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Minimalist Scenario: What would you keep if fogged for roaches?

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Truth is stranger than fiction. I couldn't have made this one up?


What if you lived in a high rise infested with roaches and management was launching an aggressive assault on the roaches?


So not only are you dealing with roaches, but you are dealing with repeated episodes of high levels of chemicals being applied to any belongings that you can not remove repeatedly from your apartment.


You have to remove this stuff on foot for about 8 hours. Maybe you can put some on the balcony if it is not raining.


What would you keep for school books? Anything? Or just entirely library school until it was all over and repurchase everything?

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I would embrace an extreme minimalist lifestyle.  This includes ruthless purging of all paper and cardboard that I did not absolutely need, including books and magazines. The printed materials I wanted to keep, I would seal in large ziplock bags or plastic containers.  I would do the same with any shelf-stable foods not sealed already sealed in cans, jars, or plastic.   Keeping such items in sealed containers would serve two purposes. It would protect the items from the chemicals in the insecticide.  It would also deter roaches by providing less food and fewer hiding places. 

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I think a lot of people would keep exposed and then fogged books. I'm not, though. Not here, not now. In another time and place I would. My childhood country was infested with cockroaches and we just lived alongside them the best we could. Even the wealthy had few possessions. The termites and mold were worse than the cockroaches.


All food except cans is going in the fridge. That is how I grew up.


There is so much drama and rumors and mess going on here. It's just going to be easier to have less. Of everything.


I've had a couple major purge over the last two years. This one is the final purge. There really won't be anything left after this one.


I'm keeping TWTM 1st, SOW(Student of the Word) and a few Bible reference books. Math on the Level and Ray's math. Alpha-Phonics revised and WRTR 6th. Writer's express, Write 2000, Writer's Inc.


I'm not really worried about content. I realized that by sticking to a TWTM rotation for content, that I really don't need to have a consistent curriculum to prevent gaps. One year might be all library books, and the next a textbook, but the topics covered is the same no matter which resources are plentiful.


I don't think TWTM rotations are superior to others, but I realized they are pretty flexible. You can switch methods and curricula and still stay on plan.


So I'm planning on doing that, even though it might make me feel like than native American with feathers in his tophat. I was reading a bit of Nelson Mandela and his reading of Western literature. He smiled. He must have found a way to make peace with the warring cultures.

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I'm keeping some art books. I hope. The chance of rain is only 10 to 20%. I'm feeling hopeful about balcony storage, and that they will allow it. We have very strict balcony rules here, but I'm breaking them.


I'm supposed to be out before 9 and not allowed back until after 4. They are doing vertical lines of apartments not floors, because of the vents. And we cannot be in our apartments when they are doing anyone on the line.


If this turns out to be repeated regularly for awhile, even if I decide I don't care about the chemical exposure they are requiring things like all cabinets empty, and all personal items removed from bathroom, and all drawers removed from bureaus.


They didn't say books had to come off bookcases, but...once you do all that other stuff, the books and any paper look so out of place, contaminated, and vulnerable.


I'm only giving away books to others in the building, donating to the building library, or throwing away. I'm not sure how contaminated books get, but now that the dying roaches are coming into my apartment, I don't think they are safe to give away. They could have roaches and eggs in them, right? So yucky.

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For other minimalists, have you found TWTM rotation to be a tool to keep down book bulk? Have you felt like you only needed to worry about a year at a time?


Yes, absolutely.  Do you still use e-books?  The list you posted upthread looks perfect for you.  Especially TWTM 1st edition, Rays, and SOW with reference books.  Those are like "Hunter's printed resource trinity!" :lol:


I'm glad you have the balcony available.  It can help you prioritize.  What is irreplaceable (things that are difficult to find / wait too long to resend / expensive), should go in your backpack.  The second tier books (nice to have ones, but easier to replace or you have something else you could find) would go on the balcony with your fingers crossed for no rain.  Keep your backpack light or you will drive yourself crazy lugging things around all day, especially if they do this multiple times.


