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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Jean, I hope you feel better!



breakfast and lunch for dh

fed cats


To Do:

breakfast for the rest of us

take last year's books out to the shelves in the garage (cleaned off inside bookshelves last night)

take car to get oil changed

pick up a couple of things at the store


drop ds off with neighbor

take dd shopping



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Right now since I have no power....

- A&P notes and read

- go to have my oil changed and 35,000 mile maintainance if dealership has power- done

- go to Walmart as a distraction if the power is on there (it should be though because it's not shown on the outage map, the dealership is on the border of the outage)- done

- take girls outside to play- done

- charge mifi jet pack, kindle and phone in car-

- dinner- decided, we at eating at home (though I have no way to clean dishes right now)- ok never mind eating at inlaws

- take meat from outside freezer to inlaws (they have a small generator that they use for their freezer)- meat packed and on our way there

- bedtime routine

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We leave for the airport in 23 hours, and my list is monstrously long :eek:


(Dh and I are flying to Seattle tomorrow, taking a train to Vancouver for an Alaskan cruise, renting an RV in Anchorage, and spending several days in Denali National Park hiking :D)


While we are gone, ds22 will finish his packing, load up the Pack Rat container, and drive to his new job across the country :(

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Good Morning!  :seeya:


Jean...hope you feel much better today.  :grouphug:


MomtoCandJ ...hope your power comes back on asap! 


Lucky....you guys are going to have a blast!!  :thumbup:


So Monday is always weigh in day for me, but I'm thinking of changing it to Friday this week as to get back on my school schedule.   I lost 5.6 pounds this week and have lost a total of 13.8 in the last 14 days...I'm 16.8 pounds away from my first big goal and hope to make it by September 1st.   Fingers and toes crossed.  



  • vacuum, dust and mop the house
  • clean all bathrooms
  • laundry--sheets from both the kids rooms
  • towels washed and replaced
  • cook delicious healthy meals x 3
  • mini exercise 

Have a lovely day everyone!  :D

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Way to go, Tammy! Your trip sounds amazing, Lucky! I am up with the birds again. It is overcast this morning; maybe it won't be so hot later. Last day of jrs for dd1, I am hoping it will be a good one.


To do:

Work on school stuff... Must, must do

Clean bathrooms

Figure out driving plans for rest of the week

Drop off a load at goodwill


Ds2 to class with late pick up


Have a great day!

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an anxious crap night's sleep. Grrr.


1.work from 10 am to 2 pm.

2. dog walk

3. dog train?

4. clean kitchen

5. clean living room

6. fold laundry

7. yoga? gym? rest day?

8. cc

9. check to do list on calendar

10. order toothbrushes!

11. email vet

12. pu J from camp at 330

13. patient files

14. car appointment

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Sing it with me..."Monday, Monday (bah bah, bah bah-bah bah) So good to me (bah bah, bah bah-bah bah)....I don't expect to accomplish anything except the basics today.


For Today:

Done Dishes

Done Tidy

Done Bring dds to crochet camp

Done Teach violin and cello students

Done Pick up dds from crochet camp

Done Teach violin students

Done Email / math programs

Done Email / scheduling issues


Lunch - leftover pizza

Dinner - baked chicken, veggies, salad

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Try to fix my printer. It keeps taking the paper in crookedly.  Tried everything. Getting a newer one off Craigslist today for $25. I don't have time or energy for machines that don't work!

Tidy up the house.
Clean bathrooms.
Reorganize my craft cabinet and curriculum-I'm-not-currently-using cabinet.
Walmart - ugh!

Take Dh to pre-op appt. at the hospital.

dinner??  Whatever I can pull together without much effort. Fish sticks, corn on the cob, tomatoes, zucchini, watermelon. 



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😭 they are saying we won't have power until around 4 pm on Thursday

Oh no! :grouphug: We once went five days without power after a tropical storm when the kids were 11, 9, and 4. It was in September so still quite warm and humid. Youngest dd liked to cuddle...

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I'm getting on the computer late today, so I'm cheating and putting things on that I've already done, so as to be able to cross them off... 


Quilt (I need to get the blooming thing done by tomorrow)

Clean the toyroom/school room (sigh. I hate that room. Probably a bad sign.)

Drop off project for a friend (repair stuffed animal) - 8

Meeting with business partner -9:30


Sand counter top 

Clean dining room table

Get boys' hair cut

Drop off library books

Clean upstairs

Lunch out

Clean bathrooms

Water plants

Clean out planters in front of house

Call aunt and grandma to arrange vacation

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After a super busy weekend following a grueling work deadline, I dropped the kids off at camp this morning and got home around 9:30am.


I have had a relatively light but steady series of little work things.  I'm also supposed to be doing one bigger work thing, but I kinda forgot about it until recently.  :P


My kids are gone all week.  I hope to use the relative calm to get up to date with accounting, filing, bill paying, housework, and put together some furniture / equipment that's been sitting around unassembled for way too long.  Also exercising.


Still dealing with a political work/personal type issue, but I hope it will quiet down now.  Other than me feeling like a jerk because I can't please anyone.


I don't know if there's any point making a list for today.  Mostly just a little of this and a little of that.

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