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My mom would have been 70 today.

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She died over 20 years ago (three years after my dad died.) Some birthdays are tougher than others. Seventy seems like such a milestone that it hurts very much to even think of her.


My mom had black curly hair and hazel eyes that looked green most of the time. She smelled like freckles. She had a beautiful smile. She loved the Mets (probably because my dad loved the Yankees.) She was a nurse. Nothing medically related phased her. She called me poochie. She still let me sit on her lap, even when I was a teenager. She loved her Irish heritage. Our last meal together was corned beef and cabbage. She could get along with anyone. She was a people watcher. She loved Motown. She loved to dance. She lived in Miami during the Cuban Missle Crisis and didn't even know it was happening until she was older. She once bet my (future) dad she could quit her job in the morning and get a new one before night time and she did!


I really miss her.:crying:

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If you can find the strength, make a journal for your children writing down all the moments you can remember, her laugh, what made her made, what made her love, and make notes of how they remind you of her! It will be a treasure with no price in the future!!


Enjoy those thoughts today....and everyday.



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She died over 20 years ago (three years after my dad died.) Some birthdays are tougher than others. Seventy seems like such a milestone that it hurts very much to even think of her.


My mom had black curly hair and hazel eyes that looked green most of the time. She smelled like freckles. She had a beautiful smile. She loved the Mets (probably because my dad loved the Yankees.) She was a nurse. Nothing medically related phased her. She called me poochie. She still let me sit on her lap, even when I was a teenager. She loved her Irish heritage. Our last meal together was corned beef and cabbage. She could get along with anyone. She was a people watcher. She loved Motown. She loved to dance. She lived in Miami during the Cuban Missle Crisis and didn't even know it was happening until she was older. She once bet my (future) dad she could quit her job in the morning and get a new one before night time and she did!



What a wonderful post... Thank you for sharing... :grouphug:

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You are all so sweet. I kind of overwhelmed myself by writing all that. But it has been a week and I am feeling better. It is a strange, sad club...the club of motherless daughters (anyone else read that book?).


I feel for you ladies who had your moms into adulthood and then they died. I think of all those decades of memories...


Anyway, hugs to you all.


Thanks again for the kind words. They mean so much.

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I'm so sorry you're feeling so sad. My mom died last year on October 13th, and this year has been so hard for me, but I'm comforted to know that she lived a long and happy life and passed away peacefully. Your poor mom died so young, and I feel so sad, thinking of all of the great times the two of you should have had together.



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I know exactly how you feel, and I'm so sorry we're in the same sad club. ;-(


I'm sorry, too, for the people who didn't have the kind of relationship with their mothers that you and I did, that we should still be missing our mothers all these many years later.

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