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AP Exam Testing Location

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You need to find your own location.


I'm running out so I cannot link----search "AP course ledger" to find a listing of schools in your area who have offered the class in the past. Technically, it's really a list of schools who have had a syllabus approved, but it's a good place to start.

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Just found out our local public school has stopped letting outside students take any AP language exams that require use of a computer, which, apparently, is all except Latin. :(   Drat!  The initial info I got from them was that we could take the AP French exam there.


I asked in another thread, but ... If we use the home school code (instead of the testing site's school code), will our results go on the testing site's results "record"?  I don't care one way or the other, but I wonder if I'll have an easier time finding a private school test site if I let them know that my students' exam scores will not affect their stats at all? 

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If you take an AP Class through PA Homeschoolers, where can you take the AP Exam? Does PA Homeschoolers offer a testing location?



Here's the AP Course Ledger https://apcourseaudit.epiconline.org/ledger/ The information for this year isn't available yet. Look for schools near you to see what they offered last year. Contact the guidance counselor or the guidance office to see id they allow outside students to test.


I stated that I had a student who was taking an approved AP class but needed a testing site. I did not say she was homeschooled because homeschooling is uncommon here. I asked if the school allowed outside students. I also asked if there would be an extra fee.



Just found out our local public school has stopped letting outside students take any AP language exams that require use of a computer, which, apparently, is all except Latin. :(   Drat!  The initial info I got from them was that we could take the AP French exam there.


I asked in another thread, but ... If we use the home school code (instead of the testing site's school code), will our results go on the testing site's results "record"?  I don't care one way or the other, but I wonder if I'll have an easier time finding a private school test site if I let them know that my students' exam scores will not affect their stats at all?


Yvonne, that stinks :(


Yes, your student uses the homeschool code. The school where dd tested last year had outside students from several schools (and dd, the lone homeschooler). The guidance secretary offered to help the kids filling out the paperwork to find their school code. I wrote dd's on a sticky and placed it on her id :)

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Does anyone have suggestions for wording emails requesting a spot for the exam? Anything to avoid mentioning or to be sure to include?


FWIW, I would either call or visit in person.


I got desperate for a Latin AP exam in 2014 (I waited too late), and ended up contacting probably at least 30 schools. Only a handful replied by email, and some were very slow about it. I was trying to be efficient because I work during the day. 


For the one that I finally got, I actually left both a voicemail and a fax when I was having trouble getting her. She called back that evening and was impressed that I was so determined that I faxed her.


Maybe the folks in the schools where you live are different, but in my metropolitan area, I don't recommend email.

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G5052, how late was "too late" in your area?

I've only asked two schools so far and both said to contact them again in Feb. Fortunately, at least one gave me a heads-up that they won't let outside students take the French AP. But neither school was willing to be definitive about the Latin AP.


On the one hand, I want to respect their timelines. On the other hand, Feb. seems pretty late. I'm planning on contacting more schools this week to see if I can find anything more concrete/sure, but maybe this is too early and they'll all tell me to contact them in Feb.

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Yvonne, the schools really do vary in their timelines.  In our area, they are nailing things down around late March. I sympathize in your struggle to find a testing location!  Last year I had to work really hard to find a place for the AP Music Theory exam, and had to bring in our own speakers for the computer!

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In our area because of state testing, some schools nail it down in December before the holidays. They take a few in January if there are slots remaining, but by mid-January their packet is sent to the College Board and that is that.


A few do February, but that is the exception, not the rule. 


In 2014, I waited until March because that's what the College Board website said. I already had my list of AP coordinators. WRONG!


Thankfully my last one is taking two AP's that are very common, but the local high school said to call a week after the PSAT to get on the preliminary list, and then registration is in early January and requires that we come in person.

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Just found out our local public school has stopped letting outside students take any AP language exams that require use of a computer, which, apparently, is all except Latin. :(   Drat!  The initial info I got from them was that we could take the AP French exam there.



Is that legal? If it's your county or city where you pay taxes? I know how honey and vinegar work, but I would make a stink about that.


If I got nowhere w/ that local school (and while I was making a stink there), I would contact private high schools in the area, and even a little beyond. A local private school has been nothing but wonderful to accommodate homeschoolers for the PSAT. It'd be worth a try. 


