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Exercise Thread ~ May 24 - May 30


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luckymama- woot on the weights! Good luck with the endoscopy!


extended forest- I would agree that gaining muscle is great. I think as far as the weight what you eat is so much more important. I gained weight last year while triathlon training and have continued losing it this year with yoga, bodyweight work and walking/hiking. I think the most important thing is to find something you enjoy doing so you can keep with it because exercise is good for you, regardless of what happens on the scale! It sounds like running will be a great choice as you can do it with your daughter, which would be great for both of you.


I just do what I want, my personal goal is more along the lines of Mark's Daily Apple- 2-5 hrs moderate activity, like walking, biking and swimming. 1-2 sessions a week of high intensity bursts- like sprinting or HIIT but short sessions and lift heavy things 2-3 x a week, my heavy thing is usually my body :)


I tend to gain muscle too and I like it :) My biceps gained an inch the last 6 weeks and I'm getting darn proud of these shoulders. Luckymama you and I will be shopping for raceback tops together :)


Feeling GREAT here! NOrmal- 100% normal, finally! Another couple hours of work outside yesterday. Oh, how I missed the sweat from a days hard work. I love it. short and sweet yoga and mutu this am, I was a bit rusty but it went well, I was able to do the yogi pushup round all the way through for the first time.

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Hi everyone. I haven't posted in a long while, but I'm so down on myself right now. I thought about how supportive you were when I was on WTM regularly and decided to ask you all for advice. About two and a half months ago I started working out regularly with a group of moms. We all pitched in to hire a personal trainer (a friend of one of the moms) to come to one of the houses and lead a workout session. We go two days a week, and I usually get together with one of the moms on another day to work out on our own. I feel a lot stronger and more energetic, but my clothes are fitting tighter than ever, and my weight has gone up about 4-5 pounds. It is so frustrating! I know I need to add more days in, but I have a hard time staying consistent on my own. I also know that my diet is going to factor in a lot. I'm eating about the same or healthier than I used to before I started exercising regularly, but I haven't been keeping track. Any thoughts?


3 days a week is a great start, but, I'm sorry to say, not enough to help out with weight loss.  That being said, being heathy is far more important.  Getting stronger and having more energy are great.


Also, the kitchen comes first.  The general rule is that exercise is about 1/3 of weight loss, the kitchen is the other 2/3.  You need to be careful.  A little more exercise can make you hungry and it's easy to add bad calories. You may think you are eating the same, but you may have increased your total intake just enough to add some pounds.


If you want to take off any weight, or if you continue to gain, start keeping track of your calories.  Count everything.  It is eye opening. 

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I was able to get up and go running today. I ran 3 miles.  Yesterday's run didn't happen because my body was not into it.  I think I'm still tired from our vacation.


If it's not raining, I'm hoping to walk while my kids swim today.  Swim season begins.  


Rieshy, sorry your toe is not completely better.  And I hope your kids recover quickly.  I hate summer illness.  It isn't right. 

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I was able to get up and go running today. I ran 3 miles.  Yesterday's run didn't happen because my body was not into it.  I think I'm still tired from our vacation.



It has taken me some time to get back into the groove as well, just now getting there really, today is the first am workout session I've had since I've been back. 

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3 days a week is a great start, but, I'm sorry to say, not enough to help out with weight loss. That being said, being heathy is far more important. Getting stronger and having more energy are great.


Also, the kitchen comes first. The general rule is that exercise is about 1/3 of weight loss, the kitchen is the other 2/3. You need to be careful. A little more exercise can make you hungry and it's easy to add bad calories. You may think you are eating the same, but you may have increased your total intake just enough to add some pounds.


If you want to take off any weight, or if you continue to gain, start keeping track of your calories. Count everything. It is eye opening.

I think that may be happening. I'm probably eating more than I used to. I always try to follow my hunger cues and stop when I get full, which is good, but knowing how many calories I'm eating would be helpful. I guess I should load myfitnesspal on my phone again.

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Last night's kettle bell was supplanted by a grappling session after karate.  Fun, fun:)


Today- argh... I thought we had moved past this stupid plague but yet another child is down with a fever.  We leave town Monday- everyone MUST be well.  


But no matter what I will start practicing the first bo staff form because, wahoooo! my bo came in and I have to learn it, picture my feet doing a happy martial arts dance while typing.


