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Having a family member in a nursing home/rehab facility


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MIL broke her hip last week and has been moved to a physical rehab center.  We live about an hour away.  What little things could we do to brighten up her days?  I asked the girls to draw/color her a picture.  I had crocheted MIL a blanket and I asked that they bring it to her.  We can't visit too much due to practices, DH in school, and a single car.  Any ideas at all?

Edited by Mommy22alyns
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For some reason, my MIL adored the balloon bouquet we sent.  It didn't have to be watered and so it didn't fade and she could see it from her bed.


Guilty pleasures--like crossword puzzles or romance novels or (gasp) The National Enquirer--things that are treats that cheer her up.  


My MIL would not have liked this but my DAD did when he was in his last days:  a personal DVD player.  Another lady I know, she got a Kindle and it made all the difference for her.  She mostly liked the GAMES.  LOL.  


A little notepad for writing down Things to Remember to --do, tell the doctor, ask the nurse, remind the therapist, ask for from the kid, do re: insurance.  


Ear plugs.  You think I am kidding.  



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One of the things I always did for my mom was to make sure she always had fresh flowers.

I wanted others to know she had family and we were 'around'.


I think that is super important:  sometimes knowing that someone loves the patient in that bed makes a difference.  


I had a wretched 10th grade history class when I taught high school years ago.  That whole sophomore class was just berserk--truly--they had been a PITB all the way through.  


On our wedding anniversary, what, #4 or something, my dh sent me 2 dozen roses, and they *happened* to be delivered during that class.  For some reason, that made a difference.  Those kids treated me differently after that...because they knew someone loved me, I think.  


I would not be one bit surprised if the same is true in this situation.  

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Visiting is always appreciated.


Things that my Mom enjoyed or needed would include;

Clothing that was easy to dress herself with,

lotion- she liked having a special lotion "oils of Aloha"

I would prepay her account/giftcard for her to see the hair dresser or get a massage, or a mani-pedi- that the rehab center had.

Cash- so she could buy what she wanted at the store or for church.

a pretty container with things like; nail file, scissors, combs, hairbrush, etc.

her own swimsuit and coverup so she could use the therapy pool

fresh flowers

treats in the room-for the staff and her.

her room had a small fridge and I would fill it with flavored water. 

Different flavors of tea bags.

puzzle books and pencils and erasers

I got her a cell phone so she wouldn't miss phone calls if she was out of her room- and was less expensive than the room phone

slippers or shoes that were easy to get off and on.

body powder

Her own pillow or blanket from home.


Hope the list helps. 



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Is the food seasoned enough?  My grandmother was happy in the nursing home except the food was rather bland.  She liked seasoned and spicy foods.  I got her a shaker of Ms Dash (she used that at home) and some pepper sauce.  She kept them in a little bag on her wheelchair so she would have it at meals.





Individually wrapped snacks

Window clings to stick on her window


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Get her an ipad and Skype!  :)


Are you going to go in weekly and do her laundry?  


She'd probably also like a visitor's log, her dresser and comfy chair, and reading material.  But seriously, she might be able to learn and use an ipad.  Assisted living has wifi, so maybe nursing/rehab does too.  :)

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