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Inside Out Movie


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Would this movie be okay for my ds4 to see with us, or should I drop him off at grandmas instead? lol

My nearly 3 year old saw it and loved it. Nobody dies. No monsters. The scariest thing is a funny joke type scary object (don't want to spoil).

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It was sweet, tedious at times. Complicated enough that we were surprised the idea made it past the development phase of production. I didn't like how Riley was essentially a puppet controlled by her emotions.


However, the kids enjoyed it. It made the brain and emotions more concrete to them and has spurred on some fantastic discussions.

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Would this movie be okay for my ds4 to see with us, or should I drop him off at grandmas instead? lol

There is nothing scary if that is what you are asking. But a lot if it might be boring for him. Ymmv.

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Like many Pixar movies it's about growing up. In this case, about the fact that part of growing up is learning to integrate your emotions.  As a baby and toddler everything is Wonderful! or Horrible!,   All the memories were one color, there was only one control station, and the emotions had to push each other away to get control.  So Joy tried to fix things by pushing Sadness away. At the end of the movie most of the memories were swirled colors, it was okay to have a moment that was both happy and sad, and the new control desk let the emotions work together.


The kids and I saw this today, I loved it, the kids liked it.  Above is an excellent description.




Would this movie be okay for my ds4 to see with us, or should I drop him off at grandmas instead? lol 


Drop at grandma's. It's probably ok, but there are scenes that may be interpreted as scary by a young child.




I didn't like how Riley was essentially a puppet controlled by her emotions.


However, the kids enjoyed it. It made the brain and emotions more concrete to them and has spurred on some fantastic discussions.


The bolded is something I hadn't considered. Hmmm.... Weren't other parts of the brain mentioned briefly? Abstract thought, reasoning...?

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My 6 year old daughter and I saw it today. She's never been as especially sensitive kid, but lately she's been worrying over death and the idea of losing a parent. (Because she's now mature enough to understand that my mom is dead and what that means.) She burst into tears at least 5 or 6 times during the movie. I cried some too.


I agree with others that it was somewhat tedious even though it did a good job portraying the workings of the brain. But I told my husband it wasn't one we needed to see again or that he would really enjoy.


I really enjoyed the Lava short at the beginning. But I love music and it had the feeling of a cultural myth. I have no idea if it actually might be though.

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Like many Pixar movies it's about growing up. In this case, about the fact that part of growing up is learning to integrate your emotions.  As a baby and toddler everything is Wonderful! or Horrible!,   All the memories were one color, there was only one control station, and the emotions had to push each other away to get control.  So Joy tried to fix things by pushing Sadness away. At the end of the movie most of the memories were swirled colors, it was okay to have a moment that was both happy and sad, and the new control desk let the emotions work together.



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I know some adults who appear to be puppets controlled only by their emotions. Kids, too. :)




The bolded is something I hadn't considered. Hmmm.... Weren't other parts of the brain mentioned briefly? Abstract thought, reasoning...?

Deja vu. Logical thinking. Deja vu. :P

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My 5 and almost 8 year old liked it (especially Dd). I loved it. However, it did make Dh and me cry several times, and I rarely cry at movies. It was sad thinking about all the things a child "loses" as they grow up and maybe what a troubled/misbehaving child is going through inside.

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Okay, well, I took the kiddos to see it today. It was just okay. My dd 10 was weirded out by the lava short before hand. I thought it was cute.





I feel like the movie just kinda dragged on, and was extremely emotional. I'm glad I didn't bring my 4 year old. There were a few younger kids in the theater with us, and you could tell the movie had lost them at certain points by their noise level, lol. I liked the over all theme, and the characters were cute, but it was kinda an unsettling movie. Not really sure how to explain it. Anyways, just my opinion.

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