Big giant hugs.  That sucks.  Keep your bedding dry and clean if you can, you'll want a nice place to rest after this.  Even food can be repurchased more cheaply than bedding (sheets and a blanket in the fridge? :laugh: ).


If it was me with one current student, we'd use our rolling cart (which currently contains all of our books / papers for this year).  I am torn though.  How much of the other resources I love would I leave behind / potentially have to recycle?  I couldn't leave SOW for sure.  The first edition Saxon books for use over the next years would be hard to leave, but I could conceivably have time to replace them by the time I need them (at a rate of one each year).  I think the rest would be any printed schedules I have (which could be reprinted or saved to a thumb drive and even printed from the library).  Can I say that I am glad the majority of the 600+ books we own are e-books?  The idea of having to choose between them or rebuy them makes me twitch a little.

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Ugh, we went through this at one point. We gave away a lot to other residents, threw away a lot that wouldn't be used, and for 2 tupperwares that we couldn't part with, we put them in the trunk of the car and left them there TWO winters in sub freezing temperatures. If it goes below freezing and stays there for a long time where you live, that could help you with the books. Personally, I would assume cautiously that your stuff has been exposed to buggies already even if you haven't seen them. :(

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I think I might lug Math on the Level and SOW all day. Ugh! They are so expensive to replace. My usual day is 4-6 miles on foot, but I don't want to do that with MOTL and SOW.


I never got the chance to use MOTL. I was afraid of wrecking and wasting it. Now that I have to assume it has cockroach eggs, I feel like I can take the books apart and just take select pages to a tutoring session. I feel like have been freed to USE it.


I have ebooks, thankfully.


And I think I'm going to do more IN the libraries. Not take the books out, but spend time THERE reading the books.


One of the local libraries has plently for all levels of chemistry, from picture books to highschool level trade book guides including the Wiley guide. Also ebooks. I have cards for ebooks from 2 other large library systems, too. I need to download Disappearing Spoon tonight. I'm excited my hold time was short.


I have plenty of ebooks for year 3 history and literature.


If I stick with TWTM rotations, I don't need to worry about next year until next year. I don't need to stick with a set curriculum, just the rotation.


I hope the Write Source series makes it on the balcony, but those are cheap and easy to replace. Alpha-Phonics revised is a bit tricky to replace. Ugh! I might carry that too.


Maybe I can get a neighbor in another line to take a box. EDIT: TMI


Maybe I should buy a cart. I don't have one right now. I haven't needed one as I have been so minimalist about what I bring home, and let someone else keep it.

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My bed is just a thin foam twin mattress. I'm going to fold that and put it in a bag. I got it home in a bag on the subway very easily. I'm pushing my luck putting the bed and bedding on the balcony, breaking the rules. I could just wash the bedding, and only put the mattress out there, hidden under the table that is allowed.

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I'm a prayer.  If it doesn't offend you, I will gladly pray that this all is resolved quickly and easily.  I remember dealing with fleas in our house as a kid.  I can't imagine anything more than that.


I think the balcony is probably the best solution.  Do you have a friend in your city that you could leave a tote or two with until the process is complete?

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Had I had the bedbugs I was lied to about by a PCO a few weeks ago, I would have converted to the Amish way of life. Except I would have kept wifi, my ipad, and my Vitamix. For clothing, a capsule wardrobe for everybody and only clothes that would fit in a Rubbermaid storage container for each person. For homeschool-a Bible, a hymnal, McGuffey readers, a history and science spine, math printouts, a poetry anthology, and some 15 cent spiral bound notebooks that are on sale right now. The library and Ipad would have replaced my closet full of excess books. Nothing unnecessary would have stayed. Pics on the wall, knick knacks, excess linens, seasonal decorations, extra furniture that just fills in space, drawers of odd and end junk items, kitchen items that just gather dust 350 or more days of the year--all that would be gone. My boy would have kept a Rubbermaid container of Legos, his Keva planks, his map collection, and 2-3 stuffed animals. My girl would have kept a Rubbermaid container of dolls and doll accessories, her pretend MD kit, a teaset, a large bin of craft supplies, and 2-3 stuffed animals. 2-3 pairs of shoes each, one light jacket, and one coat for each person. We probably would have kept a deck of cards and a handful of dice for family games vs. the drawer full of games we currently have a rarely use. I had it all planned out in my mind until I got sense enough to get a 2nd opinion about the unverified pest diagnosis. BTW, fleas and roaches are like having best friends hanging around compared to bedbugs. j/k


