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Both kids at camp for 3 weeks!!!


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Oh my goodness, oh my GOODNESS


Ds2 has agreed to go to the second half of ballet intensive. This means BOTH boys will be gone from 9-3, 5 days a week, for THREE WEEKS! 





I have no idea what to do with myself. I mean, I know I will be getting ready for the week long camping trip that starts the day after camp ends...but THREE WEEKS PEOPLE!!!


Next year both boys might be gone for the full 6 weeks!!  No, no, I'm not even going to think about that yet. Better to just see what happens this year.

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OMG, sooooo jealous! Best I've been able to come up with for this summer is having C at a residential camp for one week and having B in a day camp the same week. On the bright side, since C went to the same residential camp last year and for a weekend during the winter, I'm not going to be tense the first few days like last year. Last year it was just 4 nights, and I didn't relax until there were fewer than 24 hours left before he'd get home.


As far as what to do... you don't have to do anything! Congrats!

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The one time various summer camps coincided and all FOUR kids were gone at the same time, hubby and I considered it "free"  (ha!) babysitting and went on our own three-day jaunt to a nearby resort town (Galena, IL, stayed at a cool old  B&B). 

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The one time various summer camps coincided and all FOUR kids were gone at the same time, hubby and I considered it "free"  (ha!) babysitting


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:




Babysitting is my primary motivation for sending my kids to camp. The benefits for the kids are nice side effects.

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Instead of enjoying my newfound freedom, I would be sad and would miss my ds terribly if he went to camp for three weeks.


I am so pathetic. :glare:


I would also, but they are literally across the street. If I miss them, I can actually hear what is going on, so it is less lonely. Plus they have a 90 min 'Lunch and recreation break' in the middle of the day and I told ds2 he can come home if he likes. ds1 never comes home, but he likes hanging out with other teenagers, not his mom.

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Wow! That actually sounds amazing... When I get those days now and then, I always think, "So this is what it is like to have kids in school all day." Lol. I would plan lots of projects, and work out, and get a pedi, and plan for school... Enjoy!

But with kids in school, they still need meals and clean laundry. Camp is waaaaay better!


PS I hope you all know that I would miss my kids terribly! But a vacation from meeting everyone's needs for a bit is rejuvenating.

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Congrats! DH took my boys to his moms for 10 days last summer. It was GLORIOUS! My aunt that I'm close to visited me from another state and we hiked and did fun stuff together. Most of the time was spent alone though. Yay me! And, yay you!!

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But with kids in school, they still need meals and clean laundry. Camp is waaaaay better!


PS I hope you all know that I would miss my kids terribly! But a vacation from meeting everyone's needs for a bit is rejuvenating.


Oh, they will still need all of that, lol. It isn't sleep away camp. It is just a full day camp at the ballet school. Older boy does it for the full six weeks, but now younger son is going for the second half as well. They will be back every evening in time for piano lessons and dinner etc. And we will have to stay on top of sweaty ballet laundry.  But, I will have most of every week day to myself! They will need huge lunches because a full day of dancing works up a big appetite.


I have it planned, lol. Yes, I have to pack and shop etc for the camping trip. That is a given. But I will be able to exercise every day with NO interruption! And I can lesson plan for the upcoming school year. I try to start every year with lessons planned out through january. Then in January I plan them out through March or so. But usually those last two weeks of August are spent in a planning frenzy...not this year! And I can do a lot of cooking. Ds1 attends public high school and brings his lunch every day. I try to have the freezer stocked with ready made lunch entrees to make it fast and healthy. This will give me at least a small head start on the job.


But mostly, peace and quiet!

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I have three out of the country on a mission trip and my youngest two in the neighborhood VBS. I've been carpooling with a friend who today picked them up and brought them home and oh my word! I got so much done! :D  And my college daughter has offered me a 2-day personal retreat in a few weeks.  :wub:   I am already telling myself to stay off the net those days! 


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