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Favorite enrichment co-op classes?


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My 5th grade loved a class called Dynamic Detectives. The first semester they completed a RFP course - Ferret it Out. The second semester they worked on & above level logic puzzles like Hour Long Mysteries. They finished by creating their own hour-long mystery :). He loved doing this as part of a group.

My 6th grader loved Mock Congress. They studied the first few weeks to get an idea of the plan, the rest of the time they split into various committees & presented bills. They had lots of fun but learned a ton about how laws are made & parliamentary procedure, plus writing under a time crunch & orally presenting material PLUS how to be persuasive/argue correctly. He loved the entire year.

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DD did a class on how to refashion/remake remnants of things or broken things into something both useful and decorative.  She loved it.


She also took a class on how, with only limited sewing skills, you could keep a wardrobe going instead of just tossing/selling/donating clothes that were damaged or too small.


DS did a Robotics class that also taught some of the history of robotics.  That was fun, too.


We didn't take it but there was a class offered that taught kids persuasive writing by helping them write a letter to their parents about something they felt strongly they wanted or wished to do or felt they weren't being heard on plus another letter to a local politician regarding something they felt strongly about.  It reminded me of the summer I was trying to convince my parents that we needed another kid in the house AND that our ancient 1960's era encyclopedias needed replacing in a bad way.  I convinced them regarding the encyclopedias but it was a no go on the having another child front.  Maybe if I had taken this class...  :lol:

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Does Speech count?


Our co-op did a huge speech class. For about 10 minutes one person talked about an aspect of delivering a speech. Then the kids were broken into groups of 5 or 6 by age. Each kid then stood in front of his/her group of 5 or 6 and delivered a speech, using what he/she learned about delivering a speech.


The kids did have to write their speeches ahead of time.


It was for ages 9 on up, being that the kids could be broken into smaller groups.


The youngest kids were fine with giving speeches, but the kids from about 11 on up were super intimidated and scared, but it's a really important skill.


No one in the co-op is doing the speech class this coming year, but I hope to start it up again next year when my oldest is in 9th grade to count toward a speech credit.

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Cooking with Math is the favorite around her its 2nd-6th grade they bake mostly and work on fractions.  Everything they make is fast enough that they can get it done and eat it during class.  This class has been favored over, drumming, lego robotics, archery and lots of other fun classes.

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My son's favorite enrichment coop classes have been:  Speech/Debate they used BJU high school curriculum (he was in 7th grade), Drama (middle school), and a Self Defense Class he took.  Not sure exactly what you were looking for but that is his favorites the past couple of years.  :)

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My son's favorite enrichment coop classes have been:  Speech/Debate they used BJU high school curriculum (he was in 7th grade), Drama (middle school), and a Self Defense Class he took.  Not sure exactly what you were looking for but that is his favorites the past couple of years.   :)


Thank you!  These are great ideas!

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A favorite from last year: Puppet Theater for grades K-2. The kids learned all about theater, wrote their own play, made their own sock puppets, made their own stage/props and put on a show at the end. A good way to engage kids who are too afraid of public speaking/acting.


Art classes are always a hit with my kids. Our co-op has been using the Meet the Masters program successfully with all age groups Kinder and above.


A class I'm excited to be teaching this coming year: Math Discovery. One class for grades K-2 and another for grades 3-5. We will be exploring various math topics using games, puzzles, manipulatives, etc. The topics are not grade specific, so kids with a range of skill levels can participate. Some topics include: symmetry, fractals, functions, money, codes, patterns, grids/co variance.

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Art and drama have been great for my kids.


Older class is 10-12 yos, younger class is 7-9 yos. 12 kids per class.

Each class meets for 75 minutes, 30 minute break for snack and outdoor play, switch classes.


This is a tutorial, not a co-op. We pay tuition and it is drop off. (Wooohooo!) The drama teacher is a current homeschooling mom and the art teacher has graduated 3 homeschoolers.

It meets in a church and the teachers are Christians, but there is no SoF or anything like that.


The art is very classical, learn by imitation, step by step. They do about four projects each semester and often one which ties into a current exhibit at the local art museum. They learn to work with a variety of media and the teacher is very discerning with kids and their personalities. The drama class is more about acting and being in front of people than theater proper. They do a short production at the end of each semester, but not a big deal at all. Every year the kids do monologues and improv games and l enjoy seeing how the kids have matured.

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Guest MamaSoy

My DD6 had a manners class that has really stuck with her.  She still "teaches" her siblings from her manners class.  I taught an archaeology class that was loads of fun to teach (4th-7th grades).  I buried items from the 1980's in plastic totes and the kids dug them up.  They had no reference for some items and had to guess their use - like an 8-track, or a VHS cassette tape, or a troll doll.  

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Kodaly choral training


Junior Great Books discussion group (focussing on the interpretive questions part of the curriculum)


Hands on science demo/experiment/equipment classes


Lego Robotics team--programming, project management, research, design, problem solving


Build Your Own Country class--taught sociology, geography, infrastructure, foreign policy issues, UN type negotiation all in the context of developing a world.



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  • 3 weeks later...


Build Your Own Country class--taught sociology, geography, infrastructure, foreign policy issues, UN type negotiation all in the context of developing a world.


This sounds awesome.  Do you know the resources used? Was it Prufrock Press?

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A fun one that I did with 1st-2nd graders was a Celebrations Class.  You know how every day is National whatever day, well I would do a lesson planned around whatever National day, historical event or famous birthday.  So on Weatherman appreciation day we made barometers, we would try different foods, we did crazy dancing...all different fun things.  This was the book we used http://www.amazon.com/Celebrations-Holidays-Different-Remember-stretchers/dp/0865300321/ref=sr_1_15?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1438784663&sr=1-15&keywords=celebrations+holidays


You could easily adapt it to any ages.

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Last year my girls were first and second grade. They loved LEGO robotics and gym class. They really liked their American Girl class. Teacher read a chapter aloud and then they did some activity. They sewed mini pillows, made oatmeal, strung popcorn, gardening, and made a personal newspaper. They also had a party day with the food Molly had at her birthday.

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