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Buying clothes online

Night Elf

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Do you buy your clothes online? Do you end up sending them back to choose a different size, or do you just know what size you wear? It seems sizes are so mixed. I'm a 10 in some things and an 8 in others. How would I know what size to order? I'm tired of trying to shop in the store. They don't always have a size that works for me and I end up spending an hour or more trying on everything only to walk out with 2 tshirts. My current jeans are definitely too big, but all the jeans I tried in the store were too tight. I got discouraged before I even tried on all the brands. I need a nice pair of slacks and a blouse. I'd like a skirt too. The only place I shop is Kohls. The mall is so far away but I guess I should just choose a day where I spend all day going through all the department stores. That idea is so not appealing though! I like the idea of buying online and trying them as they arrive, then sending back what doesn't work. I would need a store with free shipping though. Paying to send stuff back though, doesn't sound like it's a good idea. Okay, now I'm just rambling. Sorry! I need some new clothes but am so discouraged by my last trip that I'm thinking of giving up and just sticking to my current big jeans and lousy tshirts. If I need to wear something formal, I'm going to be scrambling to buy me an entire outfit. I would even need shoes. All I own are Keds tennis shoes and a pair of Toms slip on.

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If you have trouble finding things that fit properly in the store, I wouldn't even attempt to order online.


I have found that I ONLY order things that I can return locally.  For example, I order Lands' End knowing I can return it to the Sears store locally and not deal with shipping.  

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I order online only if I am sure it will fit (purchasing exactly what I have already), or if I can return for free at a local store. Otherwise, you're right - too much variability in sizing even within one brand's styles, let alone across brands. To make it worse, I've been pregnant five times now over the past 8 years, so I never have a clue what size I am, or how something Fitz. It's like I have self-induced body dysmorphia.

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I only order online if I know my size and then only of I can return locally.


Just this week I hady mom watch my youngest so I could shop at the mall alone. I was surprised it took me 4+ hours to find everything on my list (still need shoes). I could have gone longer but I had to get my big kids from school.

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That is why I HATE shopping.  I can wear a 16, 16w, 18 or even an 18w depending on the brand and fit.  Sometimes though a 16 is too big but the 18w is too tight?????  Some shirts a Large fits well and others an x large is too tight.  I have found overall that Cato's clothes tend to fit me the best but that can vary as well.  I just WISH I could go to one place that had lots of stuff that fit me well and I could try it on and just have to worry about styles I liked or didnt' like, not fit for every single item.

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Yes, Nordstrom has the best shipping and return policies -- and great clothes!


My approach may seem a little bit nutty, but keep in mind that I have lots of young kids and live 45 minutes from the nearest clothing store, so it is working for me in this phase of life.  I shop online exclusively, and just order everything I want to try in every size I think I might be (usually 2, sometimes 3 sizes per item).  I try the clothes on in the evening when the kids are in bed, and then package up what doesn't fit and send it back for a refund.  I don't mind a small flat fee for return shipping.  Usually it is $8 or so, and well worth it for the convenience of not having to waste an entire day shopping while trying to pack five children into a fitting room with me.  Actually, I shopped like this even before kids.  I hate shopping.  I hate malls.  But sometimes I need clothes.




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I like to buy clothes on eBay, and asking for measurements of the garment really helps.  I like to wear long, flowy skirts, so I really only need to know the length and the waist size to know if they're going to fit properly.


Amazon often offers free return shipping for shoes.  Zappos has free shipping and free returns for shoes and clothes.  

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I buy a lot online.  It doesn't phase me anymore.  If I need to , I return it.  Most/many will offer free returns. 


Generally, you get to learn how different company's clothes will fit you.  Takes a few times, but after that, I rarely have mishaps.  

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each brand/manufacturer should have what measurements are for each size. 

when I buy clothes off ebay - I *always* get the measurements of the actual garment I'm buying.


I read reviews of other customers - they'll let you know if it's true to size, or runs big or small

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Thankfully my everyday clothes are simple.  I wear nurse's scrub pants because they're the cheapest tall pants I can find.  I wear a lot of colored polos and tank tops which are easy enough to buy online.


The last "nice' outfit I bought online was a find.  I'd been looking since my annual New Year's shopping trip with my youngest to the mall.  Nothing at all at the mall.  Nothing at Target the two times I tried.  Nothing at the local stores.


I began looking on Amazon (free returns).  I saw turquoise dressy suit that looks like silk for $28 that seemed too good to be true.  I bought it and loved it, although the skirt was a little tight.  But it fits now, and I did indeed wear it to my oldest's graduation.  I think the price was a mistake though (smile)!


However, the shoes I tried to buy for it all had to be sent back.  Not one pair fit.


For career clothes, I've ordered multiple sizes of what I want and then send back the rest.

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I buy almost all my clothes online and have for years. I am a weird size that stores don't always carry. Usually, I stick to just a few stores, but I've gotten braver lately and have had some success. I try to only buy cheaper things if it's not a brand I know.


What really helped me was finding a fashion blog by a lady who was almost exactly my size. She would post pictures of herself in outfits and review different brands and it helped to guide me in where to shop online. She also had similar sized people post their experiences and reading all of that helped me gauge how things may fit on me. You may be able to google something like "fashion blog size 10" or even put in your measurements in the search field instead of the size and maybe something will come up!

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I am starting to make most of my new clothes. I have figured out I am shaped funny, once you make a swimsuit you figure that out QUICK, so this is the only way to go! If you sew, that may be an option for you. I plan on making some Jeggings soon, slacks I can't help you with. I am printing a pattern for a skirt as I type. :)

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