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Welcome to the High School Board

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It's May.  We're going to have transitioners here!  Welcome!!  :)


You will be SO glad you homeschooled high school.


Truly, while it was very intimidating for me, it has been my FAVORITE time to homeschool.

There is much more freedom in homeschooling high school - from more independent children, to getting to focus a bit more on your child's unique giftings.


Welcome.  Enjoy!  This is such a special time in their lives - a point where they are really and truly becoming adults and owning their beliefs and at the same time still needing you for a bit of reassurance and support!  


I hope you all are so blessed in the coming years!

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Thanks!  I've been checking in over here more and more as I've been planning.  I appreciate the encouragement.  For some reason the thought of homeschooling high school is so much more intimidating than the general idea of homeschooling ever was to me.  

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Thanks - I have a rising 8th grader who has been doing high school work for a couple years in a laid back way.  He just took the ACT for the first time and did awesome for his age and almost no prep.  So I guess we're legit now!

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Still not sure were I 'belong',

With one leg in grade 8 (still 3 subjects by exam) and another in grade 9 ( all the rest) I feel very 'in between'.

Grade 9 and 10 are almost the same here, and without required exams, so starting Highschool feel very relaxed to me after so many 8th grade exams. :)

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You will be SO glad you homeschooled high school.


Truly, while it was very intimidating for me, it has been my FAVORITE time to homeschool.

There is much more freedom in homeschooling high school - from more independent children, to getting to focus a bit more on your child's unique giftings.



This is so true. I remember hovering over the decision whether to continue homeschooling in the high school years and my dh saying, "I like what you're doing. I like who our kids are." That was so affirming and we kept going. One of our best decisions ever (and we live in a *great* school area).  Wouldn't trade these years for anything. Especially when sending them off, I'm so grateful not just for the quality but the quantity of time we had. 

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THANKS! Haha I guess I'm kind of welcoming myself- I've had a highschooler since '09, and as soon as BabyBaby finishes a few more things (end of school is May 30) I will have my YOUNGEST in high school, too!


SweetChild just finished all of her 10th grade work today, so she is now a JUNIOR!


(yeah, I know there is some term like "rising 11th grader" or whatever, but she's done with 10th grade, so in my world, she;s in 11th. :coolgleamA: )

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High school has been a wild ride, and I wouldn't have it any other way. This board has been vital to our success. Don't be afraid to ask what you think are silly questions, find a few people that you can relate to and don't be afraid to PM people when you find that fit. 


Take the board slowly if you get overwhelmed. Peek onto the college board and read the acceptance list for this year, it's quite impressive. 


So pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee, and enjoy your time here. It does go all too quickly. 

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thank you for this too.  My daughter is entering 9th grade next year...and I am nervous.  But she is all for homeschooling high school, so we are going for it...even though so many around us (including some family members) are questioning our ability and sanity for doing this. 


I keep trying to assure them by getting all of my ducks in a row...which I am slowly doing.   I think the transition might be a rough one for my daughter...since her younger brothers will be "playing" more and having more free time...


but that is life...and I hope that the fact that she will still have more free time than her public school peers will ring louder in her ears.


It is all very over whelming..so I try to take it in small chunks.  You all are so great abut answering questions...so that is nice.  thanks.

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How kind! Looks like we are here for real. Very strange to be facing high school squarely in the eye. I feel so uncertain about this path, but the other option my child was pursuing did not come to fruition, so onward and upward! Kind of hard to believe one of my children is actually (almost) in 9th grade. I hope I can do this next phase the justice it deserves. 

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Just as a warning...


As a retired homeschool mom (whose kids are all in or graduated from college), I tend to "adopt" yours and live vicariously through them.  You get to feed them and deal with all teen issues, of course, but you are expected to put success stories of all types (not just academic) on the Hive for those of us "family" members to share.  (We want to know when Jimmy finally learns what a laundry basket is for and is capable of using it properly at least a couple of times per week!  I'd add a Sally example too, but I only had boys, so don't have as much to draw from with "other" success stories with XX chromosomes.)  