I am sorry your minimilizing is under the circumstance of roaches trying to overtake your apartment building. We did roach fogging growing up and I don't think my mom took many precautions. We were somewhat poor. I remember leaving the house to stay at my grandmother's a few hours and coming back to life as usual. Hopefully my mom atleast washed the linens and dishes. I don't remember packing anything up. Repeated the process a few months to a year later. Maybe that is why I had childhood asthma???

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I probably would not remove books I wanted to keep.. Or anything for that matter. Books, cardboard, paper, etc are all favorite realms for roaches. If they aren't in them when you look, it doesn't mean they haven't laid eggs there.


I say, let them bomb the crap out of the place, most of the chemicals fade off in a few days, and you could also air wings later on the balcony.


I totally feel for you, we live in the middle of nowhere, on top of a mountain surrounded by forest and fields. We always have some creepy crawly in the house, this summer its been fleas.. What a pain they are! And mice, we have mice year around, even the cats can't seem to keep ahead of those buggers! Luckily they stay out of my pantry but they love my small appliance cupboard.

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You don't have to throw away everything you own! Just wash it all down. But I will say that books are vulnerable both in the aspect that;


- they can't be washed after

- they attract roaches (who nest and eat paper and cardboard)


So I do think books in particular would be something which have to go. :(


I am sorry you're going through this. I've been there and it really stinks.

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This wins the award as the weirdest question ever!  J/K  


I don't know that I would get rid of anything because I grew up with roaches in SC and that's just how it was no matter how much money you had.  But we didn't have some huge infestation, either. 


Obviously my life and amount of belongings is way different than yours with all my kids, but at this point I think I could more likely get rid of a lot.  The sets I would most want to keep would be too heavy to move.  If I were going to attempt it, it would be the Core Knowledge series right now.  What I would really like to keep is the Annals of America, but those are too heavy, as I said.  Childcraft is also too heavy.  I probably would keep All Through the Ages and The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady.  The reason I would grab the CK books is that even though the library has them, if I were truly going to use them, I would need to have them out all the time or use them at the library.  My library close to me only has the 2nd grade one.  I have another library 15 minutes away that has several of them, but I am not allowed to check them out, so I could only use them there.  


At this point I am astonished at how little I care about keeping, but I am also typing in the middle of the night in the dark, so if I could actually SEE all my books I might feel differently.  I would probably be most interested in keeping books related to science by Christian publishers since you can't find that at the library.  


I would also have to take into consideration how likely certain things would be replaced due to lack of finances.  I don't know.  I sometimes think that the downfall of using the library is that there aren't enough exercises to practice with, but I bet if you picked up a couple of workbooks that are all the same grade level, there would be enough overlap and spaced out repetition that it would work and would be cheap.  But I'm not sure how that works after 6th grade.....


I still wish I had WTM 1st edition.

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I also wanted to add that more and more I think I can get by with a set of charts to teach from or refer to as needed.  SWR phonograms and spelling rules, CF chart, IEW Word Wall.  With the charts of information organized in a way that makes sense to me, I can teach using any book as long as I had a way to provide practice without having to think up all the examples and such.  But I like the kind of teaching where I show them how to do something and then back off and give them the tools to refer to as needed.  And charts and references are usually pretty cheap.  One time I drooled over the reference charts section on rainbowresource.  I thought I could even make a whole curriculum out of various charts.  But changed my mind......Charts are useful, but you have to have enough practice examples to make it stick.  

