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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

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I have put off a couple of work projects which I promised to do over the weekend, so I am up now working on them.  I am so responsible ...


The list:

  • Work until 7am.  [done]
  • Pay bill for school aftercare.  [done]
  • Kids up & out to school.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, and some clutter.  [done]
  • Work until ?? evening activity.
  • Hopefully go for family TKD and/or swimming.
  • Buy gift cards for teacher(s).
  • Dinner.  Read-aloud.
  • Kids' work.  They have a couple of tests to prep for.
  • Prepare kids' clothes and bags for Tuesday.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work until midnight.
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Today is ds's 22nd birthday :party: He's actually living at home for a few days before moving into his summer sublet :) He'll be working his campus job until August when New Job Way The Heck Across The Country begins.


For me

--make sure dd is compliant with the colonoscopy prep

--gym w trainer; walk this evening if possible (stress management)

--whatever garden/yardwork I can do (had storms and rain overnight; may get more today)

--decluttering in the basement


Have a good day, all :)

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My daughter and I had a wonderful trip to Denmark last week.  Truly a great experience.  The place of fairy tales!  But happily ever after leads to real life and so I have work to do:



tidy up

kitchen clean up

bathroom cleaning

mow the lawn

plan meals

grocery shop

sew quilts for camp thing?

take a nap

think about a photo book

violin lessons

volleyball practice

cafe rio for dinner!


good health habits:

go for a walk/run

track ww points

drink water x x x x


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Good morning! Dumpster arrives this morning, so my next few days will be spent filling it. Ds2 is up in plenty of time for his practice (all it takes is missing one for him to get things together). The rest will be up soon for their practice. Summer schedule!


To do:

Wait for dumpster

Pick up kids from practice (dd2 has a day planned with her friends, dd1 is going to my mom's house) ds3 is coming home

Clean out garage

Back for ds3's practice

School stuff while I wait

Ds2 has late aikido (Dh is taking)

Home to leftovers and more work.


Have a great day!

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Morning all! I'll be spending the day recovering from too much wedding celebrating. I haven't drank or danced that much in ages. There are a few things I'll attempt to accomplish.


- laundry washed, folded, and away

- clean up my room

- kids to kung fu

- pick up mail

- clean kitchen

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Good morning

- get school stuff ready- done

- get stuff ready for sitter- done

- greet sitter- sitter no show, dd2 with daddy at work- done

- go to school- please pray I pass this math test- done

- pick up dd2 from dh- done

- school work- did some

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dishes- done

- tidy house- round 1 done

- dd1 Girl Scouts- done

- dinner?- done

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine- done

- more school work- I'm too stinking tired to think that hard (math that's due Wednesday)

- find out what's up with sitter and probably try to find a new one- well she's avoiding me so now to look for another sitter for now I will use the daycare down the road from me though dd2 doesn't like it. School gets out next week so I can provide some teen with a summer job, I will ask the neighbor girl if she's interested if not, I know of others

- anything else I get done- took a nap with dd2, load of laundry in dryer, had dd1 pick up the girls room (good lord that room needs a good purge again)

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Ugh. The Husband is going back to work today after basically a month off. Oh, hello Real Life.


To Do:

-load dishwasher -DONE!

-clear and wipe kitchen counters

-sweep kitchen and dining room

-require school-aged children to do some reading and math review

-Latin with oldest

-vacuum living room

-piano lesson for oldest

-menu plan (UGH) -DONE!

-grocery shopping -DONE!

-swim practice for #2



All with the constant neediness of my tiny nursling. :001_huh:

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I was trying to work at my computer this morning after sending the kids to school, but I kept falling asleep sitting up.  So I lay down and got up again at 11:30ish.  Yikes.  I did not deliver on what I promised my client.  Ugh.  Why can't I just be consistently responsible?  It would solve most of my problems.


Had a phone call this morning regarding a really stressful personal situation.  Felt better after the call.  Still stressed out but living through it.


Now I really need to get some work done.

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Lucky, praying for dd! I missed the update you deleted on the other thread, but I hope the test is all going on now. 




slept in

made some co-op calls to interested families

snacked instead of cooking any real meals

paid bills


To Do:

take dd to post office to buy stamps and mail out thank you notes

cook dinner

take ds to swim team practice if it's not cancelled due to weather



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Taking a break from filling the dumpster. I am actually almost done, yet I am shaking my head how I have been stuck with nearly every giant chore in the last four weeks, cleaning the garage is next. But, if I do it I will hear forever, how the tools are wrong, can't find anything, etc..


Though I will say, no sign of mice. Which makes me very happy.


One hour until I leave for practice. Work some more and then avoid people, because I am pretty sweaty and grimy. But if I shower, then I won't do anything when I get home.


Have a great rest of your day!

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Human care:  shower, dress, all the billion medical things I have to do

Teen care:  took ds to and from work

Pet care:  the kids did this.

Husband care:  made his packed sandwich.  Made his dinner (and mine)

Groceries - bought a few

Education: Went over physics with ds

Dd and I are having a big battle over math.  She's been doing it for two hours and is fried and I say she's done.  She is so focused on earning a reward for the next mastery badge that she wanted to keep going.  She's got math LDs - pushing will not be a virtue in her case.  

Paperwork:  Got the medical bills sent out.

Kitchen ;  dh cleaned most of it for me.  I still have to do some.  


Next:  fold and put away one load of laundry

and do ten minutes of yard work

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