We also console each other and pray for each other when needed, but having failed the mind reading course each time I've attempted it, I need some assistance by seeing at least coded references in print.


It's all a family thing.


Welcome to the family!

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I am finding myself hovering over here more and more. 


I have two rising 8th graders but in some areas they are already in high school level and other areas grade level and maybe in other areas below grade level. I always checked out accelerated learning forum to kind of check out the goals I wanted the kids to reach ;)


I truly am all over the place because I have a 11yrs old rising sixth grader-middle school and then a 5yrs old almost six yrs old needing to do K again and a 2.5yrs old who is nonverbal. So that is prek/K and elementary forum as well as the special needs forum.  


I am really nervous about high school especially math and science. I feel like I am the one slowing my kids progress because of my lack of knowledge in these areas even though I did discrete math in college. So looking to outsource a whole lot more in these areas. 


So some areas I feel we have not developed as well while following the Well Trained Mind:

Art and art history

Music history




We did Spanish and Chinese for several years but really didnt feel like we got anywhere. Now we have to learn ASL for their youngest brother. 


I want to focus on some public speaking skills. What have some of you done for public speaking?


Thanks for this welcome! Hopefully in time I will have less questions and more suggestions once I have more experience in this level. 

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I want to focus on some public speaking skills. What have some of you done for public speaking?


Thanks for this welcome! Hopefully in time I will have less questions and more suggestions once I have more experience in this level. 


This is one I chose to have as a DE course for middle son, because while we could buy a text and do the textbook part, we were missing the "public" part to actually speak in front of.  He took it at the local community college.  It was extremely worth it - more than English was.


In hindsight I'd have had oldest do the same thing for the same reason, but when he was in high school we were in the midst of the economic downfall and $$ were tight.  Our cc doesn't give financial breaks.  It was $750 for a 3 hour course (higher now I believe).  I opted for him to only take English instead, but Effective Speaking would probably have been a better option if I had a redo.


Youngest went to our public high school  :glare: (NOT a better choice around here) and took it there.  It was still a worthwhile course IMO.

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My ds just graduated high school this past Friday.  It has been a wild ride, but I am so very glad we did it.  He seems very glad he did it, as well.  He has been thanking me all week  :001_smile:   He is heading off to college in the fall and I feel he is as prepared as he could be.


We did a mix of classes with me, online classes including AP, and a one-day-a-week public school homeschool enrichment program that included musical theater and phenomenal kids and teachers.  It has been the best of all worlds.


Now, I get to focus on my dd, who will be a junior next year.  


As I mentioned in my speech at his graduation ceremony, "as a homeschooler, it is our JOB to prepare these kids to go out into the world, not just academically".  It is a great responsibility to have your child heading toward young adulthood and to be holding their education in your hands.  It has also been one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done.  We have absolutely no regrets.

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Thanks, BlsdMama and others as well. You posts is appreciated.


It's both an exciting and challenging time with our first entering this new life stage.  Quite a few of our local homeschool friends are sending their kids off to high school somewhere else (private, public schools).  However, we still desire to homeschool during this period of life.  Having the forum support is very helpful.  You guys are awesome!  There is so much shared knowledge about the process that I find it feel less daunting.  Though I still can't help but stay up late sometimes thinking (possibly overthinking) about it all.  It's just nice to know there are others going through it as well.  

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I wish I could say I had my panic attack over oldest entering high school and now have it out of my system. But it seems to come and go, particularly as I realize, goodness, I need to have a GENERAL idea of what the next four years looks like so that I have enough but not too many credits working next year. I'm learning the language of high school planning. Feeling confident that everything will really be okay if mom can just RELAX. Isn't that what I tell new homeschooling moms? But I've done kindergarten or second grade or fourth grade three times by now. I haven't done this yet! Thankful for support and encouragement.

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