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Exercise Thread- Christmas Week Edition


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Today- so sore from Saturday's karate testing that I slept in my br@ rather than try to reach my arms around to undo it:)


Tonight 5+ hours of MMA work/play.  My sensei mentioned that his goal for tonight was to make us so tired and sore that we thought of him often over Christmas break....

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I've been feeling a little better and doing some light things. I got an amazon gift card for my birthday. Talk me into or out of a kettle bell. Will it be a good, simple addition to the light cardio I'm doing? I'm 13 (?) weeks pregnant and having a hard time keeping anything down and I cramp when I work out too hard, but I want *something*. I'm planning on a CAP 20 pounder.

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If you go for the kettlebells try this dvd


I haven't been using my bells, (no time, just running and yoga) but I do enjoy them, and I think they are an excellent way to get in some cardio along with strength work all at once.  I linked it to amazon, but check out her site, which I think is called ON the Edge Fitness ??? unsure at them moment and I'm not where I can easily find my link. She has lots of sales, and my guess is that she will have a new on with the new year.  She often does 50% off her stuff.  

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Personal best today for deadlifts----140 lb :party: I am almost up to my bodyweight :D


I only had time for the training session today, no extra cardio. I doubt I'll get anything in tomorrow as I'll be too busy cooking and baking before heading to dh's sister's for Christmas Eve dinner. Maybe, maybe, maybe Friday between brunch and when our guests arrive.

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6.11 mile walk with dh that included a couple of sprints and lots of hills.  It is so hot here we sweated and I was just in capris and a t-shirt.  Weird!


Confession: I opened a present early per my dh's request- a Fibit:)  I'm learning all about it, does anyone here post on communities there?

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I'm not working out next week because hubby's home and I'm doing some deep cleaning.


Any opinions on these gloves or brand? http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00YT9VXE0?psc=1


I like these better! http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00FKZS1YW/ref=pd_aw_sim_200_of_15?ie=UTF8&dpID=51ABiDKo-fL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_SL500_SR100%2C100_&refRID=1X5KBWNPZ6DSR2T4BG4F


I don't really want to wear gloves if that isn't obvious. I just should.

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I haven't been in forever but I'm so excited I have to post it somewhere. I had a rough fall between crashing and being so incredibly busy but I've been working my way back up, saw a new dr, etc. So, my current yoga teacher took Aerial Yoga training 1.5 hrs away and was telling me that they had Silks set up there and she was working on getting classes going. So, I emailed her today and I'm now signed up for classes starting next week. I'm soooo very nervous because I haven't been to Silks since Sept(when my last session ended and I couldn't fit their times into my schedule). This place is 1hr 25 min whereas the last was 2hr 5 min with a much easier drive, not to mention cheaper. With the timing dh and the kids might come with me some too.

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Soror, that sounds awesome!  I'm so jealous.  Silks looks like it would be so much fun!    Will you try Acro yoga someday too?    :D

My yoga teacher did the Acro Yoga training so I'm certain she'll have classes at some point so likely. She says it is pretty cool but then when she did Silks she said Silks is way cooler. We'll see. My yoga teacher might start doing Silks as well at the new location. I feel a bit bummed about that- now I've been asking her if she wanted to join me- but now I'm afraid that she'll pass me up and I kind of liked having this cool thing to myself, silly right? Must keep working on my attitude!


We've had a break this week and last with outside activities and now dh's schedule for Scouts has changed so I can do Yoga on Mon night now(the only night time class offered). I'm pretty stoked about that. DD8.5 went with me to Yoga class yesterday and she did so well, she enjoyed it and stayed with it the whole time. I'm trying to figure out my workout schedule now that I'm not so busy and feeling better. My mil was good about watching the kids some but is not anymore, dh never puts his foot down on anything said he doesn't me to ask her to watch the kids at all, thankful the Aerial class and Yoga class are both at night. I'm considering doing 1 day time class and having my oldest watch the girls, legally he can and other kids his age do(even watching younger kdis) and it is only about 2 hrs. I've been considering it for awhile, dh thinks he is ready, and I do too but it is a big step.


