we saw a gas truck pulling in to a station and there were police there to not allowing people to pull in. This is wild! I don't think the girls will be going to ballet today because this momma is not going to spend her day waiting in a gas line! 36_19_5.gif

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I'm camped out at home with half a tank of gas but not wanting to use it up. We've had gas siphoned out of 2 vehicles and dh interrupted another attempt last night. Oh and we live in a middle class subdivision with 1 acre lots.


Lawana in NE GA


Wow! That's crazy. People are so desperate they are stealing gas from their neighbors cars??? I wish I could send you some gas from Ohio. We have plenty here.

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All I can tell you is that this was a problem here in Nashville for almost a week. Things seem back to normal now but we had the exact same problem, it was bizarre. I almost used my lawn mower gas...it makes you feel a bit desperate but honestly, it'll be short lived, I believe.

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DH has enough to get to and from work (which is not far). My car is just parked. We are going nowhere, and neither are a lot of people.


I was able to buy gas about a week ago, and I just thought the shortage was over and didn't think about it again. I took the boys up to the mountains to the Biltmore House and halfway there, I needed gas. There wasn't any. I couldn't believe it - I had no idea. I found a gas station with gas in a small town and pulled in the back way, filled up, and then realized as I was pulling out the other way that there were cars lined up for blocks. I really hadn't realized, and I guess I cut to the front of the line without knowing it. Yikes. I'm lucky I didn't get assaulted.


Anyway, I was glad to get gas and to get home, but I don't understand why our crisis is so bad here. There really just isn't much to buy anywhere. I feel sorry for people that have to drive a distance everyday for dialysis or radiation treatments.

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We are still experiencing weirdness here. It is getting better, but still spotty as to some that are running out. The prices went way up (to $4.99!) and and finally dropped again. Our lower priced station was running $3.48 yesterday and actually had gas (it has been out a lot!). The Shell stations have been jacking up the prices big time to capitalize. Very odd.

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i posted this story Friday on another board i frequent:


when i drove to the bus stop to pick up my son, the BP had all of its pumps covered with plastic bags. that's apparently the universal sign for "No Gas!" A man, a weathered looking laborer of some sort, was sitting at the end of a pump aisle with a 2 gallon red gas can on his lap. a voice came over the loud speaker:


"Can i help you? Do you need something?"

"yeah," the man retorted. "I need some GAS!"


turns out this was the 11th gas station he had walked to on that strip. (a length of probably at least 3 miles) none had gas. the attendant told him the Chevron across the street had run out less than 15 minutes ago.


this was college park, ga.


Sunday afternoon i drove by a wal-mart murphy's. there must have been at least 50 cars in line. on Thursday i have to drive to pensacola. i hope to fill up in the next few days but in case it would be prudent to siphon the gas in my lawnmower into a can, i tried to buy a siphon at walmart. they were sold out. i'll try some home depots before i leave because if i truly do get stranded and some passing motorist offered to help me out, a siphon would be handy to have.


this is completely crazy!

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Yes, it's a crazy situation. I don't remember it being nearly this bad (nor lasting nearly as long) after Katrina.


The lines are not fun to see and it's almost like a ghost town look when you go by station after station that is empty.


I wonder why the gov't of GA is not doing more to alleviate the situation (working to bring gas in from other places, etc...)? Perhaps they are, but I haven't seen any news about it. The only news I've seen recently about it is that they have no idea when this situation will improve. The best I've heard is at least another week or two.



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I wonder why the gov't of GA is not doing more to alleviate the situation (working to bring gas in from other places, etc...)? Perhaps they are, but I haven't seen any news about it. The only news I've seen recently about it is that they have no idea when this situation will improve. The best I've heard is at least another week or two.




from what i've heard, north georgia is required to use a specific pollution reducing mixture that is in short supply because of the hurricanes. the governor has appealed to the EPA to have those standards temporarily suspended. i don't know the status of that effort, though.

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It's starting to ease up here in Asheville I hear. I had the pleasure of sitting in line for an hour last week to get gas. Thankfully, I don't usually travel far from the house, so a tank lasts about two weeks.