Negin, I hope you feel well soon.

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Apparently I carry stress in my shoulders. Yay. I am a gigantic hard knot this morning. However, I have a victory---I did not stress-eat after returning home from the hospital. I think that was the first time in my adult life.


Today: massive loads of stretching, gym workout with trainer at 4:30 (may walk--depends on weather), some yardwork

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Rieshy- that sounds very cool and fun. We had the plague here right before leaving and then I was sick while gone, totally not fun. I agree that summer colds are just wrong!


luckymama- HUGS! How are you going to stay busy and distracted this weekend? Is that even possible? I know it would be exceedingly hard for me!


Negin- feel better soon!



Another few hours of yard work here yesterday, tons of weeding, tree trimming and I even redid some brick borders we had around a couple trees (as the roots had pushed them up). I still have one small flower bed to weed and plant a few flowers. I started to plant our sunflower hide-away garden yesterday but realized I forgot to soak the morning glory seeds and the spot I had planned to put it won't work, still trying to decide where it will be, which needs to be done quickly as the rain is coming in this morning. Lots of good work to be done with that, must move the hay all the way across the yard and dig a hug trench and shovel the dirt over there, I feel exhausted thinking about it :) I think that will suffice for my outside project today.


Didn't sleep as well last night so I'm trying to get some umph to workout this am, not sure on that, might wait until this afternoon.


btw I'm still sore from my pushups and squats the other day. Although I was active while I was gone I didn't do either and my body has reminded me of it :) 

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luckymama, I am thinking of you constantly, and your daughter.  And good job not stress eating!  I am not meaning from a 'weight' issue or anything stupid like that. I mean good job not stuffing those feelings down or self medicating with food. I do it, everyone does it. It's difficult to feel what we are feeling and not look for a way out.  Keep us posted, ok?


I didn't get to exercise yesterday. I should have done it early and I didn't and then things got super nuts. It's 'festival weekend' here and my DH and kid ran in a fun run and then marched in the parade etc.  Did I actually think I was going to be able to exercise later in the evening after managing all of that? What was I thinking?


Today I am off to the 'health and wellness center' in town after my doctor referred me.  This is going to be a f**ing waste of time. I have been sent there b/c she straight up said she had no other ideas. Plus, I can't even see a nutritionist, which is the whole point of going there b/c my insurance only covers it if I have a diabetes diagnosis, which I do not. They can't tell me a single thing I don't already know and it's going to frustrate the daylights out of me. Oh, wait, I might also get a lecture about "needing to eat more" even though I consistently gain weight when I eat over 1,000 calories a day. So, it's going to be a fun hour.  Whatever. 


But, I need to go, so when I can't function this winter due to being freezing cold I can go back to the doctor and make them deal with me again.



Ok, so I am not sure exercise is going to happen today. Friday is often a difficult day for me and I had almost no sleep. I fell asleep late and woke up early, not a good combination. But maybe I can do something different today, like go for a long walk in the evening. That might be nice 

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oh my goodness, Redsquirrel, that would frustrate me too.  Who would eat under 1,000 calories a day?  That's like starving mode.  It's not right when doctors won't listen or deal with what's really wrong. I do hate that.   :grouphug:  I hope you get your walk in tonight and that you sleep well.




Today I was going to run, but my legs were so sore from yesterday's run that I opted for yoga instead.  I did a nice routine that focused on hip stability.  I hope to run tomorrow. 

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oh my goodness, Redsquirrel, that would frustrate me too.  Who would eat under 1,000 calories a day?  That's like starving mode.  It's not right when doctors won't listen or deal with what's really wrong. I do hate that.   :grouphug:  I hope you get your walk in tonight and that you sleep well.





Um, redsquirrel does eat under 1000 calories a day. She's posted before about it, and about her struggle with weight. She does not fit the norm for calories and weight loss which is why the doctor doesn't know what to do with her. 


I can also eat under 1000 calories a day, and I'm not in starvation mode. I don't think that 1200 calories is the absolute bottom baseline for everyone. Mine seems to be right around 1000 calories a day with some days more and some less. I function fine, and I am able to build muscle and endurance. 


Redsquirrel has tried eating more and it leads to weight gain even though she is active and exercises a lot. It sounds like thyroid but her blood results come back fine.


Right, squirrel? 


