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I'm seeing a GI doctor today, kinda nervous....


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Anyone know what I should expect? Basically I constantly feel like there's lump/drainage in my throat when I swallow. One doctor said it was post nasal drip, kept switching allergy meds, then thought maybe it was GERD, but nothing helped as far as meds. Some days I wonder if it's all in my head. Someone else said it could be from stress, but I don't feel like I'm stressed.

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We've had good experiences with GI doctors. Occasionally they want to check your rear end, even if it's an upper GI thing. Usually, though, it's more talking than examining. There's a good chance they might want to schedule an upper gi procedure since you've been trying different things for a while and nothing's helping. My oldest went through it and it was very quick, not too much to worry about.


Please let us know how it goes! :grouphug:  

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I've been through that feeling in the throat, too. For five years. What finally made it go away was doing an elimination diet. The meds didn't touch it. I still avoid dairy (mostly), and certain other foods that I found out that I reacted to.


ETA: don't let anyone convince you it's all in your head. That's a cop-out when they don't know what to do about it.

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I'm having a throat scope to start with.  I've tried eliminating some foods, it does seem to help, but not long term and I'm not sure of where to begin.  I wish they'd do an allergy test, though I don't know if anything would show up from that either.


This is the diet I went on, really strictly, for two weeks.  I've not had a problem since.  I don't take any medication:



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I liked my GI doctor so much!  He was so kind and helpful.  The first appointment was a consultation, followed by testing (upper endoscopy) and blood tests.  I had a pill camera swallow test, too.  He also did did laser surgery on hemorrhoids.  At one point, I was really afraid there was something serious wrong with me, and I cried. He was very sweet to me.  I always felt really comfortable with him and with the testing he did.  I think this is key to not being too nervous.

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I'm having a throat scope to start with.  I've tried eliminating some foods, it does seem to help, but not long term and I'm not sure of where to begin.  I wish they'd do an allergy test, though I don't know if anything would show up from that either.

I had skin testing done (both inhaled allergies and food -- I've been on allergy shots for 3 years), but the elimination diet was a lot more helpful. It was very difficult to find a professional interested in dealing with food allergies, and I've seen 4 different allergists. Finally I just researched and did it on my own.

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OP if you were here, I would refer you to a neighbor who lives on our block. He's a Gastroenterologist in the best hospital in the city of Cali.  However, I wonder why you wrote that you are going to a "GI" doctor today, and not that you are going to an "ENT" (Ear Nose and Throat) doctor. Our ENT did her Residency at MD Anderson in Houston as I recall. She  did nose surgery on me (in 1999) but actually I believe she is more of a specialist with Throat Cancers.  She had a patient (a Dentist?) who had Throat Cancer. He had never smoked or used drugs or anything bad.  He had Reflux and got Cancer from that...


Some of the tests the "GI" doctors do are a little uncomfortable, but some, like a Colonoscopy, can be life savers.


GL and I hope they can diagnose your problem quickly. 

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FWIW, allergy meds did nothing for those I know with sinus drainage caused by foods.  Food elimination was the only thing that worked, particularly removing dairy products. If you decide you want to try an elimination diet, consider eliminating anything made from the milk/cream from any animal - liquid milk, cheese, yogurt, kefir, ice cream, cream cheese, sour cream, whey, and any of those as an ingredient in prepared foods, along with casein, lactose, or any other milk derivatives. Read ingredient lists carefully for everything you buy/eat, and don't eat out at all while you are on the elimination diet.  Generally, elimination diets last at least two weeks to see if there is improvement.  Some people try a challenge at that point, while others see clear improvement and don't look back at all.  It can take several weeks to clear up a sinus drainage problem caused by dairy; it may go faster if you are able to use a netipot or other sinus rinse. 

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I had a similar issue.  I would actually get choked on food, and it could be very painful to swallow food sometimes.  I had reflux that had irritated the esophageal sphincter so much that it began to restrict my throat.  I had a scope done, and they did a procedure where they stretched the sphincter back out.  Other than having a slightly sore throat for about a day, it was no big deal at all.  

I hope yours goes smoothly!


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