Here's an article that sheds some light on the problem and what can happen if something like this was more widespread.

Edited by Oak Knoll Mom
forgot the link!
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We filled up yesterday and "only" had to wait in line 15 minutes or so. The AJC is saying today that things should ease up by Columbus Day. Two weeks away. argh.


As I understand it, the emissions restrictions have been eased, but the governor waited longer to ask the EPA to do this than the governors of neighboring states. I find his behavior on this whole thing just sort of bizarre. He keeps insisting there's actually not a gas shortage at all--that the whole problem is people topping off their tanks. I get that the panic is PART of the problem, but it certainly doesn't explain it all. And three years ago he caught a lot of flak for actually canceling school for 2 days as a precautionary measure to save gas ahead of a post-Katrina hurricane. Yet this time he's doing virtually nothing.

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Sunday afternoon i drove by a wal-mart murphy's. there must have been at least 50 cars in line. on Thursday i have to drive to pensacola. i hope to fill up in the next few days but in case it would be prudent to siphon the gas in my lawnmower into a can, i tried to buy a siphon at walmart. they were sold out. i'll try some home depots before i leave because if i truly do get stranded and some passing motorist offered to help me out, a siphon would be handy to have.


this is completely crazy!


Deidre, I hope you come back and check this. I just drove from Atlanta to not far from Pensacola. If you can have enough gas to get out of Georgia you should be okay. The further you get away from Atlanta and south, the better. We actually got gas in Newnan but there was a bit of a line. It was less of a line than we had seen in Atlanta though. :)


Hope that helps!

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This is one more reason to keep you pantries full. That way at least your family will be able to eat. After experiencing the after affects of Hurricane Ike, I know how aggrivating it is to go to the store and look at the empty shelves and worry about where you will get your next fill up of fuel. Thankfully we live within 5 min of my dh's work and grocery store, so I don't have to do a lot of traveling to get our supplies.

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I told my dh, "Don't you wish you'd listened to me all these years when I've said we really NEED HORSES?!?"


Best success for me in managing to find gas has been to follow a tanker truck if it's heading away from the interstate. I still have to wait until the gas is unloaded and the pumps are turned on, but it beats waiting at the end of a line without any assurance that there will be gas when my turn finally comes.

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It's starting to ease up here in Asheville I hear. I had the pleasure of sitting in line for an hour last week to get gas. Thankfully, I don't usually travel far from the house, so a tank lasts about two weeks.


Here's an article that sheds some light on the problem and what can happen if something like this was more widespread.


I heard that Asheville shut down last Friday. Wow. We have gas up here in Bristol, if you care to come up and top off your tank. :D

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Yep, no gas in my town outside of Charlotte either. I had to call my trash pick-up today and she said they are not sure if they can pick up all their client's trash because they are down to one truck with diesel.


I think they should have pumps for those doing community necessities like police, fire, trash pick-up, mail carriers, etc. and other pumps for the recreational drivers. I mean, I don't want my trash piling up and I just ordered some great curriculum that is on its way. LOL


But seriously, it is getting pretty bad where I live and I think these things need to be discussed for the next shortage - if there ever is another one of course.

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Deidre, I hope you come back and check this. I just drove from Atlanta to not far from Pensacola. If you can have enough gas to get out of Georgia you should be okay. The further you get away from Atlanta and south, the better. We actually got gas in Newnan but there was a bit of a line. It was less of a line than we had seen in Atlanta though. :)


Hope that helps!


oh, yes, that does help! thank you. i think i'll leave earlier than i planned, though, to leave possible in-line for gas time. i have to be in Pensacola by 4pm CDT.

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My mom lives in Atlanta and she can't get any gas either. She was in a line of 60 cars and was afraid she'd run out of gas before she got to a pump, assuming the station still had gas at that point.


So her car is parked for the duration. She was going to drive up here on Sunday and now she has to wait until the gas shortage is resolved. She said she'd fly, but she wants to bring me a lot of new towels and they are already packed and ready to go. :D

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