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How much freezer space do you have?  Freezing the books for a week would kill any roaches/eggs already infesting them.  This also works for other small items, including things such as toasters and clocks.  


This site has information on how to freeze books http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/conservation/resources/insects/

scroll down to "freezing books to kill insects."


In between professional sprayings, put out some sticky traps.  That will help keep down the roach population in your unit.     


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I wish I had left my door open more. I didn't know the extent of what has been leaking through the vents. It's so so so noisy though.


This all just keeps getting better and better. I need to be out all day for at least all of Wednesday and Thursday. I don't know how much of this is incompetence and how much is lies and tricks. I'm not judging. Judging is exhausting.


I just need to know this apartment is not my home and I am merely camping out here and am not privy to even the information I need to be safe.


I pulled some muscles in my back and upper thighs lifting yesterday. My earache is back and I have a migraine. I cannot lug weight for 2 days. I'm low on cash.


I'm just considering everything I have a loss. I need to focus on keeping my body as safe as possible. And being compliant with any demands from management so I don't get evicted.


I have had to start over from nothing many times. I'm just counting everything a loss at this point.


I have to leave soon, but I am choking on fumes right now. Something is going on. I have the door open, but a thunderstorm is blowing in right now and I have to close it and get out of here to make my appointment.


This is getting so out of hand I'm reaching that place of peace. Recently Angeline Jolie made a quote that summarizes what happens to me. She said, "It is polarizing and it is peaceful."


Save body. Save ability to shelter in apartment at night. All belongings can be replaced or lived without. Except my phone. And that is insured, so no matter what, I'm set.


Bed bugs are worse in general. But when renting, and when HUGE amounts of money are at stake, it doesn't matter which creature we are dealing with. This is about money. A lot of it. I'm in a high rise that is mixed low income and market rate, that will soon be converting to all market rate. Or possibly the building will be sold and torn down to combine with 2 50+ story luxury buildings being built on the adjoining lot.


I'm choosing to be at peace and just accept whatever happens. And I'm getting out of here, because I am not imagining these fumes. My tongue stings.

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Other neighbors were complaining about the fumes, so I wasn't imagining things.


I bought a Rolser cart today. Ugh, the price, but no other cart manuevers like they do, and they even roll well over the brick sidewalks in the historic neighborhoods.


I'm hyper and I'm in pain, but I also am at peace with what is happening. On top of this roach thing, I have another crisis coming to a head, and it is almost funny. I was talking to a social worker, and was switching back and forth between the 2 crisis, and then jokingly called a key player in the other crisis a big bug and the social worker laughed.


The social worker gave me a $25.00 gift card to a local grocery store. That really helps right now! So I can just buy quick food for the next couple days without worrying about my budget.


I grieved for about an hour last night about loss of books, but right now I'm okay with losing everything.


Saying I'm going to do year 3 of TWTM even if I don't have TWTM after this week feels comforting. I just brought the library copy of 3rd edition back. I have a Kindle version of 3rd edition that is awkward to read on my phone, but not impossible.


I'm not sure what I'm going to try and keep, and what lengths I am willing to go, but I'm at peace with maybe being without any hardcopy 3Rs for as long as that lasts. Really, for the most basic 3Rs the student is where the student is at, and I can teach SOMETHING at that student's level for awhile, before worrying about gaps. I'm going to worry about 3Rs after I have recovered from whatever happens. There are still a lot of unknowns.


I have a sturdy cart, but don't know if I'm even going to use it.


I really don't think this is going to be the only fog, and as other have said, my stuff is probably eggy.


Freezing is out for some things, like Math on the Level. I think the ink will run from the moisture. I don't think I'm going to ask the author if the paper and ink she used can withstand freezing of roach eggs. You know those pages of customer questions that everyone doubts are real? :lol: If you didn't know ME and were reading the MOTL website can you imagine seeing THAT question. :)

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I love reading everything you write,from your unconventional adventures to your profound insights. You really should write a book someday.


