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Sad, just found out an old friend of mine died suddenly


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So, thanks to Facebook tags, I found out a couple hours ago that an old friend of mine died suddenly yesterday. She was 38 and (I guess fortunately in hindsight) never married or had children, but she was beloved daughter, sister, and aunt, and also leaves behind a church youth group she was pastoring. I hadn't seen her in 14 years, but we kept in touch through email and the occasional phone call, and more recently through Facebook. I'm now regretting that the last phone call was years ago. I always hoped we could arrange a get together sometime, but now it won't happen this side of heaven.


I now can't sleep, and the alarm will ring in about 5 hours. Oh, and it has officially been my 40th birthday for an hour now. I know this isn't really about me. I know my grief is small compared to the grief of her family and close friends of recent years, but this definitely puts a damper on my birthday celebration. 


If you're reading this and you're a person of faith, I'm sure your prayers would be appreciated.

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I'm sorry. It can be surprising sometimes how much an objectively distant loss can affect us.


Honor your friend by doing something nice in her memory--a donation to a charity she would have supported, an act of kindness, plant a tree, a note to her family. Honor her also by appreciating life, and even if you don't much feel like it, by celebrating yours today in a way that suits your personality.


It feels odd to wish you a happy birthday under the circumstances, but I do hope you have a good day with at least pockets of happiness, and that you feel loved and celebrated.

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Sorry for the loss of your friend. Praying for her family and loved ones. Sorry your special day started so sad. Hope you can get some rest. Totally agree with the suggestion above, doing something nice in her honor and celebrating life by acknowledging your birthday as well. Have a blessed day!

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:grouphug:  :grouphug: Sorry to hear about your friend and the timing with your birthday is extra crud on top of bad news.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


When people we know pass, I think it reminds us of how fragile life is and that it's not eternal.  


Hug your family.


Try to enjoy your day.  Chances are, your friend would want you to.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I'm so sorry. I get how the unexpected death of someone from your past can really affect you, even if this person is not part of your daily life.  It's not only sadness that they are gone but the reminder that anything can happen.  Don't be surprised if this hits you at unexpected times over the next several months; grief will do that to you.  Perhaps you can send a note to her family, remembering old times or sharing a special story or memory about her.  I hope that you find comfort in knowing your friend's faith. 

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Thanks, everyone. My four year old immediately made me feel better this morning by jumping on my lap, squeezing me tight, and shouting, "Happy Birthday Mommy!" My ten year old was busy griping that ten kids in his grade are leaving for a four day trip to DC today and he's not one of them (they changed the date, and the end day conflicts with our Disney trip), but, whatever, he's an angsty tween at the best of times. He did wish me a happy birthday once I reminded him what day it was. If nothing else, the death of my friend who will now never reach 40 (which is the age I turned today) reminds me to embrace this new decade and every day, week, month, and year I have on this earth.

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