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I miss my dad.

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Twenty-three years ago today, my dad died. He was 50.


I miss him today. He loved to dance. He loved to laugh. He loved music. He loved history. He loved his family. He had good friends. He was a wonderful dad.


The night before he died, we spoke on the telephone (I was in college in a different state at the time) and had a great conversation. The very last thing we said to each other was "I love you." After he died, it was very comforting that the last thing we said to each other was loving. It's the reason I never leave home or end a phone call with my dh or my kids w/o saying "I love you."



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This sent chills down my spine, 8 years ago I lost my Mom, she was 52. I spoke to her the day before and the last thing I said to her was I love you. I too miss her so much. She was a wonderful, loving example of a mother. It's not exactly the same, but I do somwhat understand, losing a parent is hard. :grouphug:

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It will be 24 years for me in Dec for when my dad died. We didn't have a great relationship, he loved to work, discuss politics, and criticize me, it seems. I didn't realize until his funeral that he had, literally, hundreds of friends--none of us did--they had to move us into a different room for the funeral, because we thought we needed a much smaller room.


I hope you can appreciate how well you knew your father. I understand missing him; I miss mine all the time, no matter than he was so hard on me.


If you do believe in an afterlife, I'm sure he is watching you and your family with love and pride.

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This is really freaky that you bring this up; I was considering posting about what happened to me today...I had to pull over and park when the Eagles' Take it to the Limit came on, because I was crying so hard.


It was the song I heard on the road, after leaving my dad's house the morning he died. I had left the night before, knowing that he probably wouldn't make it...but I had a nursing baby waiting for me, and caretakers that weren't as patient as I would have liked. (Or at least, it felt that way to me.)


The next morning, they called to let me know he was gone, and I went to say good bye.


On the way back to where I was staying, Take it to the Limit came on, and I knew it had to be played at his memorial. When I hear the line, "You know, I've always been a dreamer..." I can't help but bawl. Not only because my dad was a dreamer, but because he loved Elvis, and liked to repeat Elvis' saying, "You know, I've always been a dreamer." :)


Sometimes, I feel like being a dreamer gets me stomped on, a bit, and I miss the person who always encouraged me to keep dreaming.


I also miss him because I'm facing a surgery pretty soon, and he would have been the one to swoop up all my kids and take them to his house, and pretend like it wasn't a big deal.


He also almost never turned me down if I called and asked him to meet us for lunch, and if I tried to pay, after he got there, he'd wave me off and say the same thing, every time..."I've got a pocketful of money." (Even if that pocketful really needed to go for something else, lol.)


I miss being that important to someone.


Anyway, thanks for sharing about your dad, and letting me ramble a little about mine. I know life goes on, but I get tired of the feeling that folks expect you to get over things like this, because I can't imagine ever getting over it. I don't want to, really.


I miss him.


((Hugs)) to you, as you miss yours, too. And thanks for the reminder to tell those we love how much we love them, often.

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I think you never quit missing your Dad. My dad's 40'th anniversary (of his death) is this Nov. 1. I was 7, turning 8, when he died. I tell my kids he's looking down on them from heaven. I miss my father-in-law as well. We lost him almost 4 yrs ago. He was a dad to me longer than my own Father.

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I'm sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is awful, and even more so when the parent is so young.

I lost my dad 14 years ago to cancer. He just had his 53rd birthday. It stinks that he never met my children. He desperately wanted to have lots of grandchildren and would've loved every minute of it. Sometimes I still hear his voice, words of wisdom (or criticism), and hearty laughter. One of my DDs swears she's seen him, knows all about him, and tells stories. He died 5 years before she was born. People live within us even when they're not physically with us.

I hope you can pass some of the joy that your dad brought to you on to your children, sharing the grandpa-style love even though his arms aren't there to hug them.

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Twenty-three years ago today, my dad died. He was 50.


I miss him today. He loved to dance. He loved to laugh. He loved music. He loved history. He loved his family. He had good friends. He was a wonderful dad.


The night before he died, we spoke on the telephone (I was in college in a different state at the time) and had a great conversation. The very last thing we said to each other was "I love you." After he died, it was very comforting that the last thing we said to each other was loving. It's the reason I never leave home or end a phone call with my dh or my kids w/o saying "I love you."




Lisa, that is so great that you have such a good last memory. My dad died 7 years ago and he was 50. I was blessed to be able to be in the ER when he was dying and I got to say I love you to him and was fortunate enough that he was still able to say (it was slurred) I love you back. My dear brothers did not make it in time.



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My Dad died May 17 this year.


As we were driving home from the airport, my son said, "I feel like a part of me died." So do I.


I'm getting over the grief and starting to remember fondly. It stinks, though.


I lost my mom 15 years ago. I miss her, too.


To crib chick, the song that played in the car after mom's death was Take This Job and Shove It. lol I think of her, and that time, whenever I hear that song--oh, how I wish it could have been a more profound song. lol




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Twenty-three years ago today, my dad died. He was 50.


I miss him today. He loved to dance. He loved to laugh. He loved music. He loved history. He loved his family. He had good friends. He was a wonderful dad.


The night before he died, we spoke on the telephone (I was in college in a different state at the time) and had a great conversation. The very last thing we said to each other was "I love you." After he died, it was very comforting that the last thing we said to each other was loving. It's the reason I never leave home or end a phone call with my dh or my kids w/o saying "I love you."








I know what you are going through. I lost my dad approx. 13 years ago and it is still very painful. I loved him like only a daughter can love her dad - he was my protector, my mentor, my parent. I feel he is watching me and loving his grandchildren that he never got to meet. I am so sorry for what you are going through. There are tears streaming down my face right now as I remember my dad, and the anniversary of his death is approaching - Oct. 6th. You have touched my soul in remembering your precious father, taken from this life so soon. I am praying with all my heart the blessings of God to be upon you, me, and our loved ones.



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