I have CC rotations in my head and they make more sense to me except for the science. I divided my books up by cycle when we moved in December, but I still haven't rotated my books out of storage and the ones I have here are a mix of the ones I wanted out all the time and my American cycle. The boxes are all open from me digging for books and chickens and cats have been in there so probably some things are ruined. I am trying not to think about it.


I found another book I want to read called Plan to be Flexible. I can't wait to read it and I am so frustrated that we don't have money. It is hard to have this need to read and research certain topics for my own growth that the library doesn't have.

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I couldn't sleep and got up early. When I clicked the lights on, refugee roaches were running around with no idea where to go. Now that the epicenters have been sprayed, I have a serious roach problem.


I don't think that I'm going to take anything out.


But I don't think I want to keep anything that was exposed to the roaches and poisoned, unless I can wash it.


I'm poor and have limited options about what to do THIS week, and this is not going to be over for months, at the very least. I'm throwing out way more than I first intended. I'm really yucked out.


I really don't care what they spray, powder, gel, and fog. I don't want any of it anymore. Yucky, yucky!


Stm4him, I need a cycle in my head, any cycle, but I don't feel like I even need to own the books, right now. I just need a narrowed focus, so I don't get overwhelmed. If this year is chem, I don't need to worry about bio, earth, space, or physics. I want a list of what I do NOT need to worry about THIS year.


I'm not a Christian anymore, but Jesus said something about worrying about today and trusting tomorrow to take care of itself.


I'm not saying I'm right or sane or anything. I'm just thinking out loud.


Lots going in the trash today.


We have all read 1984

And farenheit 451 or whatever the title is, and the other books I cannot remember the titles. I'm on a phone. I can't look it up. Paper books are good. It just is not MY role in life to preserve them, I guess.

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Oh, man do I have bugs!!!! Dead ones are falling out of holes in the ceiling I did not know were there.


I'm not taking anything out. Everything in here needs to be fogged or thrown out. This is horrible. But in the middle of it people were wanting bookcases and books and everything else I'm not keeping.


I've been up since 3 AM, but my apartment is compliant and almost everything is gone.


While I have to be out tomorrow, I'm going to buy a plastic blow up mattress. I dont know why I didn't think of that earlier. I'm just going to use a blow up until management gets this under control. It's really weird, because most of us didn't have a problem till they started fogging. There must be a NASTY epicenter!!!


I hope I'm not carrying roach eggs around the city on my shoes and clothes. There were 3 dead roaches in my closet this morning, but I had to wear something in there.


I'm at peace about this roach thing. The other crisis is still heating up, though. I'm just watching things play out. And waiting to see what happens.


There are very happy people who took my stuff. They say it's no worse than library items. Okay. The are probably right, but I'm actually having to dodge these things and pick up their dead bodies. I'm glad to see stuff go.

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I have lost or given everything away multiple times.  It hurts at first.  Then I always feel so free.  Then life is calm again and the stuff all comes back.  It is never the same stuff, but you get stuff again.  I think that is when you realize that it is just stuff.  Sometimes there are really important or valuable things, but most can be replaced.  That is only something I've learned after mourning the loss of things.


Never mind the crazy sleep deprived mother...

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Exactly Arliemarie. I've lost it all too many times.


Stm4him, I am looking at my options. I have never been quite this free of all belongings and all ties to people. My lease is almost up, too.


I don't even need to stay in this country. I have citizenship in two other countries besides the USA. It might be time to go back home, to the colony.


At least the roaches there have manners. This American roach insisted on taking a shower with me this morning. I really didn't appreciate his company. This type of companionship with a species that I feel above, brought out the depths of my snotty British imperialism. :lol: I really did want him to get out of my way or die.

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My apartment is being sprayed. I really like the guy doing it. He thought I was funny and was using my stories of roach behavior, to try and narrow down what is going on. I guess others in the building are not nearly as descriptive or specific. He thinks street construction is causing this.


I asked the library to buy a few chemistry ebooks a couple weeks ago, and they just did so last night. I had given up as it had been so long and if they buy requested ebooks it is usually within 48 hours. So I have 4 great chemistry books to keep me busy for the next two weeks.


