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My family is in desperate need of prayers, etc.

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I got this email this morning from my mom.


Hi, Wayne's son Andrew is in the hospital. He has a blood clot in his

throat. Some type of rare disease. The doctor is with him right now. (

called a few minutes ago and he could not talk because the doctor just came

into the room). Any way Wayne is a walking heart attach waiting to happen,

he is in another hospital getting a chest X-ray seems he had tests done this

last week and the top ventricles of his heart are not pumping blood, he is

lightheaded, and has sweats, nausea, etc. I have no idea why he is not

hospitalized waiting for surgery. Anyway wanted you all to know, I just

found out about Andrew and Wayne. Andrew was being treated for the flu all

week until last night when he got really bad and they took him to the

hospital where they admitted him and came up this the diagnosis. Love M.

Wayne is my mom's brother and Andrew is his teen-aged son. We need prayers desperately

so we don't loose two family members in a very short time.


I can only imagine what my aunt is going through with the possibility

of loosing her son and husband at the same time.


Thank you all.

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I heard from my mom.

Well they found out exactly what Andrew has it is a raw blood disease

Lamieers (spelling) disease. It attach the blood, it is an old disease, the

only cure is antibiotics, administered in the hospital. He is very

fortunate that they got him to the hospital when they did, it only takes 7

to 15 days without treatment before the patient dies. He is reacting to the

medication well, his blood clot in his throat is shrinking, he should be

able to come home by Friday, he will have an IV for at home treatment. Love



I haven't heard about my uncle yet.


Thank you all for the prayers. I know they helped.

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