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And just like that, I'm done

Lizzie in Ma

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Youngest just got on a bus for her first day of high school at a great Tech school.

Yesterday, she started training for her 2nd job she calls "my dream minimum wage job" at a local spice shop.

She is still working as a chamber maid til November 1st as well.  It was her first summer job ever.

19 years of homeschooling and all of a sudden, I'm done.

Never thought this is where we'd be, but it is her time to fly, to have something hers alone, and I am so excited for her, but it's


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It happened to me last year too, and bittersweet is really the word. At least I had a year where I had dd doing TPS to get used to not being in complete control of her education, so I was sort of weaned away from my identity as a home school mom. But for sixteen years I was a home school mom, and a decent one too. It was the thing I did that was making the world a better place, lol, so now I feed people and make their lives better (I hope), but it's not the same thing.

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