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Any New Fall TV shows you plan to watch?


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I'll try the Muppets, but I'm skeptical. One promo showed Nathan Fillion coming out of Miss Piggy's trailer with his shirt buttoned up wrong and saying good morning to Kermit. The show always had adult humor, but it wasn't overly risque. I hope the Muppets' romantic relationships won't be the focus of the show, but it seems that way from the previews I've seen.

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I'll try the Muppets, but I'm skeptical. One promo showed Nathan Fillion coming out of Miss Piggy's trailer with his shirt buttoned up wrong and saying good morning to Kermit. The show always had adult humor, but it wasn't overly risque. I hope the Muppets' romantic relationships won't be the focus of the show, but it seems that way from the previews I've seen.


I agree. I was so excited when I first heard about the Muppets (great...a show for the kids and I to watch together), but then I googled it to learn more and found out that the "adult humor" wasn't really the type that I want to share with my kiddos. I will probably give it a try (by myself) just to see. Fingers crossed that maybe it's not as bad as what I'm thinking it might be.

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My understanding from reading about it is the new Muppets isn't really meant to be a kids show.

Am I the only one who thinks that is an absolutely stupid idea?


I would have thought that the fans of the original Muppet show would have wanted to share the new show with their own children, rather than watch an "adult" version of the show. Seriously, does anyone really want to know about the sex lives of puppets? Kermit the frog was cute; I think they are making a big mistake if they take those cute characters and make them smarmy.


They could have resurrected the characters in a family-friendly way and satisfied both the original fans and their children (and sold a ton of Muppet-related kids' toys as a result.) I'm not sure what they were thinking when they decided it would be a good idea to make the Muppets trashy.

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I'm curious to see the Heroes reboot. The original had such a good first season (and such disappointing later ones...) - it seems like they've really tried to recapture that and if they were successful, I want to see it.


I'm a sucker for a superhero show so I'll likely try Supergirl and that thing on NBC where the woman has all the tattoos for some reason (IIRC it's from Greg Berlanti of Arrow/Flash fame), but I don't have much hope for either of them.


I've heard good things about Scream Queens... Fox has a number of interesting looking things on the table... The Grinder, Minority Report... but I don't know that any of them will pan out.


For returning shows... just bring me my Jane the Virgin. That baby! That poor baby! Also iZombie. I'm a little obsessed with iZombie.

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Blindspot is the show with the woman with the tattoos and Quantico is the show with the FBI trainees with a bad guy in it. I am going to watch both. Right now, those are the only new shows that I know I will watch. But old shows, I have so many. 


Just FYI, Call the Midwife season 4 will be on netflix on the 14th I believe. 


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Downtown abbey


Heroes reborn. About a year ago I re watched the first season of heroes and then watched the rest of them. I did like them all this time around.


I'm going to watch tattoo woman show, what ever it is called since Dh wants to watch it and it look okay with me.


I have a few more on my list, but all those things have been on the air for years.

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I'll try the Muppets, but I'm skeptical. One promo showed Nathan Fillion coming out of Miss Piggy's trailer with his shirt buttoned up wrong and saying good morning to Kermit. The show always had adult humor, but it wasn't overly risque. I hope the Muppets' romantic relationships won't be the focus of the show, but it seems that way from the previews I've seen.


I remember some scenes like that from the original, like Baby, It's Cold Outside with Miss Piggy and Rudolph Nureyev:



(ETA: when I linked a the youtube shot of a partially dressed Nureyev came up, so I thought some would rather copy and paste.  I sang that song over and over when I was little.  I actually sat my cassette tape recorder in front of the TV when the Muppet Show was on, so I could listen to it over and over and over...)

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Yeah, the original Muppet Show was also on in prime time and also had some adult jokes. To me, the thing with Nathan Fillion and Miss Piggy is one of those jokes that will go over the heads of pretty much every seven year old who tunes in to watch, so I don't find it really bad. I think there will likely be a lot of that sort of thing - stuff that's not subtle from an adult point of view but that younger kids don't quite get.

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Longmire, Season 4.  That's it.  A&E, idiots that they are, cancelled the series after Season 3's heckuva cliffhanger finale.  God bless Netflix for picking it up and releasing all of the new Season 4 yesterday.  We watched the first episode last night, and it was awesome.  Gerald McRaney is a fabulous bad guy, and he is really, really bad in this.





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