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Anyone feel like theyjust want to make a big batch of brownies


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My son is having his first full-blown melt-down of the year over today's math lesson. He's currently in his room.


So far today, he has accomplished exactly two things: listening to me read aloud over breakfast, and the math lesson that he managed to drag out over about two hours. (Before I get lectured, let me clarify that he wasn't sitting at his desk working for all that time. He was working for 10 minutes, complaining, begging for help, yelling at me because he didn't like the way I offered help, storming out of the room, cooling off, coming back and starting the whole cycle over.)


I had a tiring and emotional weekend. I spent Saturday simultaneously running my son around to dance rehearsals and carrying on a long conversation with my husband about whether we should or should not go through with buying the car we ordered a month ago. Then I spend Sunday assisting in my son's religious education classroom and running errands.


I have a whole long list of tasks I'm supposed to do, several of which require me to make phone calls (which I hate more than almost anything). The most straightforward task would be to try and fix the leaky toilet in the kids' bathroom. But I know that will cause a fresh outbreak of drama, because my son desperately wants to "help" me with that and will go completely over the edge if I try and do it without him.


And I just don't want to do any of it. What I really want is to curl up in a comfortable chair with a good book and some snacks and a cold drink and ignore the whole world for a while.


Any chance those brownies might be vegan?

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I would LOVE to let the kids make a huge batch of brownies and just skip school today, but we are behind from last week so I can't justify doing it. This is our last week before grandma comes and the new baby arrives, so I have to try to stay on task. Not an easy thing to do right now.

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Not just yes--heck yes. But I don't just want the brownies. I want it all: Quiet, dark room. Comfy chair. Good book. Great task lighting shining down on just my book while keeping everything else in darkness. Cozy jammies and slippers. Plate of warm brownies. Glass of milk. Oh--and DH and children somewhere else for the weekend.


Too much to ask?! :001_huh:

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Well, YEAH. But...that sounds good *every* day, lol, so... :001_huh: I guess I'll have to pass today?


The weekend was hard, but today's going fine. I've just about decided that our apt is just too small for 2 adults, lol. The house gets so much messier when he's here, too! :glare:


Oh, well, kitchen's clean, lunch is cooking, & dc are wisely hiding in the back w/ 1yo sis. Baby's sleeping. Come to think of it...I shouldn't be here! Where are those brownies...? ;)

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Oh I'm right there with you. I'd love to make some brownies, or any other food for that matter. I'm starving but my one month old won't let me put her down for more than about 2 minutes before she wakes up screaming. And if she does sleep longer than that, my 21 month old will be sure to come along and poke her and wake her up. I haven't been able to do anything today. I did have a bowl of chocolate ice cream for breakfast because it was the only thing I could dish up and eat one handed. But I really would like some real food. Normally I would zap a frozen dinner in the microwave but I don't even have any of those around. At least I did get my chocolate fix. Hope the rest of your day goes better.

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I can't honestly say I'm up for making a batch myself, but if you're making 'em, I'll be right over. :auto:


I hope your day gets better.:)


If your avatar is any indication, it looks like you aren't having a good day today! (Wasn't the old one dancing?)


We took Fri. and cleaned out all the outgrown clothes from drawers and closets. It was wonderful to see the pile in the hall grow and grow.


But brownies is an excellent option too. :)

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I was thinking about lemon self saucing pudding. I've been officially gestational diabetic for one day, but knew for a week before the test and I'm already getting food psychosis. I even wanted to eat those chocolatey, food colouringy, lunch box snack bars the other day, and I usually wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. Lucky there were no eggs in the house, or the diabetic diet would have been out the window and I would have been going halvies on pudding with dh!


Rosie- wondering if food psychosis is a documented condition, or if it's just me.

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I'm actually having a pretty good day, but I'm up for brownies any day! We actually had two Ghiradelli brownie mixes in the pantry, so I mixed up the turtle version (with walnuts and caramel) and it's in the oven, almost done. I hope everyone else has a better day tomorrow; I've definitely had my share of days when chocolate was my only consolation!

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