I have sold off, traded in, or broken all my apple products. I now have a 6 inch screen Android phone, and cheap Chromebook. The chem books are readable on the phone, but I have the Chromebook at a hotspot right now, downloaded the books and they are awesome on it. This cheap plastic Chromebook makes a nice eReader. I find the cheap screen actually easier on my eyes than a better one. The battery life is quite long, and I doubt the battery is a good one, so I think the lack of resolution might be power saving abilities that actually make the screen gentle. 


I looked at my Rainbow Curriculum again. I'm just not in a literature mood right now though. It's not old lit that is unappetizing, it is any lit. I really want to just study chem for now. 


Any math for students is just going to have to be hand copied problems from an ebook or website. Long-term, I'm going to wait to see what happens. I think I'm going to save up and buy Strayer-Upton, but am waiting to see what goes down first.


I kept my NiRV Bible and Beechick's 3R's. Copywork from that version is highly effective. I kept my Merriam-Webster Large Print Dictionary, my first edition WTM, and Handbook of Nature Study. And a cheap little paperback called Essentials in English. I think that is it. Oh, and a book of maps and information of my city. They are all being fogged now. I'm planning on replacing them soon. I really didn't want to fog and keep anything that I wasn't intending to replace, so I'm not starting anything I won't get a chance to finish.


I'm interested to see what different nationalities are keeping and discarding. That Latino people are like me.  Freaking out and throwing and giving everything away. I think I have earned a new level of respect from them. :) And the people of other colors who are getting all my stuff are happy with me for that. :lol:


So, everything is good here. I'm a bit cold, though. I forgot to bring a sweatshirt for the air conditioning. I'm going to go back outside and sit in the park and warm back up. I still have a few hours before I can go home.


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Right now I am back into TJED and considering deschooling my oldest.  For the rest of my crew I am wanting to use my Core Knowledge books but I am not sure whether I am going to require math and grammar for awhile until I can buy TT or just drop all of it for now or what.  I am so confused right now.  But I just met a TJED Mom who is running the co op we are joining this year so I am hoping to talk to her soon.  I know no one else around here who uses TJEd philosophies.  I thought simplifying our curriculum was going to solve the problems and it did help, but I am still not feeling the joy so something needs to change.  I need a little bit of structure (or some kind of jumping off point or base) and I think that TT may bring joy to our math time (or at least no tears).  But of course that is dependent on money.  I hate having several Kindle books I want to buy and the Carole Joy Seid dvd and a few books I can't get on kindle (Ruth Beechick and The Living Page), but no way to buy them :-(  I also want hard copies of Leadership Education and The Family United (I think that is what it is called) because I just refer to Leadership Education so much and because I want my husband to read it and the other book.  They are great for parenting teens as well as education ideas.  


Sorry for my ramble....nothing to do with the post.  But I am thinking that with a guide and a few books on my principles I could get by and may even actually have a fabulous year of exploration.  I also want to at least look at Books to Build On.  If that doesn't work, I am just going to freestyle at the library....lol.  I had something else to say but I can't think at the moment......

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Okay, so I'm home. It looks like this problem has nothing to do with our building. This is just like the colony. The problem is OUTSIDE and no amount of chemicals inside is going to help. Against advice of the bug guy, management wants to blast the building anyway.


Bug guy soaked my kitchen in poison. It is still wet with it. He said if I'm willing, I should leave the cabinets empty for weeks at least and just keep my kitchen stuff in the boxes in the living room.


He says I'm going to have bugs until they stop tearing the street apart, and the less I have the better. He said the bugs are crawling up the pipes in the walls and that is why the roach took a shower with me this morning. He was trying to get back in the pipes and couldn't.


He said to clean as little as possible, because I'll be washing all the poison off.


So I guess the only time I'll be cleaning is right before he comes again to soak things down.


I guess my apartment is going to be like a campsite and I'm going to be doing some urban camping. That's fine.


Purchasing a math curriculum is certainly going to have to wait.

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