I wish you could find the answer. 

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Red Squirrel - Here's hoping that seeing someone new may bring a fresh, new perspective and perhaps even a new avenue to explore regarding your health situation. At the very least, I hope the dr office magazines were interesting. ;) ((hugs))  



Two hours of mixed doubles on the agenda this evening - followed by wine and chocolate! 



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Good brisk walking around town running errands - and handing in my acceptance for my new job.  Huzzah!  I think I'll be doing a lot more incidental walking when I start there: the office is in town and I think I get an hour for lunch (rather than half an hour as I do currently) so that's time to run errands, or to walk as well as eating.


Quick supermarket shop.  Gentle walk with Husband and dog this evening.  12,000 steps.  


Tomorrow I hope to be in the garden all day: mostly spraying and planting.  Then to a choral concert in the evening.

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About to soon do Bar Method: Designer Sculpting.



Today I am off to the 'health and wellness center' in town after my doctor referred me.  This is going to be a f**ing waste of time. I have been sent there b/c she straight up said she had no other ideas. Plus, I can't even see a nutritionist, which is the whole point of going there b/c my insurance only covers it if I have a diabetes diagnosis, which I do not. They can't tell me a single thing I don't already know and it's going to frustrate the daylights out of me. Oh, wait, I might also get a lecture about "needing to eat more" even though I consistently gain weight when I eat over 1,000 calories a day. So, it's going to be a fun hour.  Whatever. 

:grouphug:  I hear you. I'm extremely frustrated also. I've had a few crying sessions this week. Nothing is working. I hope you find a solution to all this. I hope that we both do. 

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redsquirrel and Negin- (hugs) I hope you both find answers and help, please make sure you get copies of whatever tests they take


I'm so excited about the sunflower garden and hideaway. I had to make a trench with the pick ax about 30 ft to make it, it was 80 degrees, which wouldn't have been bad except the 93% humidity. I soaked through my clothes 2x It is about 10x5 in size and the middle is all straw(on top of landscape fabric). In the trench lining the outside of the bed I planted morning glories besides the Mammoth Sunflowers, after both get to a certain height you attach a string under the sunflower heads and string it across the top to the sunflower plants on the other side so the morning glories can go all the way over the top and make a ceiling of sorts. Interspersed with the Mammoth Sunflowers are a mix of shorter ones, including a lot that are crimson because dd1 and I thought they were just too beautiful not to plant.


After some respite I then did my Yoga Short and Sweet #2, it has been a while since I did that one, at least 3 wks because it was before we left. It is a good challenge. Yet again I think it I am able to do all of it, just as he does it, I'll be in good shape!


Plans today.... not sure, some yoga and maybe a walk if it doesn't rain all day. I think today will be a break from projects, the weather is not looking good and I could use a day off. We'll work on cleaning house today and doing laundry, oh and making a bday cake for dh :)

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Made the sunflower garden/hideaway yesterday, it was just as much work as I feared but we got it done. I had to make a trench with the pick ax about 30 ft to do so, it was 80 degrees, which wouldn't have been bad except the 93% humidity. I soaked through my clothes 2x with sweat and I'm not a big sweater. I'm so excited about it, I hope it turns out well, I did it just as the instructions said. It is about 10x5 in size and the middle is all straw(on top of landscape fabric). You plant the morning glories besides the Mammoth Sunflowers and then you attach a string under their heads across the top so when they are full height (8-12ft) it makes a ceiling of sorts. 


Your project sounds lovely.  I have raised Morning Glories from seed on my bedroom windowsill.  They are ready to plant out, but we are still getting north winds that are surprisingly chilly, so I am holding off.  Meanwhile, I'll be planting one tree, about fifteen shrubs and around fifty annuals and perennials today.

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I will catch up later while I sit through four hours of soccer :-) but just zooming in to keep myself accountable. I worked out every day this week. I am about to go for a run. I teach my first yoga class Wednesday. My arm is covered in poison something. We are hopefully ( really, really hopefully) finished with year end programs/recitals/parties/awards and summer can commence.

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3 mile run, followed by lots of stretching.  My left IT band was tight while I ran.  I think my body is still recovering from all of the hiking we did.  I need to get back to doing squats.  I think that will be a mini goal for the summer.  I'm still trying to get consistent with my runs as well as getting more yoga in. 

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