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What coffee creamer would you use?


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Is it non dairy for allergy reasons?


If so, I would ask the recipient. Soy, almond, coconut milks are all non-dairy, but for me, one would be ok, another would make me sick, and the other would kill me. But another woman in my parish has the same results, but with a different product.

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This is for a mild dairy intolerance, NOT a serious allergy.  The recipient drinks several non-dairy "milks" and is likely to add those if I don't include something special.  I just thought maybe there was something people particularly liked to add.  The "creamer" aisle is huge at my grocery store, and it's a bit overwhelming. 

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I agree with knowing why you want a dairy free creamer, I think that it is key to knowing what a good alternative for that person might be.  I personally prefer coconut or hemp milks.  But depending on why - a festive 'non-dairy' might be better for a gift - but for 'me' I wouldn't drink them either.


ETA: With that information I would probably get a non-lactose, non-dairy festive creamer for the gift.


Edited by HSMWB
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I would skip the creamer and let her add her own that she prefers, and just give a mug or something.


I am VERY picky about coffee creamers (pretty much only like half and half) and when I was on a youth retreat recently and they only had those nasty bottled flavored non-dairy things I could barely tolerate it.   I did survive, but yuck.

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I agree with skipping the creamer.  I have to throw anything like that away.  Unless you know something the person likes, I'd leave it alone. 


Flavored/nondairy creamers to me are sort of like scented candles - only give if the recipient is known to like and use them.  :-)

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Instead of a creamer, which may need to be refrigerated, how about a bottle of flavored syrup? The kind they use to flavor drinks at Starbucks....Torani I think is the name of the most popular one. I usually can find at least a few flavors of it at the grocery store. 

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Honestly? Go over to the Asian food section of your grocery store and get a can of coconut cream. It's THE best in coffee with a bit of sugar. Yum.


I'm a die-hard heavy cream fan and will drink my coffee black when I can't have it. But that I might try! Thanks for mentioning it. :)

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I only drink heavy cream so have no idea which creamers taste good, but I think Hazelnut flavor would go well with the coffee you describe.  

If you're not sure about creamers, a small bottle of Torani flavored syrup might be an alternative.  They can add their "milk" of choice for creaminess.  

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