I'm still not 100%, have to keep working on not doing too much and continuing to improve. So sick of this rollercoaster so I must keep on top of the stress levels and when I start to feel bad I have to address it then.

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Ladies, I propose we start a little instagram club where we can share our 2016 progress.  No hashtags, private... what do you say?  I think it will force me to do something about my hair, and just to own that no matter how much I suck at something, at least I get up and do it.    LOL plus I would love to see some of the stuff  you gals are doing.



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Yoga done, good practice, on the plus side despite my sparse practice this fall my balance seems as good as before, perhaps even better. I'm *trying* to keep an eye towards my breathing and focus and not push myself too hard(I'm horrible about that). I've got to get back to daily ab work, my slacking there will bite me in Silks. 

Ladies, I propose we start a little instagram club where we can share our 2016 progress.  No hashtags, private... what do you say?  I think it will force me to do something about my hair, and just to own that no matter how much I suck at something, at least I get up and do it.    LOL plus I would love to see some of the stuff  you gals are doing.



Sounds cool. I'd love a group for more accountability and just having someone to share with but don't like putting everything out there.

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I've been dealing with shin splints this week. My shoes were toast :( Dh and I just went to the locally-owned running store for new shoes for both of us :)


I can't remember when I last posted. On Sunday I lifted and did core stuff at the gym. I had training Monday and Wednesday (I walked there Monday). I walked on Tuesday (and spent the evening and night in pain) Today I am letting my legs rest. We'll hit the gym tomorrow.

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 I've been out in no man's land as far as wifi and cell signal- but back at home now.

Ladies, I propose we start a little instagram club where we can share our 2016 progress.  No hashtags, private... what do you say?  I think it will force me to do something about my hair, and just to own that no matter how much I suck at something, at least I get up and do it.    LOL plus I would love to see some of the stuff  you gals are doing.



That would be great!    I enjoy reading about everyone's work and have been wondering if this group was about to die off.  Instagram would be fun but how will we work it out?



Btw- very few workouts- mostly just long walks...


Today is my first day of no sugar and it's only lunch time and I'm already cranky.

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I've been out in no man's land as far as wifi and cell signal- but back at home now.

That would be great! I enjoy reading about everyone's work and have been wondering if this group was about to die off. Instagram would be fun but how will we work it out?



Btw- very few workouts- mostly just long walks...


Today is my first day of no sugar and it's only lunch time and I'm already cranky.

But I'd actually have to post a picture. Not much to show from a run in the dark next to a barren field.


For the record I've been working out all break but everyone else quit posting so I just did my thing.

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Dh and I went to the gym this morning for weights, an upper body circuit and a lowe body circuit. Almost all the exercises hit my core as well. And then I worked on pushups---did 4 sets of 5 over the step :D


Boy, am I tired!


I'm not on Instagram but I'd join for a private group to share our progress :)

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Trying to figure out Instagram- it seems it is an app, right? I just can't do it from a computer? My phone is the cheapest smart phone there is and it is pre-pay and slow as molasses- probably not the best choice. We have wiFi at home for the iPad, although no data package, so that is a possibility, but it isn't good to take places. It seems Instagram is primarily for pictures with short captions, right? It would be awkward to take pics at yoga class, the last Silks place encouraged pics, not sure about the new one yet. I guess I could get some pics at home doing various things- not terribly exciting though. Perhaps it is just a way to show that something is done!! Will have to think on it.


-walked today

-abs and Silks prep last night- hanging/shoulder work

-planning abs tonight and some different shoulder work(some stuff that I needed to do outside but I was too big of a wus to do after dark) 

-did a bit of yoga- aiming just to make it on the mat and do whatever comes to me


 My legs are sore and I'm not sure why. I've got to get our cold weather stuff out, I need some basket or something for the entry room, must make it easier to get out the door. It was unseasonably warm and then bam, regular winter temps, I'm not adjusted yet- Christmas was still in the 60s! I'm wondering if I should get some overalls like the kids so I could just slip them on my regular clothes. I can't find my hat either. I know we'll stay outside longer if we aren't so cold but it has to be easy to get us dressed or I just don't want to mess with it either. So happy that I have at least succeeded in raising my kids to love being outside, it sure helps keep me motivated when they are always asking to take a walk. 

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