Back when dd was in high school, she started early to find a school that was giving the AP Music Theory exam. She made the calls, and when she found a school that gave it, we went that day in person to register. I kept receipts of everything (I think I even printed a copy of my check to the school after it posted) so she was well-armed w/ proof that she was registered when she went to take it. I was taking no chances!


French should be easier to find than Italian. A dear friend had a terrible time finding a school that was giving the Italian AP exam. 


Good luck to you!

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Email worked well here. I received a response within a couple of hours. The call I made to a different school took weeks to be returned. When I called the second school, I was told to email. I imagine it varies widely. 


First school's response was a no, second school's response was to check in Feb. 


I'll check a few other schools. It would be nice to have a secure plan before February, although that may not be possible...

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We have been lucky.  Our local school has been very accommodating for exams that they offer, but they don't offer everything.   Since they test off-site, they are very willing to have non-registered students who live in their district take tests.  Since AP Latin is not offered in our district, I had to find another exam site.  I found that nobody answered emails (unless I had a prior relationship with them.)  I called and asked for the AP testing coordinator (something our local school district recommended since you never know who actually handles that at the school.)  I ended up contacting about 15 schools.  Several said they weren't offering the exam despite having been listed on the AP Course Ledger.  Most would not allow students who did not attend that school.  We found one school about 45 minutes away that was accommodating.   


ETA:  we started contacting people in January. 

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I just did a quick skim of previous replies and I may have missed it if someone already suggested it, but PA Homeschoolers maintains a list of schools where their students have taken AP exams. You can ask them for referrals in your area. They ask all of their students to tell them where they will test, but they don't require it. It isn't comprehensive, but it is probably the best list of schools friendly toward AP tests for homeschoolers out there though. It is a good place to start.


One thing I found that helped in securing a seat was saying that my child was taking an online AP class. The school where we tested, would only let a child who had been through an approved AP course test (I have no idea why). 

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Things I emphasize when I call include


Student is in an approved AP course

Has experience testing and needs no accomodations

Will use the homeschool code and scores won't affect the schools average

Willing to pay the cost of the exam as well as applicable proctor fees.


I ask to speak to the AP coordinator about test registration. Often the first person answering the phone doesn't know much about AP. if the coordinator says they aren't sure, I ask for a timeline to call back and ask for a direct number. If they say no I ask them for a referral to a school they think might help. That is how I ended up working with the state DOE AP coordinator and getting a referral to the deal of a big private school.


Also after the test I send a thank you email telling them how much I appreciated testing with them.

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  • 2 months later...

In our area because of state testing, some schools nail it down in December before the holidays. They take a few in January if there are slots remaining, but by mid-January their packet is sent to the College Board and that is that.


A few do February, but that is the exception, not the rule. 


In 2014, I waited until March because that's what the College Board website said. I already had my list of AP coordinators. WRONG!


Thankfully my last one is taking two AP's that are very common, but the local high school said to call a week after the PSAT to get on the preliminary list, and then registration is in early January and requires that we come in person.


I wrote to our local high school yesterday, and she wrote back that it's way too early for them. She asked me to write back in April! I was surprised after everything I've read here, but we're in a small town and I have already interacted with her getting ds registered for the PSAT. It makes me slightly nervous to have to wait, but fingers crossed, it will be as easy and uneventful as the PSAT.


Ds is NOT taking an AP approved course. It didn't occur to me that that could be a factor. Why would the school care?


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Is it terribly rude or wrong to sign up for the same AP test at 2 different locations?  It seems like given the troubles some students have had with last-minute cancellations it would behoove us to have a back up just in case.  


If they are planning to offer the exam anyway, and yours is just one more student, it shouldn't make much of a difference to them if you back out at the last minute, no?  

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If they are planning to offer the exam anyway, and yours is just one more student, it shouldn't make much of a difference to them if you back out at the last minute, no?

You do have to pay when you sign up because they need to order the exam materials. Not like they go to the photocopier and make the correct number of copies for whoever turn up.


If you don't mind forfeiting the fees, the high schools might be able to find a student who won't mind taking the exam for free.

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